Artillary retreating

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Re:Artillary retreating

Post by Ephrum »

One thing I know that got a lot of discussion at MMG, was resupplying art'y. I have a hard time getting that to happen. And I've read all the suggestions of how to make it work, and most of the time, it won't. That's one thing I would like to see work more efficently. Since I don't have a lot of luck resupplying, if I'm in a defensive engagement, I keep at least half of my art'y held in reserve, to change out the frontline batteries.
Two reasons. One, because once their out of canister, they re-deploy away from the frontline. Two, it's been my experience when playing defend, if I leave my art'y in the same spot for too long, they do take hits from enemy art'y. It's nothing for me to lose 4 to 5 guns, routed, by enemy art'y. Not to mention the batteries that don't get routed, but lose 7 to 10 men from their gun crews. In the period of an hour, on a corps sized defensive engagement, I see this a lot.
In that same respect, my art'y has success doing counter-battery work. I just keep hitting the "Target Artillery" button. I have 2 to 3 batteries assigned just for that. And I know by their scores, they're hitting, and routing a few guns. I want to add, I keep all my art'y commanders TC'd.
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Re:Artillary retreating

Post by ironsight »

Ephrum Wrote:One thing I know that got a lot of discussion at MMG, was resupplying art'y. I have a hard time getting that to happen. And I've read all the suggestions of how to make it work, and most of the time, it won't.
I've said this a few times here already but in case you missed it here goes again.

With my old rig, i also had one hell of a time resupplying arty especially during heated medium or large battles. Setting the wagon on the gun's flag for a few seconds or more was the only way i could get it to resupply. By the way increasing memory from 512MB to 1 gig then up to 2 gigs made no noticeable improvement. Getting rid of all the hi-res options did have a positive effect though.
This IMO is directly related to the PCs processing power, how much action and consequent calculations/decisions (bogging down the processor) are going on at the time and maybe also how the code handles interupt flag priorities.

Whats my empirical proof of this?
Enter my new PC with much much better Quad processor and graphics HP. Now even during large heated battles, the guns resupply instantly and with the wagon galluping yards away no less.


By the way i'm still waiting for a NSD/TC2M guru to answer conclusively which has priority as far as obeying orders:
TC'd units
unchained units
Division orders
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Re:Artillary retreating

Post by norb »

I do not doubt your findings at all. Fact is that there are some things that will just work better on a faster computer and this is one of them. I try to avoid stuff like this happening, but there's no doubt that there are functions that are very hard to use on a slower box.
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Re:Artillary retreating

Post by ironsight »

Norb, i for one can understand all this. There has got to be an incredible amount of processing power needed for all the real time AI decisions, LoS calcs not to mention gragphics especially during large battles. Most of the popular FPS'er games need nowhere near the processing power albeit they do need good graphics.

As these PC games, yours included get more realistic and complicated, PC's just have to keep up in order to take full spatial advantage. By the same token, PC's have also got to keep up with uSoft, Intel and AMD's newest product releases. Its all just an upward technology spiral.
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Re:Artillary retreating

Post by BOSTON »

North Pole

Dear Santa Claus,

Wish List; A new Quad like Iornsight is talking about with 3 giga or more,
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Re:Artillary retreating

Post by ironsight »

hoistingman Wrote:...a boob job for my little honey,..
Ol Santa might have a hard time with the medical insurance on that one! :)
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Re:Artillary retreating

Post by BOSTON »

No medical, just poof! and they'd be there! She'd really like that.:) Same thing with a quad and new game.:cheer:
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Re:Artillary retreating

Post by ironsight »

hoistingman, the boob job aside, (by the way is your little honey gonna be OK with this gift?...women are funny....careful what you wish for :))...
..The thing is my new rig cost about $2600. State of the art Intel's latest gaming DX48 MOBO, Intel Q9650 quad-3 gig Hz processor with a trick cooler, Nvidia GTX280 with 1 gig onboard memory graphics card, 4 gigs of DDR3 ll33 MHz RAM, 800 Watt PS, etc. etc.
Granted $2600 bucks might seem a lot, the cost of a used car maybe, but the time i spend on my PC its well worth it.
I'll probably have to do it all over again in a few years though!:(
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Re:Artillary retreating

Post by BOSTON »

Custom made or off the shelf? Mind ya, I'm OK with my 2 giga XP for now, keeping my eye open for the next machine with a gaming package, cause I don't use a machine for much more. Thanks

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Re:Artillary retreating

Post by ironsight »

Had mine custom built to my specs by a local PC house. Could of saved a few hundred dollars by building it myself but i didn't want the hassle.
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