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Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:19 am
by Jack ONeill

I am 54 years old. I have a B.A. in History, specializing in Western Europe from 1400 to 1900 A.D. I have a Masters in Education, which I never use. I was also a Professional Soldier (U. S. Marines.)
I have always been a gamer of sorts, starting off with minitures. Started painting them as a early teen. Can't play with out rules so started writing them. Can't write what you don't know. Studied so the game would work well. Wrote a comprehensive rules set for the Wars of Spanish Succession (Age of Marlbourogh - 1702-1714.) Have painted literally thousands of minitures. Was lucky 15mm size came along when they did. Have a massive amount of research material in my library. As I said, helped write and playtested Empire 2 and 3 for minitures while in college. Thank God computer games came along. No more painting! :laugh:
It does take forever to get all this down, but yes, I might know a teeny bit about what is going on here.

Jack B)

Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:20 am
by Jack ONeill

Also, having just gone back through Gunships posts, he has done more uniforms then I listed. So, apparently, they work.


Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:22 am
by Jack ONeill

"Those who don't know History are bound to repeat it" - The Marquis de Santa Ana, 1780 (?)

I will not be that person.

Jack B)

Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:30 am
by born2see
It's the history which drew me to this game and keeps me here. That's why I love the Historic scenarios. They're really carefully crafted to be as accurate as possible while still being playable. They're pretty much all I play.

Do you ever do any scenario design? The NW mod, as cool as it's going to be, is only half the story. That's not a shot at gunship, but the more the better in my mind.


Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:33 am
by Jack ONeill

Unfortunately, that type of thing is difficult to wrap my head around. I was lucky to be able to help Davinci craft the Fog Mod.

Jack B)

Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:58 am
by gunship24
I have always been a gamer of sorts, starting off with minitures.
I have a small but growing 28mm Austrian army. Lucky enough to have a game club near by that has hundreds of 28mm French, British and russian. I also have a small collection of 6mm french and british. General de Brigade, Shako2 and Black Powder is what we play most.

As far as the game goes I am always finding out something new all the time. The stock game has some nice additions like artillery casualties vs different formations. Facings were a real big thing back there. The sprites are detailed enough to show the colours, and on white uniforms they really stand out, but im not going to render off 20 versions for all the colours any time soon.

We cant implement any kind of volley or fire by rank tactics, its just fire at will. Bayonet charges as already said was more of a case of running away or breaking the charge before it got to you, but theres somethings to play around with there such as Counter Charge on/off and Min Distance to enemy.

Artillery can be adjusted fine, but I dont think I can add extra horses. Cav batteries base run speed is increased in unitglogal.csv.

So theres alot to play around with.

Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:01 am
by Jack ONeill

Volley fire not a big deal. Bayonet charges, oh well. I wouldn't worry about the extra horses. As long as they limber up and get towed, who cares?
Regimental facings? Bah! Folks really just need to be able to tell which side is which, not which regiment is the Katsandjamer Regt. and which is the Meisterbraubeerswillers Regt. by the right buttons and cuff colors. Thanks for all the hard work!

Jack "ready to rock and roll..." O'Neill B)

Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:36 am
by Nowy
Hmm, everything there went too fast.
When people ride too fast, then they made mistakes.
All we forgot what is the subject of this topic. :blush:

Worse that my remarks and suggestion were too extensive and too subtle for you Jack.
I don’t want to be rude, but it looks that yours knowledge of NW is similar to my knowledge of SoWG
I have not time to knock all of yours statements about Napoleonic armies, their uniforms etc.
Only few examples:
You expel hussars, while Austrian had 12 Hussar regiments and it was their most numerical cavalry!
Austrian had 3 Uhlans regiments and it weren’t Germans, they were in majority Polish
It looks that you forgot that
- French Guard fought at Wagram e.g. charge 1 st Polish Chevauleger Regiment (Old Guard Cavalry)
- Austrian few Cuirassiers Regiments tried stop famous Macdonald’s assault at Wagram !
- Facing were important for recognise, what kind of unit it was (Fusilier or Voltigeur or Grenadier)!
Sorry Jack, but you knowledge of NW is clearly perfunctory.
I could pick yours mistakes more, but don’t worry everybody make mistakes.

I can agree that the game have LIMITS and simplification and reduction are necessary, but most characteristic things should be included in NW mod.

We should find what was characteristic, then think what can be done and what couldn’t.

Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:04 pm
by born2see
Nowy wrote:
Worse that my remarks and suggestion were too extensive and too subtle for you Jack.
I don’t want to be rude, but it looks that yours knowledge of NW is similar to my knowledge of SoWG
I have not time to knock all of yours statements about Napoleonic armies, their uniforms etc.
Enough! Contrary to what you assert, I think your purpose here is to create dissension. You created a second topic and were given a chance to start over and you've shown that when someone disagrees with you, you feel bound to respond with a personal attack. In addition, you've managed to create an environment where nobody cares what you think anymore.

I suggest you visit these people and offer your suggestions to them. I'm sure they will be much more open to your suggestions and appreciative of your vast knowledge of the period.

Please feel free to attack ME personally as I am done with you and this topic.


Re: What good and bad things you can find in SOWG, which can be useful in Napoloenic Wars mod.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:22 pm
by Nowy
born I did not attack anybody personally!

I only defended my position and historical acuracy which is important for this mod.
If you look at few pervious post here it was Jack who attacks me.

It looks he didn't undestend my pervious soft suggestions that he was made mistakes.
Every body make mistakes and this is not a big problem, but when somebody still do not see their mistakes
then I cast next examples.

Again, I was noting personnally.