Is a Civil War Possible Today?

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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by bedbug »

.....don't think you'd need Shirlock to find who took that case. Maybe looking around on the floor.......
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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by vest »

I havent put a whole lot of thought into this but off the top of my head, now would be a good time to have an uprising since most of our troops are on the other side of the world.

only problem would be finding enough people with the guts to put thier life on the line to have one. talk is cheap, bullets kill, not many would take to latter for a cause these days.
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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by norb »

All we need is a million armed citizens to march on DC and force congress to pass term limits and campaign finance reform. If we can start there, yeah a lot more needs to be done, then other things may fall into place. But there is no way they are going to vote themselves out of the cushiest job in the country.
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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by ironsight »

Norb, couldn't agree more! Term limits were on Newt's old Contract with American but somehow never made it and for the reasons you mentioned. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure all this out. These Congressional positions should NOT IMO be a lifetime career job.
Far as campaign contributions, for the life of me i can't figure out why a corporation or other lobbying interest some even foreign can donate campaign contributions since a corporation CAN'T vote! In essecence this is the root cause of Congressional corruption and the mess this country is in right now; economic, financial and political. One needs to look no further than Congress not only allowing but enticing corporations via tax breaks and other benefits to outsource American manufacturing/hi-tech jobs overseas to the detriment of the middle class, all in the name of globalism.

And when the people finally wake up to all this BS going on, 'they' even took care of that. In the last 8 years 'they' passed unConstitutional Laws and Executive Orders including the unPatriot Act which negates Habeas Corpus, domestic spying, torture, total federalization of the State's National Gaurd (to the dismay of governor's) negating Posse Comatatus, FEMA dictatorial rights, enhanced dictatorial powers to the Executive branch for declaring a Nat'l Emergency, wars without end, etc. etc...all in the name of the so called 'war on terrorism'.
These are the very things banana republic dictators do to keep the peasants in line.
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