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Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 5:25 am
by RebBugler
Another reason not to tamper with the ROF settings is that ROF is also affected by the troop quality levels. We did a lot of testing and adjusting ROF settings so Elite units aren't achieving a shot a second, for example. I think the best ROF that can be achieved is 11 seconds by an Elite unit, don't remember which firearm.

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 6:34 am
by boogabooga51
There are two columns in rifles.csv:

The rate of fire for this weapon, this is the number of seconds it takes the least experienced soldier to reload the rifle

The fastest possible rate of fire in seconds for this weapon

For Spencer_USA I set values to 6 and 4. That's between 10 and 15 rounds per minute, which I think is plenty conservative considering its lever action with brass cartridges. I've heard estimates as high as 21 rounds per minute being the upper limit.

I'm testing and I'll let you know. But, IMHO, the effects of repeating rifles were not being simulated before.

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 6:56 pm
by Saddletank
you can route several regiments in the process.
Is that even remotely realistic? Do battle accounts say the Spencer was this effective? If the Spencer was the equivalent of an 1860s AK47 I am sure there would be a lot of testimony about it. But as far as I'm aware we haven't any.

In addition, as Reb says, the weapons isn't relevant, its the training and experience of the troops using it that makes any weapon effective. An example for another period of history is Panther tanks being easily outfought by Shermans and Cromwells in early 1945 because the Allied crews by then were very experienced and the Whermacht crews were green, all their experienced tankers having been consumed on the Eastern Front and in Normandy.

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 1:07 am
by boogabooga51
you can route several regiments in the process.
Is that even remotely realistic? Do battle accounts say the Spencer was this effective? If the Spencer was the equivalent of an 1860s AK47 I am sure there would be a lot of testimony about it. But as far as I'm aware we haven't any.
I think yes. I'm going by what the Civil War Trust has to say about this. See Fact #5: ... hickamauga

In addition, as Reb says, the weapons isn't relevant, its the training and experience of the troops using it that makes any weapon effective. An example for another period of history is Panther tanks being easily outfought by Shermans and Cromwells in early 1945 because the Allied crews by then were very experienced and the Whermacht crews were green, all their experienced tankers having been consumed on the Eastern Front and in Normandy.
This isn't really a compelling argument, IMHO. Why do you think that those units equipped with repeaters are so much less experienced than their enemies? (This add-on models the Lightning Brigade regiments as level 5 or 6, for example). I find it hard to believe that, all else being equal, having 6 times the firepower of your enemy isn't a significant force multiplier, at least as long as the ammo holds out.

I'm working on a mod for this that I plan to release. If one isn't interested, don't download.

The Colt repeater is harder. It seems that it has a high initial rate of fire, but then a long reload time.

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:09 pm
by Bloody Bill
In the "Official records of the war of rebellion" There are quiet a few quotes from officers on both sides of the gun. Maj. Gen Wilson says it was instrumental in stopping Hood during the Nashville campaign. He also says it inspired great morale among the men and made one of his worth three of the enemy.

Col. John Wilder said with the proper fire and movement combined with the weapons durability it was unstoppable in trained hands.

Unknown Confederate Col. captured at Nashville said the Spencer produced so much smoke they could not see the enemy at all.

The Spencer is said to be extremely rugged and not prone to issues at all. A trooper could get off 20 rounds per minute but if you half that for combat it is still a lot of fire power. Main issue seems to be keeping it supplied during a fight and on campaign.

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 10:04 pm
by Little Powell
Not to change the subject, but speaking of the Spencer, I snapped this photo of one in the Chickamauga Battlefield museum. I'm not much of a gun geek, but I definitely had a geek-out moment when seeing one of these beauties up close. :)


Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 8:48 am
by RebBugler
Update 3.5

Released for the 154th Anniversary (September 18, 2017)

Chickamauga 3Days (C-Army)

This ten and a half hour three day scenario is basically a melding of it's respective five carryover scenarios. As with it's previous versions historic structure is maintained by objectives and troop releases. However, this version will allow for a lot more freedom for choosing how, when and who takes objectives. Especially when because Waypoint objectives can be bypassed and dealt with later as the player opts. A heads up will be announced via courier message when Hold objectives are set. These should be dealt with immediately before their points slip away.

Been working on this ever since releasing GB 3Days New Ground. I was hoping to get the Union version done also, but this anniversary date came up fast and I barely got the CSA version done. So, since this one took almost two months to complete, and it's football season, the Union version doesn't get a coming soon label as of yet, just a time will tell TBA.

I've only play tested this but the scoring should work out because it's a sum of the parts also...All the major victories added together, etc. I'll try to find time for a serious play through to legitimize it's scoring by setting the bar with a nice solid Major Victory.
Better yet, if one of you SOW Generals sets it first! :)

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 5:06 am
by boogabooga51
Is it necessary to download the entire package all over again?

If not, could we please get the new mission as a separate download?

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 5:33 am
by RebBugler
Is it necessary to download the entire package all over again?

If not, could we please get the new mission as a separate download?
Files were added and changed, otherwise I could have offered a separate download.

Re: Chickamauga

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 10:23 pm
by SwampRat

Once again you are da bomb! Thanks for this scenario!!!

I have just returned from an awesome visit to Chickamauga among other fields (Antietam, South Mountain, Gettysburg, Manassas, and Murfreesboro/Stones River). Very, very happy to see this!

I am in the second day and Forrest is catching hell right now. Walker himself is released, but I get notices that Wilson, Ector and Lidell are ready for action but they remain locked. I just thought you might want to know.

Also, could you please let me know how to do a screen shot?

Many thanks.