Battle for the Wheatfield -- General Caldwell's brilliant victory

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Battle for the Wheatfield -- General Caldwell's brilliant victory

Post by MrSpkr »

Was surprised at how easy this one went. As soon as I got my orders, I double timed all units to the stonewall nearest the victory location. I held one brigade in reserve, put the Irish brigade and one other on the wall, and worked my last brigade into the western portion of the woods to flank the confederate forces there. Over time, I secured the surrender of much of Anderson's brigade in the woods.

Meanwhile, the Confederates had overrun Little Round Top and were approaching my left flank in force. I moved my reserve brigade up to the eastern stone wall to stop the rebels. I learned a valuable lesson (the good way) -- men behind a stone wall have one hell of an advantage over the poor schmucks standing in an open field.

While I lost one regiment (fools charged from behind the wall), I managed to rout the remainder of the rebel forces from teh Round top area. About fifteen minutes left in the scenario, and Semmes made his move against my right flank. Fortunately, the elimination of the rebel threat to the east allowed me to shift troops to meet this new threat. I soon outflanked Semmes and routed half his brigade (killing Semmes in the process). Time ran out with me having a solid victory total of 7,704 points (only 1,000 needed for Major Victory).

All in all, a fun scenario. The Confederates were never really able to adequately coordinate their attacks, allowing me to shift my entire division to meet brigade sized attacks from various quarters. had they been a little better at coordinating their attacks, it could have become much more . . . interesting.

Last edited by MrSpkr on Sun Apr 11, 2010 1:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I'm ashamed of you, dodging that way. They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance."

Major General John Sedgwick's final words, Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse, May 9, 1864
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Little Powell
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Re:Battle for the Wheatfield -- General Caldwell's brilliant victory

Post by Little Powell »

Nice one. It's another one of my favorite scenario's. Since it's carryover, this one can be a REAL tough one if you don't kill that many rebs in previous scenario's. :laugh:

Another reason why carrover is cool. :)
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