'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

Colonel Walker's Last Stand!
This is a classic RB scenario. Grips you to the end!

Skin of teeth sort of thing.
Man, and I thought that this scenario was blow out proof, you really proved me wrong. At least tell me that wasn't your first attempt. You're definitely proving to be an Ace at nailing these regimental level scenarios. Congrats once again!
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

He he - thanks Reb. I started this scn on Friday, saved and then finished last night.
Does that count as a first attempt? :)

Taking the guns was crucial, as you hinted at, so I first sent a company out to try and knock out the artillery to my right, while they were concentrating on the advancing AI troops. I repeated this with another company after taking and holding the first objective, this time the guns to the left. This took out all the hostile artillery. so I could keep advancing and take other objectives.
The last objective was the hardest of course! I had the chance to retreat, but thought I'd suffer casualty wise, so I stuck it out to the end!

Another great piece of entertainment Randy

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

Hey David

If that was the first attempt from a save, and you didn't finish the game after that first save, then this definitely counts as your first attempt...I'm beyond amazed!

Very nice and informative AAR, folks can learn by this. Still, taking all those guns ain't easy, like I said in the Info - Timing Timing Timing. You obviously nailed that aspect...

A Big Thanks for the report and the kudos :)
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

Update version 1.61 (June 28, 2020)

- Scenario GB2-22 added
- Eliminated the ‘End Screens’ graphics of scenarios 08, 01, 02, 03, 15R, 15R2, &17R to reduce this mod’s bulk for attachment purposes.
- Make sure to download and install the latest update of True Ground Maps - Gettysburg - The Big Picture, Version 2.3 Update - June 25, 2020. It includes the ‘End Screens’ graphics of scenarios 08, 01, 02, 03, 15R, 15R2, &17R. Without this update, any scenarios listed above that are played will crash the game upon End Game.
Last edited by RebBugler on Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB2-22_July2-Kelly's Irish Brigade, The Wheatfield (U-Brig)

Length of Play: 45 minutes

Command: Colonel Patrick Kelly commanding the Irish Brigade

Situation: Our division has been ordered south to support the left flank of our army's position. Having moved to the sounds of the fight, our brigade is now positioned north of a patch of woods separating us from that fight. We anxiously await orders.

Mission: Attack and secure all objectives.

The objectives offer 2200 total points. Most of the initial enemy units encountered will fallback and retreat within four minutes when engaged within 100 yards.

Forces Available:
Colonel Patrick Kelly commanding the Irish Brigade, Brigadier General John C. Caldwell, First Division, II Corps, Army of the Potomac, under Brigadier General John Gibbon

Irish Brigade, Colonel Patrick Kelly
28th Massachusetts Regiment, Colonel R. Byrnes
Irish Regiment, Lt Colonel Richard C. Bentley
Comprised of:
63rd New York
69th New York
88th New York
116th Pennsylvania

Brigade Strength: 533 troops and officers

You'll need approximately 23 minutes to capture all available objectives. As you're holding the 'Kelly III' objective the Rebel counter attack will begin, so plan and pace your advance accordingly.

One second left...
At this point my outnumbered troops were barely hanging on and were losing ground to the advancing Rebels...Saved by End Game.
Wheatfield Kelly1.jpg
Wheatfield Kelly1.jpg (617.02 KiB) Viewed 412 times

More "the luck of the Irish" with this win. Dared not try to reposition my fatigued troops while under fire, so I went into manager mode, removing depleted units from the front lines to minimize routs.
Wheatfield Kelly2.jpg
Wheatfield Kelly2.jpg (503.47 KiB) Viewed 412 times

***Biographical Information***

Patrick Kelly
After the 1863 Battle of Chancellorsville, Kelly was promoted to command the Irish Brigade following the resignation of Brig. Gen. Thomas Francis Meagher. Kelly led the heavily depleted brigade (fewer than 600 men) in an attack at the Wheatfield at Gettysburg. The brigade lost 198 of 532 troops engaged, around 37%.

Kelly resumed his role as colonel of his regiment as more senior officers returned to the brigade. However, with the death of Col. Richard Byrnes at the Battle of Cold Harbor in 1864, Kelly again commanded the brigade. At the age of 42, Kelly died during the Siege of Petersburg when he was shot through the head while leading the Irish Brigade forward against Confederate earthworks.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB2-23_July2-Zook's Brigade, Stony Hill III (U-Brig)

Length of Play: 45 minutes

Command: Brigadier General Samuel K. Zook commanding the Third Brigade

Situation: Having been ordered to the sounds of the battle, our brigade is now positioned northeast of a stretch of woods along a stony hill. With our forces retreating before us, it's not if, but rather when, we will receive orders to enter this fight.

Mission: Attack and secure all objectives.

The objectives offer 2200 total points. Most of the initial enemy units encountered will fallback and retreat within four minutes when engaged within 100 yards.

Forces Available:
Brigadier General Samuel K. Zook commanding the Third Brigade, Brigadier General John C. Caldwell, First Division, II Corps, Army of the Potomac, under Brigadier General John Gibbon

Third Brigade, Brigadier General Samuel K. Zook
52nd New York Regiment, Lt Colonel Charles G. Freudenberg
57th New York Regiment, Lt Colonel Alford B. Chapman
66th New York Regiment, Colonel Orlando H. Morris
140th Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel Richard P. Roberts

Brigade Strength: 976 troops and officers

Steady progress through the objectives allowing for plenty of time to set up a strong defensive line while holding the 'Zook III' objective proved to be the most successful route for me in winning this scenario. This will give you the 'high ground' advantage along the stony hill you'll need to increase your engagement score as the Rebels attack across the Rose Run Gorge.

One second left...
As per historical events, the Zook offensive recaptured Stony Hill. But within minutes, Wofford's 1600+ brigade approaching from the west will force yet another Federal division to retreat and lose 'the hard fought for' Stony Hill again.
Zook Wheatfield1.jpg
Zook Wheatfield1.jpg (614.39 KiB) Viewed 411 times
Wasn't easy considering Zook's green troops. So better yet, a Major Victory that merited even more of a sense of accomplishment.
Zook Wheatfield2.jpg
Zook Wheatfield2.jpg (458.4 KiB) Viewed 411 times

***Biographical Information***

Zook Monument, The Wheatfield, Gettysburg Battlefield

On July 2, 1863, the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg, Brig. Gen. John C. Caldwell's division, including Zook's brigade, was sent to reinforce the crumbling III Corps line that was being assaulted by the Confederate corps of Lt. Gen. James Longstreet. Zook was directed by one of the III Corps staff officers toward the Wheatfield to reinforce the brigade of Col. Régis de Trobriand and to fill a gap near the Stony Hill. Zook, on horseback, led his men up the hill, which attracted the attention of men from the advancing 3rd and 7th South Carolina Infantry regiments, of Joseph B. Kershaw's brigade. He was struck by rifle fire in the shoulder, chest, and abdomen, and taken behind the lines for medical treatment at a toll house on the Baltimore Pike. He died from his wounds on July 3 and is buried near the grave of General Winfield Scott Hancock in Montgomery Cemetery in West Norriton Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, near Norristown, Pennsylvania. He received a brevet promotion to major general for Gettysburg, awarded as of July 2. A small monument near the Wheatfield Road commemorates Zook's death.

One of his soldiers in the 57th New York later characterized Zook as "a good disciplinarian; he hated cowardice and shams; had no patience with a man that neglected duty; was blunt, somewhat severe, yet good hearted ... a born soldier, quick of intellect, and absolutely without fear."
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB2-24_July2-Brooke's Bold Salient, The Wheatfield (U-Brig)

Length of Play: 50 minutes

Command: Colonel John R Brooke commanding the Fourth Brigade

Situation: Having been ordered to the sounds of the battle, our brigade is now positioned north of a stretch of woods along a wheat field, which is now a battlefield. We were originally ordered to remain in reserve, but a courier is fast approaching our position. This means one thing, a change in orders. And judging the situation by the approaching sounds of battle, we are about to enter the fray.

Mission: Attack and secure all objectives.

The objectives offer 2000 total points. Most of the initial enemy units encountered will fallback and retreat within four minutes when engaged within 100 yards.

Forces Available:
Colonel John R Brooke commanding the Fourth Brigade, Brigadier General John C. Caldwell, First Division, II Corps, Army of the Potomac, under Brigadier General John Gibbon

Fourth Brigade, Colonel John R Brooke
27th Connecticut Regiment, Lt Colonel Henry C. Merwin
2nd Delaware Regiment, Colonel William P. Baily
64th New York Regiment, Colonel Daniel G. Bingham
53rd Pennsylvania Regiment, Lt Colonel Richards McMichael
145th Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel Hiram L. Brown

Brigade Strength: 855 troops and officers

One second left...
Brooke's salient, center of screen, is hanging on. Missed my timing by four minutes, that's when the objective points were all captured. My score dropped from that point on. Although you have the cover of the woods, being flanked on three sides will whittle your troops down fast.
Wheatfield_Brooke1.jpg (587.48 KiB) Viewed 410 times

Tried to keep my troop strength above 400...just missed.
Wheatfield_Brooke2.jpg (462.39 KiB) Viewed 410 times
This End Screen picture is from the following:
Brooke's Charge Gettysburg - July 2, 1863
Diographic Print by Dennis Morris

The Irish Brigade is visible at right battling Kershaw in the woods on Stony Hill.

***Biographical Information***

At Gettysburg...
At about 5:15 PM Anderson and Kershaw’s Brigade had cleared all Union Troops and Artillery from the Wheatfield. As General Kershaw looked over the crest of the field toward Trostle Woods he could see fresh Union troops ready to attack. These were the Brigades of Caldwell’s division, part of the II corps brought south from Cemetery Ridge to help fill the gap that was opening in the Union line between Little Round Top and the Peach Orchard. Cross and Zook's’ Brigades moved forward on the East and West edges, respectively, of the Wheatfield, though both commanders would be mortally wounded. The Irish Brigade went third but it was too small to fill the gap between Zook and Cross.

John R. Brooke’s Brigade of 850 men in 5 small regiments was supposed to be in reserve but Caldwell ordered them to attack. They moved to the crest of the field and exchanged volleys with the Confederates in the lower part of the field and Rose Woods. After several minutes Brooke gave the order to fix bayonets and charge. They did and the enemy gave way. In perhaps the most effective Union Brigade attack of the Battle, Brooke’s Brigade pushed the Confederates out of the Wheatfield into Rose Wood and then completely out of the Woods. Critics have stated that Brooke overreached, but this attack was the only time in 3 days that a Union force took ground that it did not hold prior to the battle. Brooke’s Brigade held the ground at the edge of Rose Woods until they ran low on ammunition.

A Safe July 4th, 2020 Independence Day to everyone!

To be safe while helping others to be safe, and, for us to beat this virus:

Wear a Mask
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by jlan5031 »

I can't figure out how to download the folder. No download command appears when I right click.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

I can't figure out how to download the folder. No download command appears when I right click.
Normal, left click, brings up the download window.

Edit: Just double checked, and the window didn't pop up, but the download happened, to my Downloads folder.
Last edited by RebBugler on Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

Another near run thing!
My first attempt had Col Kelly killed by a Reb charge (I'd not been paying enough attention to where he was!). Luckily I'd saved the game just prior to this, and went on to just about achieve an MV.

It's amazing how close these things can get - the mark of good scn designing. :)
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