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Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:35 pm
by mitra76
Finally I have obtained positive points with this scenario at grognards level (178 points). Pratically two regiments alone blocked and send in rout 6 regiments of mine; they are of iron not only metaphorically. But at the end I have taken at least the first objectives.

Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:25 pm
by mitra76
second test, 753 points. This time one enemy regiment resisted to crossed fire of 6 regiments

Re:Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:44 am
by Gerry
Grey Hunter's YT vids have demonstrated that limbered arty is invulnerable. Is there a fix in the works for this bug?

Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:32 am
by Gerry
5900 MV!
1. OB did not include Pettigrew or Brockenbrough.
2. TC of all arty and controlled their targets throughout. I basically brought them up to a position straddling the road and the unfinished railway in a grand battery.
3. Archer holds the lower right corner of the farm as you approach it.
4. With proper arty support Davis has no trouble taking the field to the left of the farm, turning right, and enfilading the Iron Brigade, thus taking the farm.

Once you resign yourself to the fact that you must basically control every subordinate unit yourself, this is not a difficult scenario. NB that once you attack the farm with Davis from the left, your batteries are enfilading any troops defending the farm parallel to the line of the road. Arty ftw!!!

Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:10 pm
by alphington
Completely agree with Gerry's post - on about my tenth attempt at this scenario on normal difficulty I finally got a win (5300 points). Archer will always get killed or captured so be prepared to take over his group yourself. Right at the start of the scenario I had them deploy to just over the Run and waited for the arty to move forward.

This is probably the key - get all the arty as far forward as you can and certainly over the Run if possible. While all that is happening get Davis's group to take the field objective, have one regiment hold it and then move the other 2 towards and into the railway cut. These men are green and can rout easily so go easy! Probably best as reserves at this point. Their move to the cut needs to be timed with Archer's brigade attacking the farm see below.

As the arty move into place let them rip for a while then have Archer's group advance on the farm (Archer will be gone by now). If all goes well the arty softens up the defence so the farm and objective can be taken now - in my game the Iron Brigade did not arrive until 5 minutes from the end and by then I could hold to the time finish. Great to finally win after so many frustrations!! By the way in my 10 attempts Pettigrew showed up only once.

Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:25 pm
by con20or
This is one of the hardest I ever played - and from what I understood from when i was looking for advice before I joined the team, it had already been toned down somewhat!

I never get the pettigrew alternate either.

Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:07 pm
by mkeogh76
I surprisingly I won a major victory (5,083 points) with my first real try at this scenario. (I know it was changed in one of the patches to make it easier, but still I was surprised especially since I'm nothing special as a player.)

This is how it happened:

1) Based on the advice of other players, I did move three batteries forward to the western bank of Willoughby Run, but they did minimal damage and accounted for less than 20 pts of my victory total.

2) I gave Archer a brigade "Attack" order and left the AI alone to tie down the Iron Brigade in McPherson's Woods.

3) I TCed Davis and then eventually all three of his regiments in order to rout Cutler's three regiments on the northern side of the railroad-cut and gain the first objective.

4) By the time I took that first objective and started moving Davis towards McPherson's farm, Archer's brigade was pretty much on the ropes against the Iron Brigade. Although none of Archer's regiments were outright routed, all but one were driven from McPherson's woods and farm and across Willoughby Run.

5) Initially, I was thinking that I was screwed. I had approximately 15 minutes left to seize that 2nd objective with only Davis' mediocre brigade against the mighty Iron Brigade.

6) And here is where I won the scenario: the Iron Brigade withdrew from McPherson's farm! Thus, all I had to do was rout a very stubborn but tired 95th NY and then move Heth onto the objective with Davis's brigade behind to take control of the objective. I then just ran out the clock.

7) During the last couple of minutes, the Iron Brigade returned to McPherson's farm, but didn't move further than eastern fence where the 24th Michigan and one of Davis' Mississippi regiments exchanged some long distance volleys, but the Federals never came close to challenging the objective.

Frankly, it appears I won simply due to pure luck and/or dumb AI. I didn't require any hefty artillery support or Heth's other brigades to win this scenario handily. With the exception of the 2nd Wisconsin, the Iron Brigade was in pretty good shape even after their tussle with Archer. So, I have no idea why the AI withdrew it from the farm. I watched the replay: after pretty much crushing Archer, the AI pulled the Iron Brigade back beyond McPherson's Woods and only belatedly moved them forward again by which time I had already had more than enough points for a major victory.

Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:47 pm
by Calvin809
I had both Pettigrew and Brockenbrough show up early and pushed the federals over the ridge to the left (to the fence in the woods), stopped the Iron brigade to the right and had some regiments in reserve still with Heath sitting at the farm for more than 10 minutes toward the end of the battle. It's a lot easier with two more brigades. :) My end score was a little over 7000

Re: Beyond McPherson's Ridge

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:09 pm
by Grognard Pierre
I am really new at this game, and what an excellent experience it is.
After about 8 attempts I finally achieved a victory at McPhersons farm (Scenario 2). For what it's worth, I am posting a brief outline here.
I sent moved my guns forward (across the river), although I lost a few of them while on the road due Yankee artillery fire. Once closer they were certainly useful, although they did take some crew losses due infantry fire.
I sent the Davis brigade up the slope across the fields to the left of the railway cut and pushed away the opposition there. However by the time I reached the objective location, the marker had disappeared.
Archers brigade on the right held on in the woods for some time, but eventually collapsed thanks to the Iron brigade. Archer was captured and his men routed.
Back to the Davis brigade, I swung them to the right, attacked across the railway cut and reached the road and victory location. I put myself there (Heth) as soon as I could, to start the timer.
The recently victorious Iron brigade swept towards me through the farm from the woods and it was a hell of a crazy and desperate fight on the road by the farm.
They tried to flank on both sides along with a number of frontal charges, melees and chaos. It was touch and go, but the Rebs prevailed!
Stuck it out to the end. Davis was killed. Tragedy in the Harpers weekly. But 4939 points is not too shabby! Frustrating, but good fun.