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Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:47 pm
by Davinci
Please feel free to attack ME personally as I am done with you and this topic.

Yes, I will take you up on attacking you personally!

I see that you now have a red signature - Way-to-Go, Mr. Admin.! :cheer:


Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:49 pm
by Marching Thru Georgia
born2see invites:
Please feel free to attack ME personally as I am done with you and this topic.
Are you sure about this???? :laugh:

This back and forth reminds me of many Sunday afternoons, where after pushing the miniatures around for a couple of hours and a couple of beers have been digested, the topic would always get around to something of monumental importance, such as which squadron or company was really the linchpin in the whole European conflict. The only important thing missing here is the beer. Where's the beer?

Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:19 pm
by born2see
The back and forth is fine. What I don't like are comments belittling the other person.
Worse that my remarks and suggestion were too extensive and too subtle for you Jack.
That is not a friendly comment amongst strangers. Once you've established some mutual respect, maybe. But you should make it clear you are kidding someone. I've just heard too many comments like that to let them go.

Just to remind everyone, this is how Norb set the tone for this board.
We like to keep a friendly forum. That means no flame wars.... We have found that mutual respect creates a great community, so that's how we'd like to keep it.

Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:09 pm
by Jack ONeill

My knowledge of the Napoleonics Wars is, quite possibly greater than yours. Everything you say about units and regiments, etc, is true. In case you haven't noticed we are dealing with a GAME here. Since you do not code, build sprites, create maps, develop Mods or anything along those lines, it is in your best interest to keep quiet about subjects you know little about. As I mentioned previously, a variety of items must, by definition, be reduced for the sake of playability, again a subject you know nothing about. It is also apparent you translating program is not the best. I suggested a reduction in unit/uniform types due to the limits of the game engine and its ability to process the many and varied uniform colors and types found during the Napoleonic Wars. There is not a game engine on the planet right now which could handle all of that. Again, something you apparently know nothing about.
Those of us who have either been in the Game/Mod design business or the Wargames Industry for any length of time understand the need to balance accuracy and playability within the game. It is obvious to me you are (1) not in the community and (2) unable to understand the limits of game-engines. There has been no need to attack you personally. You do a fine job of it by yourself. Does the phrase "Hoisted on his own petard" ring any bells?
In respect to you finding on my inaccuracies, allow me to note -
Yes, Austrian Uhlans were Polish. The Austrian Military Command counted them as "German" for deployment and pay purposes.
Yes, 1 french Old Guard Regiment fought at Wagram - the Guard Polish Lancers. The Foot Guard was held as a last reserve and never engaged. (Note - at this time most of the Old Guard Horse was still fighting in Spain.)
Yes, I recommended leaving out the Hussars on both sides, for now - Have you ever painted one? Too many colors would tax the game engine. But gee, I think I said that before. Hmmm....
Austria had 8 Regiments of Cuirassiers in 1809 - Yes, they did HELP in stopping MacDonalds massive assault on the Austrain center, AFTER MacDonalds 8,000 man attack was decimated by massed Austrian Artillery. As the shattered Infantry Battalions pushed thru the Gunline, the Austrians charged out of the smoke and crashed into the battered French, Italian and Saxon Battalions, driving them from the field. (Chandler - Campaigns of Napoleon, Tarbox - Armies on the Danube - 1809, with notes and research done
True, unit facings were important in real life. WE as players just need to know what side we're on. Remember, this is a game.

I final note bofore I am done with you. At no time do I recall attacking you personally. There are ALWAYS people who get bogged down in the minutia of the subject at hand, on all sides of the pond. If you took something that way, perhaps your translator is not up to the task of accurately realying what is written.

Jack O'Neill

Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:12 pm
by Jack ONeill

I apologize to you for allowing a minor disagreement to turn into something approximating a flame mission. At no time was that my intent. If it came to that, I am truly sorry.

Born and DaV,

Thank you for your support.


Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:11 am
by Davinci

I apologize to you for allowing a minor disagreement to turn into something approximating a flame mission. At no time was that my intent. If it came to that, I am truly sorry.Jack
This is to He whom name changes with the wind – Sir, after careful consideration of all involved, and weighing all of the facts before, during, and after said remarks were said , I feel that it is my duty to place you on the banned list , for a time-period no shorter than ten seconds , and not to exceed a time-period of 15 seconds .

This banned period should go into effect immediately starting at the time listed below, on this date listed 10-04-2011 at the exact time of 11:59:46PM and end no later than 11:59:59PM .

Now, let this be a warning to all !


Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:23 am
by Jack ONeill
Oh, a touche, I do confess, the wound is deep...NOT! Punishment accepted.

Now, the next mission is to figure out how to put Gunship24's mod in for MP> Thats the ticket. More sweet than sweet-ness...

Jack "Aimlessly babbling" O'Neill B)

Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:01 pm
by Nowy
I have a rest and it was much better than quick answer to post #44.

I’ve got nothing personally to Jack, but it needs few short remarks.

It was not a problems with good or bad translation or something like that.
I only cast my questions about historical facts and accuracy needed in the game.

As I know SoWG is quite good tactical battle simulator with references to historical Battle of Gettysburg and I thought that NW mod also could be based on few characteristic historical facts from Napoleonic period.

I remembered also this fine sentence which somebody cast somewhere.
good debate - where people completely disagree, but are gentlemen enough to stick to the facts and not reduced to petty name calling and uncivil responses.
Therefore stick to the facts and check for some more descriptions to NW, please.
Here you can find fine information about Battle of Wagram. ... m_1809.htm

Please, look at French and Austrian orders of battle as well as some actions of French Imperial Guard, Austrian Cuirassiers etc. It could be interesting.

Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:52 pm
by Michael Slaunwhite
Oops, I selected the above thank you by mistake. :)

Lets all try to get along, have a few games, and if you do happen to disagree with someone, then take it to the battlefield, and beat the snot out of each other there, then post the results....

I'm always looking for a good read.

(too bad Willard, and Southern Steele don't debate any longer...sad, sad thing). :(

Until then good people, take care, sleep well, and have a game of SOWgb (fixs ailments of all sorts)...
