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Re: Gettysburg Scenario requests?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:05 pm
by Little Powell
Hi Guys,
I would suggest a What-If-Scenario dealing with the Question "What would have happende, if Ewell had taken Culps Hill on July 1st".

July 1st: Union ist driven back, Culps Hill is taken (est. Casualties: CS: 8.000 US: 12.000)

July 2nd: Lee masses forces: Hill`s Corps assembles and refreshes in the Center, Longstreet attacks on the right and inflicts serious damage on the Union lines, but is held back (as it happened in Real Life). Union right tries to retake Culps Hill using Howard`s and Slocum`s Corps` and big parts of Hancocks command (because the confederate center keeps silent), but is pushed back to Cemetery Hill. (est. Casualties: CS: 7.000 US: 15.000)

July 3rd: Pickett arrives and is placed on the far right, Longstreet renews the attacks, strenghened by the fresh division. Ewell charges Cemetery Hill from the flank and back, and Hills whole Corps strikes the weakened center.

Player is given control to the Union army (or smaller detachments on the several areas) and has to withstand Lee`s final charge.

I hope my idea is understandable and not too unrealistic, and i hope aswell that my English is good enough^^

Greetings from Germany

Great stuff there Chris, and great English as well. :)

That could make a very fun and interesting scenario series, maybe even carryover. I'll definitely add it to my to-do list, or maybe Reb or a new modder will beat me to it.

After Pipe Creek is released, I know were going to be hard at work with the next expansion.. But again, when there is downtime I'll be working on new scenarios. Your idea would make a whole new pack and again it's a great idea. :)

Re: Gettysburg Scenario requests?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:05 pm
by Chris Mengersen
maybe I could help with anything. I was a bit into modding the Total War Series, but of course this is completely different.

Concerning the scenario i orientated myself a bit on the books "Bring the jubilee" and "Gettysburg: An alternate history"


Re: Gettysburg Scenario requests?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:52 pm
by Boyd
Here's a couple "what if" scenarios,

1. How about a scenario where Pickett's division made it on time for the day 2 attacks on the Union left. It could be called, "Both boots on."

2. Or how about any of the historical scenarios reversed? i.e. the yanks are coming down Chambersburg pike and Stuarts cav is waiting for them on McPherson ridge. Or the Confederates are up on Cemetary Hill, Ridge, Culps Hill, LRT, and Devil's den while the Yanks are assaulting?

Re: Gettysburg Scenario requests?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:16 am
by Blacklander
1. Having Pickett deployed behind Hood and McClaws on the second day would be lovely.

2. Playing the CSA side in the "Sickles Stays Home" scenario.

3. "Longstreet on Flank" but with player control of Anderson.

4. Berdan vs. Wilcox at Spangler, noon on July 2. I seem to remember Berdan's OOB at this little engagement was the 1st Sharpshooters and 3rd ME. Two other regiments deployed nearby.

Re: Gettysburg Scenario requests?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:25 pm
by mitra76
Will be interesting (also I know a little harder to do) a what if scenario where at the confederate side there're some English\French brigades, for a hypotetical foreign power interventation.

Re: Gettysburg Scenario requests?

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:38 pm
by Boyd
Here's a couple "what if" scenarios,

1. How about a scenario where Pickett's division made it on time for the day 2 attacks on the Union left. It could be called, "Both boots on."

2. Or how about any of the historical scenarios reversed? i.e. the yanks are coming down Chambersburg Pike and Stuarts cav is waiting for them on McPherson ridge. Or the Confederates are up on Cemetary Hill, Ridge, Culps Hill, LRT, and Devil's den while the Yanks are assaulting?
Here are a couple more "What If" scenarios:

1. What if Lee gathered his army together prior to Gettysburg and all three of his Corps arrived via Chambersburg Pike? So on Day 1 Hill's and Ewell's corps attacked the Union I and XI corps on McPherson Ridge.

2. What if Lee's request for more troops was granted and several brigades were returned allowing Jenkin's SC and Corse's VA brigades to participate in Pickett's charge or on Day 2?

3. Or what if a Division commanded by DH Hill were with the ANV? They would be from the brigades covering Richmond and the NC coast including the brigades Evan, Ransom, Cooke, Martin, Clingmans, and/or Colquitt.

Re: Gettysburg Scenario requests?

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:52 pm
by Little Powell
More good ideas guys, thanks.

I already have the five additional scenarios put in place and they are almost complete. Just need some final tweaks and some testing.

The Alexander Arty Corps scenario turned out very cool. It's very micro-management heavy but some players like that. Plus it's realistic that way. You're Col. Edward Porter Alexander. You have control of all of the artillery in the ANV before Pickett's Charge. You have to place them in good position to demoralize the enemy.. Once you think you've caused enough damage, you have to give Gen. Pickett the go-ahead, and the charge begins.. :)

Re: Gettysburg Scenario requests?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:27 pm
by 30th PVI

Maybe something for the future in regards to scenario's. How about expanding the game to include some of the little battles associated with the overall Gettysburg Campaign. Would probably have to involve new maps and such, but actions like the Battle of Hanover, Brandy Station, 2nd Battle of Winchester.
Just a thought...

~ Matt

Re: Gettysburg Scenario requests?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:50 pm
by conjotter
Hi ... I would like to request some "What If" scenarios.

1) The Full Buford: His union cavalry division actually contained three brigades, but Wesley Merritt's brigade was assigned on July 1st to escort army supply wagons. How would the opening day have been affected if these veteran regular troopers had been on hand to help deal with Heth and later Pender? Buford's division could also be bolstered by another battery or two from the union horse artillery brigade.

2) XII Corps Gets the Lead Out: Historically the XII Corps could have arrived on the battlefield on July 1 many hours earlier than it did if Slocum had promptly followed orders. A forced march would have sped up these troops even more. What impact would these changes have had on the initial union defence on the first day?

3) John Reynolds Survives: Can the fate of one leader make a difference? This "What If" could be made even more interesting by changing the units of Reynold's Wing, say trading in the XI Corp for the VI corps.

Re: Gettysburg Scenario requests?

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:25 pm
by rclark14
Great ideas here- I was wondering where is Oates Alabamaians at Little Round Top please?- I can not find Oates as a commander- thanks for reply :cheer: