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Re: Scheduled MP Game Times

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:27 pm
by El Swanto

I can't get into lobby to play MP. (for the first time)

Can you suggest someone that can help?

My email is

Re: Scheduled MP Game Times

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:35 pm
by Willard
You need to register a name first.

First make sure you have version 1.10.
Second, go to the MP page.

-At the top right, type in your Player Name.
-Leave handicap at 100
-Type in a name in the Power lobby account name box
-Enter your password below it
-Re-enter your password below that.
-Hit the button on the far right..."create new account"

If the name you choose has been taken, you need to try again.
Once you have successfully created an account, hit the enter lobby button.

Re: Scheduled MP Game Times

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:38 pm
by Willard

Columbus Day - Monday, October 11, 2010 @ 3:00pm EST...

For those of you who have off today meet up in the lobby for a little MP action.
Hope to see there!!!


Re: Scheduled MP Game Times

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:07 am
by SouthernSteel
I should very much like to give Garnier's program a try at some point if anyone is around/willing/bored. I don't think I can still get on SC's TS so I can't pop over there to ask, but if anyone wants to try it here shortly or later this evening, I'd be up for a try.

Re: Scheduled MP Game Times

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:49 am
by KG_Soldier
Have you tried?

Baylor was on this morning. And I figured out how to host games using Garnier's campaign. I'm not sure if they will record right yet, but I can generate the oobs and play the games anyway. Garnier's going to be busy all week. I definitely intend to host one this afternoon.

I'm on teamspeak now.

Re: Scheduled MP Game Times

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:11 am
by General P R Cleburne
*S* Generals,Gentlemen and fine fighting soldiers!
There has been an unfortunate incident that keeps occuring of late whereby some of our so called "Neighbours" are coming each morning/afternoon/evening and trying to take possesion of some of our land and property!!!They appear to be coming quite regularly now and often enough they are bringing superior numbers to the points where we stand to resist them!Please sirs we urge you! its now time to take a stand and drive these people back to their own land and property once and for all!

Call To Arms!!
Volunteers for the fight are needed immediatly!
Create and Lead your own independant Division and bring it to the line to repel these invaders
All interested parties please enrol your commands here

Alternatively at the above website refer to tab explaining how to use teamspeak and join us there to find out more for your enquiring minds.A fine gathering of generals and gentlemen can often be found there to help and advise new commands as they come up to the front!
Gentlemen we urge you please join us and help us repel these people once and for all!


Re: Scheduled MP Game Times

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:41 am
by voltigeur
played my first MP on the weekend, excellent gaming and I'd encourage others to get stuck into it.

Would be good to enlist more players from Australia though - get to it lads!

Re: Scheduled MP Game Times

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:22 am
by General P R Cleburne
Gentlemen ..those people have turned up again!:angry: and the fighting should be under way within the next 30 minutes:unsure: for any units that would like to help us hold the lines!
Join us on teamspeak to organise your unit as you arrive sirs.

Re: Scheduled MP Game Times

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:52 pm
by General P R Cleburne
Generals we thank you!
Those of you that turned up with new units last night to help us repel these stubborn people, who come daily to try to drive us away, have earned battle honors for their commands and no doubt shall be the subject of fireside stories yet to be told!
We thank you sirs for answering the call when your brothers in arms needed your help.We hope to see many more of you come to join in the action as there is no telling how long this might go on for!
Just this morning my neighbour reported yet again the loss of 18 Ripe and fresh apples and a bushel of corn...

Re: Scheduled MP Game Times

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:26 am
by SouthernSteel
Vastly outnumbered by the Federals, Jackson was asked by a staff member, “How shall we ever cope with the overwhelming numbers of the enemy ?” Jackson’s reply was to the point, “Kill them, sir, kill every man!”