Is a Civil War Possible Today?

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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by bedbug »


Game going great, sir!
Much progress to report......matter of fact you may have too much fun flying around these maps and digging in the underbrush to fight any battle.:angry:;)
Last edited by bedbug on Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by ironsight »

Bedbug, do you have a beta version of the new game?

Perot and Nader to a lesser extent did have an impact with the outcome of those past Prez elections. Looking back though, Perot was proved right by his famous quote: "NAFTA will cause the sucking sound of jobs leaving the U.S."
I myself can no longer in good conscience hold my nose anymore and vote for the lesser of two evils.
Being a conservative, i 'proudly' voted for Bush the first go around thinking he was a conservative and look what we've got under his watch; unConstitutional laws, bigger government, gas prices, torture, no-bid contracts, continual war-mongering, unbelievable Nat'l Debt increase, hegomonistic wars of choice with seemingly no end further adding to the Nat'l debt and draining the economy, depreciated dollar, trade imbalances, the possible beginnings of a new Cold War, recession and depending on how current economic events play out, possibly a depression.

Now on the other side of the 'coin', those who voted in the current Democratic Congress should be just as disappointed because their party was largely complicit in allowing most all this to go on. Sure they verbalized disappointment in front of the cameras for the benefit of their constituants but at the end of the day they gave this Republican Prez just about everything his heart desired.
Lets not forget the Dems also had their little Serbian bombing fest and the globalist trade agreements NAFTA, etc. were strong-armed through by the then Democratic Prez. with the Republican Congress smiling! And both parties are not earnestly interested in stopping illegal immigration irregardless of the fact that most Americans demand it.

The Repubs borrow and spend while the Dems tax and spend and spend they both do like drunken sailors. Other than social issues, it sure seems to me there ain't a dimes worth of difference between the two parties.

My hope is that if there is no positive fundamental change in our country's direction during the next Prez's term whoever it turns out to be, more and more people will at least think 3rd Party to end the political monopoly we have now.
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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by bedbug »

Wellll, not to put too fine a point on it, and no administration is gonna be perfect, but under the last Dem we had a reduced government, gutted wellfare, and a sound economy that paid its debts and respected individual rights. I know the other side is good at calling a spade an artichoke, but the fact is historically under Dems we have a better economy.....though thats not the propaganda.;)

Hey, part of my job on the team is to go over the new maps that Eric makes and populate them with animated trees and plants, crops, effects and such. It's rough, I know, but we all have to live with burdens what life throws at us.:laugh:
And lemme tell you I think everyone of all persuasions will love these maps LOL.
They'll make Eric famous.....maybe we can run him for president!
We'll start an NSD party.....the New Sound Democracy Party!
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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by ironsight »

Hey, part of my job on the team is to go over the new maps that Eric makes and populate them with animated trees and plants, crops, effects and such....
Ahh! Part of the NSD team, OK! Make sure you don't plant any of them there hemp rope makin plants! :P
NSD Party! How about the New Super Damgoodgamemaking Party?

FWIW, this is the way i see it, right or wrong.
I agree the surplus under Clinton's administration should be an extreme embarassment to modern day Republicans who historically are supposed to stand for fiscal responsibility. This administration has run up the Nat'l debt astronomically in the last 8 years with it looking like another trillion soon to be added.
Roughly 400 billion dollars a year of our hard earned Federal tax dollars goes just to pay the interest on that astronomical amount of borrowed money from the Fed a private bank no less. Just think on it what 400 billion dollars/yr. could do for our infrastructure, schools, alternative energy research, etc. A hell of a scam if you can get away with it and so far they are.
This is one of many reasons i will not vote Republican as i did in the past unless they get back to their root principles in the future. Seems the neocon doctrines have taken over the Republican Party.

Further to add insult on injury both parties have not only allowed outsourcing of our hi-paying jobs but entice companies to outsource through tax incentives, etc. All part of the globalist mind set. An ever increasing number of American workers finds themselves more and more having to accept low paying service oriented jobs sometimes with minimal benefits. Its no wonder to me why some people can't pay the mortgage bills every month. Since our manufacturing base has deteriorated, its going to be that much harder to get back on a positive economic track again.

As for the Clinton boom years, IMO he was in the right place at the right time during the hi-tech/.com craze fueled by the then relativiely new internet. Everyone all of a sudden had to have a PC, a modem and later invested in all those company's stock not to mention the assetless googles of the world. Many millionaires were created during that period of time for sure, i myself was employed by one of them hi-tech internet related companies and my stock options did relatively well. Unfortunately, i think them easy money-making days are over at least in the foreseeable future.
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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by bedbug »

Amen, brother.

And deregulation was like putting the foxs in charge of the chickens.

The "adventure" in Iraq cost us a severe hit in global standing. We used to be viewed as the go-to people for everything. Unfortunately what is happening now in the market is far, far more serious to our global standing and economy than Iraq will ever be.

I'm just hoping I'll have a good game to play after I move into my new cardboard box under the freeway.:)
JC Edwards
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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by JC Edwards »

Not too worry bedbug!! If need be, you can move into our basement (ala Louie Raider) and patch into our server!:lol: :)
'The path that is not seen, nor hidden, should always be flanked'
JC Edwards
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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by JC Edwards »

Amish John wrote:
I think an uprising is only probable if we're not given our regular supply of screen shots and progress reports from the new game.:laugh:
I'll supply the war paint!:lol: :P
'The path that is not seen, nor hidden, should always be flanked'
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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by bedbug »

The movers can have my 303 Enfield, but they'll have to pry these new maps from my cold dead hands!:lol: Eric and I are having FAR too much fun flying around them.

New screenshots are awaiting some new developements but are coming down the pike, have no fear.......lets not resort to painting people, Dude.
Last edited by bedbug on Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by ironsight »

303 Enfield!! That wouldn't be a Fruedian slip of somekind would it? the game's new 'time warp' option allowing the rebs to have futuristic 'secret weapons :ohmy:
I'll supply the war paint!

War paint, cool! I'll donate the pretzels and beer!:S
louie raider
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Re:Is a Civil War Possible Today?

Post by louie raider »

i got the beer covered.

{thinks it might be part of the reason why there aren't more screenshots}
this space for rent
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