"Unit builder"

Michael Slaunwhite
Posts: 4358
Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:15 am

Re:"Unit builder"

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

Why not have both? A Campaign Mode, and a What if RPG Mode? I understand the reasoning behind keeping the game (I stress game) as close as possible to being historical accurate but for myself, I have been waiting so many years now for a full Sandbox RPG.

Whatever you guys come up with will be fine, but like I said, why not have both. I don't think you guys have suits standing behind you demanding a release date.

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Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:30 pm

Re:"Unit builder"

Post by Pansarskott »

I've been hoping and waiting for this seince I read the Instruction book for TC2M, which read something lika this: "...in our next installment find out what's its like to rais, train and equipe your army, in TC Shilo...."
I absolutely love this idea! To have some sort of campaign and maybe choose from "historical" and "what if" grand campaign.
Then having you choose which uniform, weapons, doctor and training each regiment/batallion has, which division/corps it belongs to, having arty spread out amongs the brigades or have a massive corp reserve battery of heavy guns etc etc... I and all my friends would buy it at almost every price. :P

I'm already looking forward to Waterloo as I'm a Napoleon nut but this would be heaven for me!

Keep up the good work!

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