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Re:Looking into John Tiller Series.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:09 am
by tominrichmond
The Battleground series seems to me more historically detailed, and the real upside is that the games are much more strategic, in that you can move your divisions and corps in entirely different ways than historically was done, where in SOW you are confined to starting the game exactly where the tactical battles began.

It would be great to have a tactical campaign option, so that one could try Longstreet's ideas, or one could take Cemetery Hill and then play on over the next two days, seeing what Meade would do deprived of that key defensive location.

I really love both games, and wish Battleground was as visually impressive as SOW(although the early BG maps are incredibly beautiful and accurate); and I wish SOW had a more tactical level (difficult as that would be to acheive with sprites).

Re:Looking into John Tiller Series.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:05 am
by gbs
Little Powell wrote:
Johnny Reb wrote:
But I did buy Forge of Freedom a few days ago. It's quite intimidating, not really knowing how to go about this war dropped in your lap, and it's going to take weeks to learn the ins and outs. But FoF is exactly the CW game I wanted. I wanted a game where I could control whole armies and think about the bigger strategies of the Civil War, rather than just individual battles.
I'm in the same boat you are. I really want a grand strategy Civil War game but I just don't have the time and patience to learn them. I've tried them all FOF, AGEOD, but I can't ever get past the first turn.. :laugh:

I keep thinking I'll have more time to learn them when SOWGB testing settles down, but I don't think that'll ever happen. This game is always evolving. And when I'm not testing, I'm creating scenario's, and when I'm not creating scenario's, I'm actually playing the game. :laugh:

Little Powell, try Gary Grigsby's War Between the States. I think it is the best of the three as I have all. In fact I have said it is the best game of it's kind (big picture/realism) I have ever played. Like a lot of Gary's games there is a lot of emphasis on logistics and leaders.

Re:Looking into John Tiller Series.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 3:49 pm
by Lees Warhorse
Hey Guys,
I play AGEODs game quite a bit.....I like the organizing of armies and supplies. Are these games somewhat like that game???? Any good websites for these games?? Thanks

Re:Looking into John Tiller Series.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 6:59 pm
by franco
I have Vista 64 Premium Home Edition and I can run the 2007 Tiller Games with no problems. You can get scenarios at supposedly they have 20,000 scenarios.
I can also run SMG with no problems except the Screen resolutions change to 760 x 800 if I remember right.

Re:Looking into John Tiller Series.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:28 pm
by Marmusman
This may be a dead topic, but I have the Talonsoft (Matrix) Battleground games. John Tiller provided updates to work in Windows XP/vista/etc. (The patches can be found here

I have all 5 Civil War era games (Gettysburg/Antietam/Bull Run/Chickamauga/Shiloh) and one for WWII (Battle of the Bulge). Like everybody said, they are turn based games...but I do think they are fun. It is kinda like chess and you need patience. There is even still a league that plays against each other They play the Battleground series and the follow up HPS simulations American Civil War games and two other similar brands.

Just my 2 cents.