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Taking sides

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:40 am
by Ephrum
How many future MP players would rather play only for the Union, or only for the Confederates?

How many diehards do we have here?

For the record, I don't really have a preference. I'll gladly play for either side. (not in the same battle of course)

Re:Taking sides

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:59 am
by Little Powell
I always play as the Confederates when testing MP, just because I'm more familiar with the commanders and their abilities. I wouldn't say I'm die hard about it, and will probably start commanding the Federals when the game comes out.

I'm still hoping we can get a good tournament system set up where you have to work your way through the ranks to play as certain commanders etc. So then you would probably stay on one side when competing in tournaments. You can start out as a brigade commander, and if you prove yourself on the battlefield, move up to div command etc.

Re:Taking sides

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:04 pm
by Kerflumoxed
Either/Or! Although, like LP, I am more familiar with the Southern forces. With relatives on both side, I can't show any favortism! :lol:


Re:Taking sides

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:26 pm
by O. O. Howard
I am definitely a die hard. Union Forever!

I have been playing TC for years and have only played as Confederate once. And that was only for part of a game to test an OOB I had made for someone after he had a problem with it. (I also have only played a non-Army of the Potomac OOB once, but I suppose I could - just less familiar to me.) I will play any command within of the Army of the Potomac, but don't intend to play as Confederates. I have a healthy respect for them, but I will stick to the AOP.

We are the boys of Potomac's ranks
Hurrah, Hurrah
We are the boys of Potomac's ranks
Hurrah, Hurrah
We are the boys of Potomac's ranks
We ran with McDowell and retreated with Banks
And we'll all drink stone blind
Johnny fill up the bowl.

Re:Taking sides

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:31 pm
by Joshua l.Chamberlain
I most of the time play as the commander of the Federal V Corps when ever I can, but I am always a Federal.

Re:Taking sides

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:55 pm
by O. O. Howard
Joshua l.Chamberlain wrote:
I most of the time play as the commander of the Federal V Corps when ever I can, but I am always a Federal.
Looks like we may likely be fighting side by side some day. I certainly hope that Hancock the Superb is a die hard Federal as well.

Re:Taking sides

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:59 pm
by Armchair General
Another Unionist here. I'll usually only play as a Confederate commander in order to beat a scenario in the stock or custom game. Other than that, you'll most likely find me in the 1st or 2nd Corps of the AotP.

Re:Taking sides

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:17 pm
by O. O. Howard
Armchair General wrote:
Another Unionist here. I'll usually only play as a Confederate commander in order to beat a scenario in the stock or custom game. Other than that, you'll most likely find me in the 1st or 2nd Corps of the AotP.
Excellent! I like 1st Corps and 2nd as well, but I am happy playing just about anything. I suspect I may be picking up 11th or 12th, which is fine with me.

Are there no hardcore Confederates out here today?

Re:Taking sides

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:51 pm
by Civilwar803
It has been a while since I last posted and it is good to post in this thread.

I am another diehard Yankee here as I have always had a bias for the 2nd or 3rd corps having reenacted with a regiment of Edward Cross'brigade and learning about the First US Sharpshooters and Ward's brigade.

Re:Taking sides

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:19 pm
by Kerflumoxed
Kerflumoxed wrote:
Either/Or! Although, like LP, I am more familiar with the Southern forces. With relatives on both side, I can't show any favortism! :lol:

Hmmmmmmm...seems as if the Unionists are in the majority. So, "backtracking" from I posted earlier, will toss my "Beehive" into the Southern camp and support the "States Rights" position as did my direct lineage forebearers, who fought in the Stonewall Brigade (among other Confederate regiments/brigades) for the "cause!"

Hoorah for Dixie! :woohoo: