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Armistead at the Angle

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:56 pm
by MrSpkr
Ran through this one -- made it with about 750 casualties, seized the Angle about twenty-five minutes on and held it throughout the match, but ended up with only 3700 points. Any thoughts on how to get to 7500?


Re:Armistead at the Angle

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:15 am
by MrSpkr
A little more in the way fo specifics: I initally waited for the advance, in accordance with the dictates of logic and my orders, which were to accompany Kemper's brigade. As the initial Confederate bombardment died off, my brigade formed up in a column of lines in th elee of the small farm nearest Stannard's position. I then waited for the forces on either side of me to sweep forward, and made my move.

Th efighting for the angle was both rapid and decisive -- about four minutes after my brigade arrived in the vicinity, we seized and held the area for the remainder of the scenario.

I held my advance at this point, not wanting to unnecessarily take additional casualties. I did march one regiment after some nearby yankee artillery, but, as these brave lads were quickly routed, I determined to hold the victory location with my remaining forces. At no time did the enemy seriously context the Angle again; indeed, we swept his entire center clean of all but a small infantry regiment or two and a nuisance assortment of artillery.

The end result was a minor defeat with 3636 points.

So, what could I have done differently? Had I advanced much sooner, I would ahve been decimated and alone, the points for routing and casualties much outweighing the points gained for a few extra minutes of control.

Should I have gone hunting artillery or attempting to rout infantry with my men? I certainly would have had to leave one regiment and General Armistead at the Angle to gain points there, and am not sure how successful such a course of action would have been.

Perhaps I should have initially split my force, with Armistead and a regiment following up the main attack on the Angle in order to grab the points while using the remainder of the brigade to coordinate with Kemper in destroying Stannard's men and the other local Yankee forces.



Re:Armistead at the Angle

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:03 am
by Little Powell
If you were able to take the Angle within 4 minutes of arriving and held the objective for the rest of the scenario, I can't imagine how you didn't get enough points.

I haven't played this one in a while, I'll go back and see what kind of score I can get. :evil:

Re:Armistead at the Angle

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:24 am
by MrSpkr
I seized it by 24 minutes after the hour. That gave me 3600 points for holding the objective; casualty points were a wash. If I had seized it at the actual start of the scenario (physically impossible, given distances alone), it would only be worth 6000 points throughout the life of the scenario, requiring another 1500 points in kill ratio in my favor in order to acheive a Major Victory. I think seizing it by 20 after the hour is perhaps doable depending upon which variant is in play, but unlikely in most circumstances. One must wait until the Union forces are lured from behind the wall to attack Garnett and Pettigrew's forces.

I have noticed that in this scenario, the victory area is only worth 100 points per minute, while in the division version, it is worth 200 points per minute. The difference is significant -- I ran the division scenario a moment ago on high speed with little care towards tactics or ordering individual regiments, and walked away with 6521 points (out of only 7000 needed for Major Victory in that scenariox).

I suspect the points per minute on this one should be 200 points per minute. That woould make it challenging, but doable. As it is, I have run this scenario about a dozen times and can't get better than 3636. In fact, because I am pushing to get there earlier, my unit is more likely to break and run, costing me points and making holding the victory location for the balance of the game even more difficult.

I've had some issues with the Stannard scenario, too, in that the points you need are difficult to acheive if the Rebs start charging your larger and more likely to rout (yes, you read that correctly) Vermont units, but nowhere near the problems I am having with this one.


Re:Armistead at the Angle

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:58 am
by MrSpkr
I edited the above to correct the fact that in this scenario, the BRIGADE must score 7500 points to get a Major Victory, while in the Divisional scenario, one only needs to get 7000 points to get a major victory. Given that there is only one victory location (at the Angle) in each scenario, it seems even screwier that in the brigade version, the victory location is only worth half what it is worth in the Divisional version.

Just sayin'.


Re:Armistead at the Angle

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:00 am
by bscottskangum
I concur with the score being too high. I think the goal of the scenario historically and in the game is to gain control of the area around the copse of trees, with this being said it is not possible to get the necessary points doing that. Even artillery/infantry hunting while you hold the area doesn't do it, you only have a single brigade and can only do so much.

Re:Armistead at the Angle

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:07 am
by Little Powell
Thanks guys.. You are our beta testers in the field. :)

This looks this may be another example of the scores being off as a result of the AI tweaks, points gains etc. (like what happened with the Round Tops).

Were doing some testing on this now.. Might just increase the OBJ points which will be a simple fix that can be available in a beta patch. Stay tuned.

Re:Armistead at the Angle

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:02 am
by DrMike1997
Great! Now can you please suppy Armistead with a kevlar vest? I have gained the angle both times I have tried this scenario and then bam! Armistead is dead. I mean how never mind. :blush:

Re:Armistead at the Angle

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:08 pm
by MrSpkr
Little Powell wrote:
Thanks guys.. You are our beta testers in the field. :)

This looks this may be another example of the scores being off as a result of the AI tweaks, points gains etc. (like what happened with the Round Tops).

Were doing some testing on this now.. Might just increase the OBJ points which will be a simple fix that can be available in a beta patch. Stay tuned.
Good to hear.


Re:Armistead at the Angle

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:25 pm
by Rich Mac
I should have read this thread before starting the scenario :P

I did manage 4800+ points. I didn't check the time I gained the VP, but I think it may have been a few minutes ahead of MrSpkr. I was hoping that the points were going to increase somewhere in the middle of the scenario, but they stayed 100/minute the whole time, so I rushed in as quickly as possible to get every minute I could. I believe that I also captured 9 or 10 guns, which probably explains the point difference between me and MrSpkr.

Those batteries are brutal! I was watching the 16th NC regiment (not under my control) cross the wall and take 4 rapid canister blasts. They were reduced to ZERO men! I've never seen that happen before :blink: One lone sprite carried the flag, very rapidly, to the rear! It reminded me of the University Greys of the 11th MS that took 100% casualties at the hands of a Federal battery (maybe Cowan's? I can't remember)on the 3rd.