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Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:18 pm
by cliometrician
Love the game, of course. Just one little thing I would like to see: there are a number of the Gettysburg scenarios that I would like to play but am unable to until I get promoted as the Confed. division commander in the Take McPherson Ridge scenario. I have not been promoted yet, but I'm tiring of sending Davis and Archer against the Iron Brigade. Is there any kind of code available for those who want to go straight to any of the scenarios that are now restricted?

I know, I know, I should just win the McPherson Ridge scenario, but I really want to try those other scenarios NOW. Any help forthcoming?

Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:20 pm
by ADukes
Nope, there's no code. Sorry.

Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:40 pm
by MrSpkr
I had the same problems, but finally managed a minor victory in the scenario. I moved all my artillery to the west side fo the creek near where Archer starts. Then moved archer on to attack those infantry units nearest the victory location, while having half my artillery pound the Yankee batteries. Meanwhile, Davis kind of wwiggled around towards the Yankee horsemen, but not too seriously (his men tend to break and run).

A few minutes in, Pettigrew's brigade showed up. I used it to stabilize my line around the victory location, and took about half of Archer's brigade and slammed it into the federal cavalry's flank. That set them running. Meanwhile, Heth camped out about 2/3 of the scenario on the McPherson's ridge victory location. Eked out a minor victory with 3562 points.


Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:54 pm
by cliometrician
Hmmm, I have never had Pettigrew's brigade show up. Does he show up at random? Haven't won in three tries---maybe I better take the Yankees down from Seasoned.

Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:56 pm
by cliometrician
But still, I'm really not looking for ways to win it--I'd just like to play any scenarios without bothering with prerequisites.

Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:26 pm
by MrSpkr
I just played it again. Pettigrew has shown up one time in the five that I played it. That is the only time I have gotten better than a draw.

This last time, the Iron Brigade decided to forgo fighting in the woods and moved all four regiments directly to the farm victory location at the double. Archer's men fought valiantly, but they were outnumbered badly at the farm and could make no progress (despite routing hte first two union regiments there -- by the time those guys routed, the Iron brigade had arrived in force).

Meanwhile, Davis' green brigade (less one regiment that for some reason was "hidden") managed to rout the federals on their side of the railroad cut and secured that victory location -- for a lousy one time shot of 300 VPs. Right after I got those 300 VPs, the victory location marker disappeared. Not sure if this was a bug or not, but if not, it was totally not worth it in my humble opinion.

Pettigrew did not show up this time (in the real battle, he didn't get there until after noon, IIRC). I quit with fifteen minutes left to go and only 150 points. Even if Pettigrew had paradropped into the victory location wielding laser guns and wearing heavy body armor, it was mathematically impossible for me to win.

This would be more fun and doable if Pettigrew and Brockenbrough arrived with any sort of regularity. Otherwise, it is a nice way to see what happened historically, but, as happened historically, you tend to get your head handed to you as the Confederates. If the scenario was longer -- say, lasting until later that afternoon, when AP Hill committed Pettigrew and reattacked McPherson's ridge in coordination with Rodes assault from the NW -- then you might have a nice mix of historical accuracy and fun.


I'll try it again. My strategy of moving the artillery up quickly seems to help -- perhaps if I pull Davis away from the far victory location and use him with Archer to seize the farm. If I get Pettigrew's men again, then I can go after the secondary VP and see if that will give me enough for a major victory. Honestly, abesnt Pettigrew's men, I can't see how to win this one decisively unless the Iron Brigade decides to loiter, then hang out in the woods rather than race to the farm.


Re:Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:37 pm
by cliometrician
Well, I just played it again. Still no Pettigrew but this time I sent Davis directly across the railroad cut to support Archer, and brought the artillery forward. I gained the VP site at the farm and finally swept the field (with heavy losses on my side). Result: I did not come close to having enough points, even though I had Heth sitting at the VP and no Yankees close by. Sigh.

Re:Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:24 pm
by Little Powell
I just got a 5,500 Major Victory. So it's definitely beatable.

You're on the right track with using Davis.. And utilize that arty. :)

Re:Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:06 pm
by MrSpkr
Just ran it again. Pettigrew once more could not be bothered to join us, so it was just Archer and davis . . . . and my lovely, lovely artillery.

Began as before, moving archer to the SW corner of the farm to assault the Zouaves. Meanwhile, I ran the artillery over to the advanced positions, and moved Davis' regiments to a point near the Cashtown Pike for the attack on the farm.

With Davis engaged, I was able to drive the Yankees back from the farm, while using two of Archer's regiments to hold off the Iron brigade (i.e., those regiments became ventilated speed bumps). Meanwhile, I again moved up my artillery, including a battery to the east side of the pond.

I had secured the farm location, using Davis and what was left of Archer's brigade to form a line in the middle of the farm. I used the TC command to keep the idiots in Davis' brigade from advancing, and let the artillery have a field day against the flank of the Iron Brigade, which had camped out just east of the farm. Cannister scored quite a bit of points on those guys.

With about ten minutes to go, the federals on the other side of the railroad divide tried to make a flank attack on the farm; however, since I had moved up the artillery, I was able to devastate their infantry and drive it back quite easily. Meanwhile, the Iron Brigade made a feint towards the farm, but my artillery by the pond shredded them, halting the drive. Time ran out with me firmly in control of the victory location, but with only 3,896 points -- had I been given another 40 seconds, I would have gained the major victory.

Off to try it again. I think if I double time Davis' units to their new jump off location along the Cashtown Pike, I will be able to shave about a minute off the time it takes to drive the Yankees away from the farm. That would be enough for the big win.


Re:Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:13 am
by MrSpkr
Okay --- ran it again. SUCCESS!! Major Victory.

Once more, I pulled all of my artillery up to the front at the very beginning of the battle. Three batteries straddled the Cashtown, while one was on the other side of the railroad divide about 200 yards from the nearest Federal infantry unit.

I ordered Davis' men to doubletime it to the place where the railroad cut and the creek intersect. Meanwhile, I ordered two of Archer's regiments into the field west of the Farm and pond, while sending two up along the fenceline separating Hertz Woods from the farm.

Archer's men attacked the Zouaves, hitting them from two sides. We routed them with the loss of only one reigment forcibly retreating. Meanwhile, Davis had moved his men into a double line straddling the Cashtown at about the place where the westernmost N-S fence line on the east side of the Cashtown ran (if that makes sense).

Davis' brigade, with help from Archer, drove off the remaining Federal infantry regiment and its accompanying artillery.

Meanwhile, I had moved the artillery on the far side of the cut to about 175 yards from the Federal infantry nearest the cut. Cannister eventually broke that unit, sending him running for the hills.

The Iron Brigade arrived, this time coming through the woods. I formed a line with Davis' brigade and some of Archer's on the fence near the pond. I also placed one battery of artillery in front of that line to cannister the Federals as they approached, and moved two other batteries to a spot on the Cashtown just east of the victory location, facing south. These cannon were in excellent position to hammer the Iron Brigade's flank.

On the other side of the railroad cut, I moved my single battery to a position about 200 yards from the flank of the two Federal infantry regiments near that victory location. They forced one infantry regiment to retreat, so I advanced them to tackle the other. Unfortunately, I didn't pay as close attention as I should have, and infantry fire forced the battery (all but one gun) to retreat. The Federals, however, were not interested in advancing on that gun!

At the farm, my line held against an attack from the Iron Brigade, largely due to my artillery's pounding their flank. I actually ran out of cannister ammunition, but didn't realize it until nearly the end of the scenario. Had I known, I could have resupplied them and done even more damage. Of the 1600 federal casualties, over 900 were caused by artillery fire.

When the smoke cleared, I had held the farm and gained 4,391 victory points for a major victory.

In future takes on this battle, I want to see what I can do about managing my artillery (and ammunition) a little better. If I am fortunate enough to get Pettigrew's boys, I will probably use them to go after the northernmost victory location; otherwise, I will continue to ignore it.

So, it seems, it can be done, but it is a difficult one if you are not willing to micromanage your artillery and use it very aggressively to maximize damage to the Federals (particularly, Meredith's boys).
