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Re: 32 bit or 64 bit Windows?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:44 pm
by Michael Slaunwhite

I am getting the best of both worlds.

I have my drives highly partitioned. I have Windows XP 32-bit on one partition and Windows 7 64-Bit on another. Like having two computers.
Now that is the way to do it, and your right, it's two in one. Thanks...
I use Windows 7 for gaming to utilize the full 16 GB RAM but still use the faithful, dependable old XP for much of the routine stuff. I can still use the old programs and equipment.

Only takes a couple of seconds at bootup to say which OS you want to use.

Geoff Laver Late of Her Britannic Majesty's 57th Regiment of Foot
Thanks Ingles. I just finished installing last night, installed all the drivers, installed Service Pack 1 with all the fixes, and things look good. What I am really impressed with is a small utility that backups,. and restore your entire Firefox (includes everything from cookies, to history, addons installed etc), and restored all of my Thunderbird email settings, accounts, and all of my emails... Man this small util saved my behind.

Here is the util if you ever wish to do a complete backup of Firefox, and Thunderbird Email client (if you use it).

The attachment is no longer available

Cheers, and Thanks Ingles.

Re: 32 bit or 64 bit Windows?

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:27 pm
by Michael Slaunwhite
64 bit will run everything faster. You'll definitely notice a performance increase with the game.
Hey LP.

I have been noticing a very big difference with how I am able to multitask now, and have many programs up, and running. They do run much smoother than they did on my 32 Windows. I have a few local servers I run, and my Synchronet BBS via VMware, and everything is behaving beautifully, and I have not seen (so far) one hiccup with old programs either which is very surprising.

Thanks LP, and thank tos everyone for your posts. I'm now going to install SOW, and give that one heck of a test drive.

Cheers, and thanks again.