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Re: TC2M > SOWGB map converter

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:26 am
by Jolly
Congrats on a terrific tutorial Davinci!


Re: TC2M > SOWGB map converter

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:06 am
by Davinci
Starting the Power-Render-Program

Start the PR6 Application

Click the EDIT at top of screen

Click - Texture Generator
The attachment 19.jpg is no longer available
This is where you choose which texture goes where. Click each number and Click the ( Choose Texture Button )

Note : Each Texture will have to be chosen One at a time and assigned to each number, with the exception of the four ( RGB ) files.
The attachment 20.jpg is no longer available
0 ) dirtroad
1 ) outer road \ creekbank
2 ) grass - not the same as the Main ground texture for 6.
3 ) RGB1

4 ) edge of fields
5 ) any dirt graphic
6 ) main Ground texture
7 ) RGB2

8 ) wooded area - try to use a different texture for each wooded area
9 ) wooded area
10) wooded area
11) RGB3

12) water graphic
13) grass or dirt
14) dirt
15) RGB4

When Completed selecting which Graphic files to use.

Click - File ..... Click - Save ..... Click - File - Click Exit:

In the beginning the ( Compile Button ) didn't work, I think that that has been fixed.

I have never used it when Modding Maps, so I still do it the old fashion way. ( Optional )

Open the LibEdit Window:
The attachment 21.jpg is no longer available
Drag the "CedarMt.lsl" file from the PR6\directory into it.

The name on the top of the LibEdit will change to the name of the file...this case CedarMt.lsl

Click - Action - Add Update Files...It will go to the last folder that opened a Splat2....CedarMt

Select All of the Files
The attachment 22.jpg is no longer available
Click - Open

The "CedarMt.lsl" file is now Compiled with the latest changes.

Click - File - Exit.

Note : If I change a single file in the PR6 Studio - I still follow the same rule and Save all of them.

Create a New Folder in the SOWGB \ Mods - Name it CedarMt. - Create a New folder in that folder and name it Maps.

Copy the updated "CedarMt.lsl" into the Maps Folder that you just created.

Note: Five Files will have to be inside of this Map folder for it to work.

1) CedarMt.bmp - the file that defines the roads, woods, fields, streams, and open areas.
2) CedarMt.csv - the file that defines the colors that were used in the bmp file.
3) - the Jump-Map that is used in the Game, and also the Command-Map.
4) CedarMt.ini - the file that tells the Game which Map files to load.
5) CedatMt.lsl - the Compiled textures and the RGB files. Also the houses, fences, barns, and etc.

Below are two of these files the CedarMt.csv and the CedarMt.ini file. Place both in the Maps folder.

The CedarMt.csv file is not completed, but it will get you started and allow you to run the Map in game.
The attachment 2Files.rar is no longer available
The last file to be completed is the Jump-Map - but the ( Terrain.jpg ) from the previous game will work well to create this file. ( Pending ).....


Re: TC2M > SOWGB map converter

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:07 am
by voltigeur
this is awesome Davinci! Will post my results once done


Re: TC2M > SOWGB map converter

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 10:58 am
by voltigeur
@RebBugler : having some issues getting a stroke result in, (eg adding 1px color stroke to outside of selected object to achieve road results in Davinci's RGB1 example above); have tried an outline object plugin but that doesn't seem to do anything. Googled some results but confusion reigns - any pointers please? Ta!

Re: TC2M > SOWGB map converter

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:24 am
by Davinci
@RebBugler : having some issues getting a stroke result in, (eg adding 1px color stroke to outside of selected object.
Until you hear from "Reb" you could try this video, but you might also have to download a Plug-in.


Re: TC2M > SOWGB map converter

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:59 am
by voltigeur
thanks Davinci. Does the stroke stay within the boundaries of the selection, just taking up a pixel of a different color internally from the edge? Or does it extend 1 px from outside the selection. cheers

edit: just realised my Lightroom subscription includes PS! Will download and try that.

Edit2: success, stroke is now turning out as expected.


Re: TC2M > SOWGB map converter

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:52 pm
by RebBugler
@RebBugler : having some issues getting a stroke result in, (eg adding 1px color stroke to outside of selected object to achieve road results in Davinci's RGB1 example above); have tried an outline object plugin but that doesn't seem to do anything. Googled some results but confusion reigns - any pointers please? Ta!
I think you're on the right track with the outline tool since doesn't have a 'Stroke' function. I've had no issues using the outline tool, I've used it a lot with flag design. Make sure you select the object, don't expect an object within a window to be identified. If it's on an Alpha background it's best to select the background then 'Invert Selection'. Once the object is selected select the outline function, then apply the size and color data for the outline.

After I catch up with some more flag upgrades I may dive into this tutorial and see if I can develop some mapmaking skills. When and if this happens I'll explore with what works best with But by then I'll probably be just asking you guys questions. :huh:

Re: TC2M > SOWGB map converter

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 1:15 am
by Crikey
You could use the path tool in the freely available Gimp 2 prog.

You can choose a start and end position and repeat as necessary to complete the roads. You can select the pixel size etc. Make sure there's no blur selected otherwise it'll mess up the greyscale value..

The whole map making process is a pain, but it's what it is.

Re: TC2M > SOWGB map converter

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:28 am
by Davinci
Does the stroke stay within the boundaries of the selection, just taking up a pixel of a different color internally from the edge? Or does it extend 1 px from outside the selection. cheers.
It goes outside of the Selective Color. But, bear in mind that it is completely optional.
The Picture below shows that it just creates a realistic view, such as the leaves forming outside of the rocks by the stream.
The attachment Example1_2018-06-05.jpg is no longer available
edit : just realized my Lightroom subscription includes PS! Will download and try that.
That sounds Great!

Note : RGB = Red - Blue - Green

These are the "Main Primary Colors" , but just about {Any-Color) can be used in these files.

Purple, Yellow, Lime, Orange, etc...

Also, any Color "Red, Blue, or Green" can also be used, such as a dark green, and a lighter shade of green.

Example : Lets say that Green (0-255-0) is used for displaying the rocks, a lighter shade of green will also display the rocks, but the contrast will be completely different.

Also - some areas of a Map will be Black (0-0-0), but these areas can also be Gray (20-20-20) and the contrast will be different. If the area is black the Graphic will show up better, but if gray, the Graphic will show up dimmer.

The (Jpeg) files that go into the PR6\Map folder can either be merged (no-layers) into a single file, or un-merged (layers ) and the Game will still run. The file will be larger but I haven't notice any other problems.

This also goes for the RGB files.

Lately, I have been doing all kinds of experiments to see if the game will crash, very seldom will I get the Joy of crashing the Game!

The "LibEdit" will also open up the packages files that stores all of the objects in the game, these can also be edited with Photoshop or Paint-Net too change the appearance of the objects.

You just Drag a Packages file into the LibEdit Window.

The only downside to Modding the Maps, or Modding the game is that you will Play the game, only to stop and Mod the game.

Its a never ending circle!


Re: TC2M > SOWGB map converter

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:47 pm
by remus
Hi Davinci

Enjoyed the tutorial. I was wondering if you could share some information on putting new package files together? I have some buildings and other items that I would like to put together into a .dat file but haven’t found much about where to begin.
