GCM Singleplayer Campaign

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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Re: GCM Singleplayer Campaign

Post by Garnier »

They all carry over but you don't always fight the same divisions.
Play Scourge of War Multiplayer! www.sowmp.com
Also try the singleplayer carryover campaign
Braxton Bragg
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Re: GCM Singleplayer Campaign

Post by Braxton Bragg »

Garnier, have I done something wrong here, seems to be several random maps and double maps in the map screen :(


Braxton Bragg
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Re: GCM Singleplayer Campaign

Post by william1993 »

Don't go to sandbox. it will do that. Go to User Scenarios and the created battle will be in there
God darn. Holy testicles. All them people.
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Re: GCM Singleplayer Campaign

Post by Saddletank »

They all carry over but you don't always fight the same divisions.
Okay, thanks, so "your" army should always be the same set of divisions in every battle?

As you might guess, what I'm thinking is that an MP group takes the players side and fights vs the AI, so if the friendly divisions are the same each time then the MP group effectively all retain their own divisions, but if stuff gets randomly changed around this wouldn't work (at least not as well).

If the set-up could be changeable by the player so he could specify which map was fought over and which friendly divisions showed up... bingo, MP vs AI mini-campaign.

Allow BOTH sides to be specified and you pretty much have a full PvP MP campaign system with only the starting positions of the divisions being randomised. Make that user definable and the product is fully finished.

Whether you add more to this great tool or not, thanks very much for it, we already played one MP game last night based on it.
HITS & Couriers - a different and realistic way to play SoW MP.
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Re: GCM Singleplayer Campaign

Post by Garnier »

Garnier, have I done something wrong here, seems to be several random maps and double maps in the map screen :(
The GCM mods include variant maps and random maps. If you want them to stop showing up you can go to your modifications menu and disable all the GCM mods. (Of course, then this SP campaign won't work.)
Play Scourge of War Multiplayer! www.sowmp.com
Also try the singleplayer carryover campaign
Braxton Bragg
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Re: GCM Singleplayer Campaign

Post by Braxton Bragg »

Many thanks to you Garnier, and to you William :)

Braxton Bragg
There will always be a counter argument!
Michael Slaunwhite
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Re: GCM Singleplayer Campaign

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

Thank You.

Q: Will this eventually be turned into a version which will not require the Internet?
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Re: GCM Singleplayer Campaign

Post by KG_Soldier »

Man, Mike, you're really fixated on that not requiring the internet thing, huh?

I mean. . . what? a dozen or so people in the whole world have a computer without internet access?

And just how would that even be possible since the whole thing is run on a website?
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Re: GCM Singleplayer Campaign

Post by Baldwin »

It would be cool if you could integrate that campaign map you had (awhile back) where you could move your troops to different areas that way winning the battles would give you points/progress in a grand strategic sense, I guess one of the difficulties to implementing that is you would always need another person to make the other side's moves since programming the AI to do it would take quite a while to say the least. That plus the fact some of the battles were way too lopsided, but with MP co op teamwork who knows, you could pull off an upset even down 4-5 thousand troops. Another reason why you may have stuck to SP is I'm sure you calculated that there is only a handful of people who can host so they would have to be on board with wanting a strategic campaign vs a regular GCM game. I think it's great what you've done and we all want something with strategy combined with tactics and you are closer to achieving that.

Or we could try the cocat system combined with this if that's easier. Basically any strategic map system if the host(s) agree upon could have us well on our way using this new setup to have a strategic MP campaign marked with visual progress.

I'm guessing with the current program after enough games one side would win, if their is no turns being run, which is good to have an end result of a war/campaign.

Maybe I hoping for too much, but considering how many times we've tried this, could show how bad we want an MP campaign with a strategic map. Garnier already eliminated OOB imbalance issues and if we want each battle to be fair like soldier said, the side with less players gets the extra ai division (hopefully that balances).

I guess testing it and exploring will be the way to discover what works best.
Michael Slaunwhite
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Re: GCM Singleplayer Campaign

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

Man, Mike, you're really fixated on that not requiring the internet thing, huh?

I mean. . . what? a dozen or so people in the whole world have a computer without internet access?

And just how would that even be possible since the whole thing is run on a website?

It's easy Jack, it's easy for people to think that they will have what they have now when tomorrow comes, but that isn't the truth. I use to have the highest speed possible, ate all the food I wanted, had two cars, and everything you could ever want in life... That all changed in a matter of a heart beat...now I am struggling to keep my dialup connection, keep food on the table, and pay for my power bill, phone bill.

See... That is why. I like having things so that if I can no longer have the internet, at least I can use the things I like using like playing Scourge of War Gettysburg, and maybe one day be able to use the campaign generator as well.

Now you can see why I am so adamant on not having to rely on the internet for SOW activation, etc, or for anything else for that matter.

Never think Jack that what you have cannot be lost, because it can.

Cheers matey!
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