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Re: GB20 "To the Right" How Did You Beat it?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:08 am
by charlesobscure
Ok I'm stumped. I just finished my 14th attempt at this scenario and still no luck. I have literally swept the field every single time but I haven't managed to get anything higher than 6750.

I generally set up two brigades to the right of the road, one occupying the stone wall ahead of the line and the second with its right flank anchored on BRT. I place two more brigades to the left of the road along the fence line. This leaves one brigade in reserve behind the farmhouse and the other brigade defending the northern slope of LRT, to the left of III Corps. I bring up all three batteries to the front, placing one on the left flank, one at the farmhouse/stone wall, and one near BRT.

About 20-30 minutes in, the Reb attack breaks up and I counterattack with the brigade in reserve, usually throwing it into the middle to exploit the gap in the Reb line there. Usually by the 40-minute mark, I'll have swept the ground on my left flank and turn up toward BRT. I've been able to clear the cornfield every single time and usually my remaining regiments are cresting BRT from the east when the scenario ends.

What am I doing wrong?

Re: GB20 "To the Right" How Did You Beat it?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:01 am
by born2see

It took me about that many tries as well. What worked for me was to relentlessly attack from the start to grab as many combat points as I could. When I waited for the Reb attack to stall there wasn't enough time to get as many points as I needed.

Also get your batteries as close to the fighting as you dare and keep them moving with your troops. I started on the left and worked my way right. I also made sure I brought the brigade from RT down to join the fight immediately by making sure they were TC'd so they wouldn't stop to fight along the way.

Once you've cleared the Rebs from both sides of the road then head up the hill for more points. Also go after as many guns as you can if they're close.

At the start I also parked a regiment on the objective to make sure I got as many points from that as I could. Make sure it's TC'd so it doesn't wander away.

It was the last one I needed to get my stars and I beat it about 2:30 in the morning. Quite a feeling I have to say.

Make sure you read the advice from others in this thread because it is excellent.

One more thing; there are a number of different variants including one where the Rebs attack from the East. I never had any luck with that one. What I did was save each game immediately after loading and if I got close to a MV then I would rename that save with the points I got and just play it over and over until finally I won. A little gamey but it worked for me.

Good luck!


Re: GB20 "To the Right" How Did You Beat it?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 5:37 am
by General Straw-Wall
In my anniversary edition the rear objective is only worth 25 points per minute. That is 1500 points max if you hold for the entire hour. Is this the correct value for the objective?

Re: GB20 "To the Right" How Did You Beat it?

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:23 pm
by born2see
IIRC the points change half-way through the scenario but you still only get half the points you need to win. The rest come from combat points. Park a regiment on the objective immediately and go kick some butt. It's the only way to win.