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Re:Thoughts on Gettysburg

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:42 pm
by Gfran64
Your right Ironsight,

For me, I hope the next add on is Shiloh. What a bear that must have been. 2 days back and forth over the same ground. Plenty of mistakes on both side and plenty of what ifs, reinforcements coming in from all over. Then your have Prentice's Division holding to the last to buy Grant time to reset the army. That would be a great scenario!


Re:Thoughts on Gettysburg

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:15 am
by JeroenHill
I think Gettysburg is a great choice to start with. Its been 10 years since Sid Meier's Gettysburg now as well. This is War3DII's first game so it is very important to score. Wargamers would try the game out with any theme, but a big name like Gettysburg gets through to the masses as well. Getting those extra incomes makes it easier to provide more resources for the follow up.

When I read the announcement this morning I kinda had that tickle feeling inside, like I had the very first day I played SMG. The MMG games were ok, but I didn't really had much with the Mannassas battles.

Really looking forward to War3DII!


Re:Thoughts on Gettysburg

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:07 am
by Chamberlain
I also know that Gettysburg is the right choice as the name is an attention getter.

It has to be one of the most recognizable places around and the events of what happened there in 3 days !!!!

I also agree with ironsight's mention about the 'What If' scenario, like if the South had won the battle the outcome of the war could have been different !!

Very good choice guys, Very Good !!!!

:) :)
