Problem patching?

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Re: Problem patching?

Post by CaptainAndrew »

What do you mean by "the objective is not awarded in this case"? Was the red counter not going down? It could be that you didn't have enough troops or a single commander on the objective.

Was that red countdown timer taking the whole battle to go down?

I don't think any scenarios need you to stand on the objective when the battle ends. It's pretty much about getting the points needed for it to count as a victory. I could be wrong on this as I don't remember much about how each of the Waterloo scenarios were played so I could be wrong.
Capt Saucier
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Re: Problem patching?

Post by Capt Saucier »

Probably my continued confusion, but what I have observed is that the red clock counter winds down to zero, then starts over again, repeatedly. I have put an entire division in column and made sure it does not move at all. I have observed the clock wind down 3 or 4 times to zero and start again and each time I check to see if the objective has been awarded (I think an X is placed next to it in the objective screen). The objective does not seem to be awarded even after 4 times. In most games, such as sandbox games, the objective that is set by the computer needs only to be "won" once, then the X is placed in the objective screen. If I am remembering correctly, it is only the scenarios that I have downloaded from the Matrix site that have this issue with the red timer repeating. Since these scenarios are designed as multi-player games, perhaps this imposes some change to this red clock timer?
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Re: Problem patching?

Post by CaptainAndrew »

Quite confused :lol:

The objectives where the clock goes down and restarts are not capturable the way I think you are imagining. Basically, every time the clock goes down, the commander that is standing on the objective with his troops recieves a certain amount of points that help you win the battle. These points are the same thing that your troops get from dealing casualties to the enemy. The objective will not stop existing no matter how many times the clock winds down and no matter how many times you get those points after that clock winds down. You will get the reward as long as you have enough troops standing on it together with a commander. This type of an objective is called a "Hold" objective.

There are also objectives called "Waypoint", which can only be captured once and will disappear after the first time the red timer goes down. This type of an objective is more prevalent in the Waterloo scenarios, I think, and used much less for other scenarios that are intended to be played in multi-player games.

In addition to recieving points when the timer runs down, both types of objectives may give the troops that are standiing on the objective a morale, fatigue and ammo bonus. This also happens whent that red timer runs down.

All of this is explained in the game's manual from page 89 to 92.
Last edited by CaptainAndrew on Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Capt Saucier
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Re: Problem patching?

Post by Capt Saucier »

If I understand correctly, then, there are only two types of objectives, although a "hold" objective can be designated for both sides or for allies only or enemy only. I copied the following from another post on objectives:

- The Objective’s type. Waypoint Objectives disappear from
the map when won. A Hold Objective can be won many times,
until Time Limit for the scenario (set by the scenario designer
in Waterloo Scenarios, or by the player in Sandbox scenarios)
is reached, or the Score Limit (set by the player in Sandbox
scenarios) is reached, triggering the end of the scenario.

When you win a Waypoint Objective, the objective disappears and an X is marked next to the Objective in the Objective tab. A hold objective allows points to be awarded (and morale etc.) when the red clock starts and winds down to zero with enough men holding the objective. You can then choose to stay on the objective with enough men to restart the clock and win more points or move on to attack enemy if this seems more prudent, in which case you keep the points won but do not win more points. If enemy wins back the objective after you have won these points, then you do not lose the points, but the enemy may also win points if able to hold the objective for the requisite time period.

Is all of this correct?

And thanks very much for walking me through it.

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Re: Problem patching?

Post by CaptainAndrew »

Yup that's pretty much it, I think. I don't ever use the Objectives tab so I don't know about that X, but it probably wouldnt be too difficult to test out adn see whether it's true. Also, both Hold and Waypoint objectives may give a morale, fatigue, ammo boost in addition to the points.
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