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Re: Need help winning Scenario Twenty-One

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:40 pm
by rclark14
Hi, if I can't win normal, I switch to militia to get a better feel- I found the single player scenerios are harder to win than some of the modification scenes- I had very hard time on normal in the regular game- but on the mods I could win more easily on normal- I usually play CSA- are the Union any easier on normal? Also, on Picket's charge are there men being blown up as they march ?- I was trying to get the realism like the history shows make it look very awful- they said Union guns tearing huge holes in the Confederate lines- great piece of history !!! Brave men- Armistead et all

Re: Need help winning Scenario Twenty-One

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:52 pm
by dpeters95
RebBugler wrote:
There's 200 points per wall objective(3), 2 mins to secure each. Secure all 3 for 600 points. The flashing objective is normal, it's a layered objective to trigger a warning if activated, or provide you minimal points if held, 10 per min. I think.
Say what!!?? That reminds of those math problems in school. If a train leaves Chicago going 50 mph and another leaves Little Rock going 70 mph, how old is the engineer? :huh:


That's easy, he's 38! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Re: Need help winning Scenario Twenty-One

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:29 pm
by RebBugler
This scenario was designed not only as a challenge, but for replay value, because of the variant possibilities. All the variants can be beaten, just some are more challenging than others. I think the easiest is the battalion setup, with the south objective. With this one you can actually activate two objectives at once, the first and the south wall. This gives you more engagement time up front, plus you can find some high ground along the road to use to your advantage.

The primary strategy in all variants: don't activate the first objective until you have substantial engagement points.

Frankly, I thought the main issue here would be folks yelling about losing a 'Must Hold' objective after getting their Major Victory points. Because as the vets here know, once you secure each wall objective, they each must still be guarded, for if taken by the enemy...YOU LOSE. :evil:

Re: Need help winning Scenario Twenty-One

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:37 am
by born2see
dpeters95 wrote:
That's easy, he's 38!

See I thought the Arkansas engineer was 14 because he was the illegitimate son of the third cousin twice removed who married his first cousin who owned the Piggly Wiggly. I get confused when it comes to Arkansas genealogy. In California it's easy because nobody gets married. :P


Re: Need help winning Scenario Twenty-One

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:49 pm
by JC Edwards
An Arkansas Engineer?......He might be related to RebBugler! :laugh: :P

Re: Need help winning Scenario Twenty-One

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:36 pm
by kaplan71
Hi there --

I was finally able to get a major victory here, but it did not come easy. The strategy that I ended up using was concentrating my force at one victory location at a time, and charging the enemy whenever they
got too close. This strategy did result in several enemy units getting captured which was a definite benefit to my cause.

I know I posted a request for help in Scenario Twenty-Two, but hopefully the strategy shown here will help others who will be coming this way.

Re: Need help winning Scenario Twenty-One

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:19 am
by Grognard Pierre
Well, I am completely flummoxed with this battle. I am following the advice as best I can, and can often hold all the objectives but my points max out around 1300 points by game end. I am not getting enough surrenders although I am unsure how to get anymore.
I prefer the option with the three combined company commands rather than managing the 10 companies separately. Anyone else have a preference here? Any other tips to help?
I have played this scenario so many times now, getting frustrating. :unsure:

Re: Need help winning Scenario Twenty-One

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:58 pm
by RebBugler
Hope you don't get so frustrated you quit, as others have done. The bar is set quite high here, but manageable. Yes, the three company divisions is my preference of setup. If you haven't, read this other thread, it includes my best advice for success with a MV: ... -something

Good Luck

Re: Need help winning Scenario Twenty-One

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:31 pm
by Stellar Duck
Having recently struggled with some of the cavalry scenarios I feel you!

But I'll also encourage you to stick to it! I managed to beat them eventually, much thanks to the good people here, so it's certainly possible if I can do it.

Edit: just opened it again to jog my memory as to how I did it. There is a three company variant?!

Ahem. Anyways, what I did was, as far as memory serves, to push to the first fence line with my tiny units and push off the yanks and then activate the first VP on the road. As I was doing that I pushed towards the ridge and walls so I could get some chaps there before the Union showed up with more men. Then the next VP was on the ridge so I galloped over and activated it and moved the men from the first VP onto my right flank to protect that. From there I basically just tried to hold out and kill as many as I could get away with. I was lucky that the Union boys tried to flank me on the right so my men there got the down hill shooting bonus and mopped the floor well with them.

Re: Need help winning Scenario Twenty-One

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:37 am
by Grognard Pierre
Thank you gents, finally :cheer:
I played the three combined company variant, and used a combination of threatening aggression alternating with a defensive posture on the high ground behind the wall. I thought the scenario was going to flop yet again when one of my companies(+) managed a melee and gained a surrender only seconds before the game end. That tipped me up to 1612 points for the win. Exhausting. What's next?