Save PC gaming, boycott Windows 8

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Michael Slaunwhite
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Re: Save PC gaming, boycott Windows 8

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

I am using Windows 8, and I have not seen one thing that would convince me of the Doom, and Gloom being passed around about it.
Microsoft is promoting Win 8 like never before seen with the introduction of a new MS OS. Offering Win 8 for $70, almost half the price that would normally be seen. If this isn't a big RED flag of SOMETHINGS GOING ON, I don't know what is. Folks that state that they don't consider What Ifs will surely serve Microsoft's future goals of dominating the PC marketplace like never before.

Boycotting the purchase of Win 8 is the only way consumers and PC gaming enthusiasts can send a message to Microsoft. This would be a BIG message, and force Microsoft to reconsider their present path. They are already the dominant OS for the PC, and not presently at risk of losing that status. However, if they pursue the integration of ARM within their OS, and alienating publishers of PC software because of this total domination approach, they may risk everything if consumers and publishers rebel. So I reiterate:

Send Microsoft a message, don't buy Win 8
All I see is that Microsoft is selling the software at a decent price, so what exactly are you asking people too Boycott?

The Price? ARM? A Commercial on T.V promoting their product? How much money Microsoft is spending on their promotional Ads?

If people fear MS this much, then I would say it's time for you to change your Operating System, and no longer use Windows XP, or any Windows product from here on out because if you have such a fear, and Hatred for Microsoft it's time for you to move on. But if you secretly are using the very thing you hate, then that makes you a hypocrite.

I say the Sky is Blue, and you will say the Sky is Green. Doesn't really matter I suppose. Each to his or her own, and make the decision for yourself folks, and not on what people may write about it, or speak about it.
Last edited by Michael Slaunwhite on Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Save PC gaming, boycott Windows 8

Post by RebBugler »

All I see is that Microsoft is selling the software at a decent price
Each to his or her own, and make the decision for yourself folks, and not on what people may write about it, or speak about it.
On this we agree, er, at least the first half. The second half, not so much...I'll go with informed decisions.
Last edited by RebBugler on Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Michael Slaunwhite
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Re: Save PC gaming, boycott Windows 8

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

All I see is that Microsoft is selling the software at a decent price
Each to his or her own, and make the decision for yourself folks, and not on what people may write about it, or speak about it.
On this we agree.
Haaaa, you know Rebbugler, you sure have passion! I like you no matter if we disagree or not.

Cheers Sir!
Last edited by Michael Slaunwhite on Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Save PC gaming, boycott Windows 8

Post by RebBugler »

Man, that was fast, ya didn't get my edit in the quote. Still, we're just practicing democracy in action. :)
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Michael Slaunwhite
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Re: Save PC gaming, boycott Windows 8

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

Man, that was fast, ya didn't get my edit in the quote. Still, we're just practicing democracy in action. :)
Haaaaa....isn't that the truth! :lol:
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Re: Save PC gaming, boycott Windows 8

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »


Okay I started to go through MS's TOS agreement for developers wishing to create, or have their software sold in the Microsofts store, and this is a nasty piece of regulation which I do not agree with. The reason why I am posting this piece is because it is referred to the most throughout the TOS.

b. App Retention. If you terminate this agreement or request that Microsoft remove your app from the Windows Store, Microsoft may retain a copy of the affected app(s), indefinitely. Unless the app was removed from the Windows Store because of a court order relating to intellectual property infringement, Microsoft may reproduce and continue to make the app(s) available only to customers who previously downloaded the app(s) under the terms of the customer’s existing license, or for storage management, backup and restore, or technical reasons.
I DO NOT agree that Microsoft should have the right to keep on hand the property of another if the developer decides to terminate their contract. Microsoft in my opinion should delete all information, and code of the developers software from their database which includes all backups.

This I don't like one bit. Mind you though I'm not a developer, and if I was this would be the clause in the agreement I would never agree too.

I haven't read through it all just yet, but I am sure there are some other bits, and pieces that would make developers think twice about having their software promoted by MS.... Then again, Steam's TOS is equally as bad.

UPDATE: It appears that developers can still advertise their game via outside link to their website, which means MS advertises the product, but leaves the downloading, and installing from the website. I'll post a screen-shot when I come across the software I was looking over (I lost track, I have this nasty tendency to jump around allot).

Hmmm, interesting, it appears that you can advertise your software in the mircosoft store, but have it so you have to vsiit their website to download, and buy the product. This is encouraging...


The pic below is the Microsoft store advert for a product.
The attachment msstoreappadvert.jpg is no longer available
The screenshot below is the website where you can download, and purchase the product without having to deal with MS directly.
The attachment adobewebsite.JPG is no longer available
Well that is good to know that you can still have MS advertise your product (at a cost of course), and still have control over your own product.
adobewebsite.JPG (178.48 KiB) Viewed 82 times
msstoreappadvert.jpg (302.53 KiB) Viewed 82 times
Last edited by Michael Slaunwhite on Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Save PC gaming, boycott Windows 8

Post by Davinci »

Man, that was fast, ya didn't get my edit in the quote. Still, we're just practicing democracy in action. :)
Reb - I'm not understanding why you consider this so important, I must really live in a very closed environment, I haven't even heard of Windows-8 other than reading it here.

If Windows-8 were somehow required to log onto the Internet, or Windows-8 was somehow mandated that it has to be installed, that would probably be different.

But, considering that this is basically the only game that I play, and Windows-8 isn't required to play it, I'm not seeing any concern on my part.

The future will happen whether we agree with it or not, the future of gaming is going to be smaller-cheaper-consoles, no matter what we have to say about it.

There was one console game that made a billion-dollars if memory serves me correctly in a weeks time, no Computer game can ever achieve that.

If you really think about it, it really doesn't make too-much-sense to purchase a computer for 1000-2000 dollars just to play games, when someone could purchase a console for a few-hundred-bucks.

I'm sure that there are those that would like to boycott cell-phones due to the fact that they are killing the phone-booth-market, but how much success do you think that they are going to have.

The future must move forward with new-innovations , it's the way it has always been, and the way that it must continue.

I think that computers did do a very good job with moving technology forward, and a lot of this probably had to do with computer-gaming, but this type of gaming is becoming obsolete. It may not be obsolete to us, but it will be to the next generation.

The only true logic is that, there is no true logic!
Michael Slaunwhite
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Re: Save PC gaming, boycott Windows 8

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

Okay since I posted showing how developers can still have MS advertise their product, but allow the developer to keep the product on their own website to be downloaded without having to use MS as a middle man, some of you may think "Oh come on, it's Adobe, they are buddy buddy with Microsoft, and Microsoft would not allow a low down nobody to do this"... I counter with this.

The screenshot below is of a low-end developer allowed to advertise their product in the MS store, and still keep their integrity intact.
The attachment 1_2012-11-07.jpg is no longer available
The screenshot below is their website where you can download their software, and install it without Microsoft store being involved.
The attachment 2.JPG is no longer available
I think this is time for a happy tune...

2.JPG (155.46 KiB) Viewed 82 times
1_2012-11-07.jpg (221.91 KiB) Viewed 82 times
Last edited by Michael Slaunwhite on Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Save PC gaming, boycott Windows 8

Post by RebBugler »

Man, that was fast, ya didn't get my edit in the quote. Still, we're just practicing democracy in action. :)
Reb - I'm not understanding why you consider this so important, I must really live in a very closed environment, I haven't even heard of Windows-8 other than reading it here.

If Windows-8 were somehow required to log onto the Internet, or Windows-8 was somehow mandated that it has to be installed, that would probably be different.

But, considering that this is basically the only game that I play, and Windows-8 isn't required to play it, I'm not seeing any concern on my part.

The future will happen whether we agree with it or not, the future of gaming is going to be smaller-cheaper-consoles, no matter what we have to say about it.

There was one console game that made a billion-dollars if memory serves me correctly in a weeks time, no Computer game can ever achieve that.

If you really think about it, it really doesn't make too-much-sense to purchase a computer for 1000-2000 dollars just to play games, when someone could purchase a console for a few-hundred-bucks.

I'm sure that there are those that would like to boycott cell-phones due to the fact that they are killing the phone-booth-market, but how much success do you think that they are going to have.

The future must move forward with new-innovations , it's the way it has always been, and the way that it must continue.

I think that computers did do a very good job with moving technology forward, and a lot of this probably had to do with computer-gaming, but this type of gaming is becoming obsolete. It may not be obsolete to us, but it will be to the next generation.

Well D, if we just sit back and let MS dictate the future of the PC, it will happen as you have stated. And you, of all folks, should be concerned. When the PC is replaced by tablets and consoles, the art of modifications will be a thing of the past. So, join the MS zombie patrons, and look forward to the future world without personal innovations, because MS will do it for you. Or, if you need to be creative, study up and learn to build MS licensed machines, for that will be the only vestige left for former modifications folks.

Yeah, I'm going overboard and talking extremes, but honestly, after reading that first link in this thread, I see how it could easily play out that way. At my age, I'm not really concerned personally, I'm just trying to wake up the young potential modders of tomorrow. Like you, SOW is the only game I'm interested in presently. And, if I get an urge to play others, Matrix Games has a good setup and probably will not be affected by the MS machine for years, also, Win 7, and probably 8, will suffice to run whatever we need. It's the future beyond that.

This is truly a mini crusade, not much support, but at least I'm sending an alarm and can at least look back one of these days and possibly take solace with my effort and foreseeing this. And, have some pride in declaring, I TOLD YA SO, er, not you D, rather in general, the masses that got hoodwinked by MS and let the PC die. But, I probably won't live that long...alas.

So, picture a few old modders sitting around saying, "yep, those were the good old days, those times when we were allowed to create our own games and fix em' up how we wanted, yep, those were the good ol' days."
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Re: Save PC gaming, boycott Windows 8

Post by Davinci »

Reb - YES, I understand that part of the problem, but I'm fifty and you are in the sixties, so me and you will probably not be affected by this!

I very seriously doubt that Norb will be writing Civil-War-Games in the next ten years.

I started this when the only Computer on the market was the Commodore series, the 64,16,and Vic20, along with their 1541 Disk-Drives, or Datasettes. Yes, I used to store information on a cassette-tape.

The Commodore was the first home-computer to sell a-million-units, but instead of looking towards the future they died on the vine.

I also remember that it was highly stated that computers would never get past the 1000mhz range, well that myth didn't last too long.

So, after following this for the past thirty-years I would guess that.....and this is just guessing.....Computer Gaming is becoming obsolete. Just look at how much store-space that was allocated to computer-gaming ten years ago, and look at how that has changed.

A lot of programmers are jumping-ship and moving towards the console-type of games, that's why I say that it is only logical for MS to follow suit, after-all they do own the X_Box.

I'll probably still be modding, I'll just be modding a five-ten year old game. I mean think about it, there are still a whole-sub-group of people that still use's the XP_Platform.

So, I'll probably just stick with the last System that allowed me a few more good years of playing and modding.

I strongly support change, after-all , it is the change that got us to this point. Somewhere out there a very long time-ago,there was someone that came up with the idea that computers could be used for gaming.

But, considering that I'm still using Vista, and don't see any reason to change, I'm not that concerned about Windows-8, when I haven't even considered Windows-7.

Conclusion: OK.....If I continue to use Vista - can I be in your boycott! :)

Last edited by Davinci on Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
The only true logic is that, there is no true logic!
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