My new ACW project Foxs Gap, second phase

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Re:My new ACW project Foxs Gap, second phase

Post by Chamberlain »

Very nice Gunfreak !!!

A wide angle shot would be awesome !!


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Re:My new ACW project Foxs Gap, second phase

Post by Gunfreak »

I'll get some pics of the table soon, I'm waiting for some new terrain and hope to get it tomorrow if DHL can get the stick out of their behind.

Mean while the 3 finished regimetns I've done so far out of 47 I have to do before the project is done, thats 19 Union 28 Reb

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Re:My new ACW project Foxs Gap, second phase

Post by GShock »

This system has 2 terrible flaws but it's a highly immersive and addicting one (and i can tell since i used to be a regional champ with Warhammer and my legion of doom undeads lol)

1) There's no fog of war

2) It's IGOUGO

I am curious about the rules you are using and very very expectant on the wide angled pix from the battlefield. :ohmy:

I have a close friend who's totally addicted to painting figures but who never even saw once warhammer and other systems of this kind. He's more into WW2 stuff and modern stuff. To paint a single soldier he spends weeks and what comes out is a work of art, always.
Actually, he's the one who painted my undeads but at the high numbers of course, details can't be such...warhammer= mass production.
Last edited by GShock on Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:My new ACW project Foxs Gap, second phase

Post by Gunfreak »

I use Guns At Gettysburg, It's based on general de Brigade which originaly is about the Napoleonic wars.

It's not a pure IGOUGO, the dice decides who goes first for that trun, so if you make this big plan in one turn and it all boils down to that you get the first movments the next turn, well then it might be that the other guy gets the first chance and ruins your well made plan.
Also the turns play out a way that makes it possible to counter the other side, as charges are called before movments and fireing, so you may take a charge and counter what ever the other side was planing.

But yes, the fog of war is not simulated, unless you add to the rules and use some sort of blinds, with fake regimetns ect.
But the battle fields are so small it would be hard not to at least get some ide of were a regimetn of sevral hundreds men would be.

I know of another rule were one regiments has to roll dice to be able so fire on another regiment if it's in hard to see terrain.

When I comes to painting I'm not the good, and i find that no mater how much time I spend on figs they will turn out the same, that said, I use an hour to paint 4 rebs, while I only use 40 minutes to paint 12 WW2 US soldiers,
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Re:My new ACW project Foxs Gap, second phase

Post by norb »

They all look very nice to me! How do you keep your family away from the table? I know that you don't want it messed up. I don't think that I could do that with dogs and kids and no room for it.
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Re:My new ACW project Foxs Gap, second phase

Post by Gunfreak »

I live in a one room apartment ALONE, so I don't have to worry about my familiy
MG JB Gordon
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Re:My new ACW project Foxs Gap, second phase

Post by MG JB Gordon »

Gunfreak I play alot of warhammer fantasy and 40k myself as well as flames of war, got about 700 or so minis. What scale are those figs at?
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Re:My new ACW project Foxs Gap, second phase

Post by Gunfreak »

They are 15mm, I have about 800-900 15mm figs and another 500 28mm
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Re:My new ACW project Foxs Gap, second phase

Post by Gunfreak »

As promised some table shots.

This is $1300 worth of terrain

The terrain boards are custom made, the fields and frence are from BTC

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Re:My new ACW project Foxs Gap, second phase

Post by Gunfreak »

some more pics


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