'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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Re: 'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

That's exactly it Reb - keeps you coming back for more - figuring out different tactics.


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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB2-27_July2-Into the Valley of Death (U-Div)

Length of Play: 45 minutes

Command: Brigadier General Samuel W. Crawford's Pennsylvania Reserve Division

Situation: Having only recently arrived on Cemetery Ridge, just north of the round tops, you've still had time to observe the orderly withdrawal of General Ayres' US regulars. Being the best division the Union army has to offer, their orderly retreat is rather unnerving, especially upon seeing the hundreds of dead and wounded they have left behind on the battlefield. But there's no time to dwell on what was, there's only time to follow your immediate orders: Attack and defeat the enemy before you, leading your division "Into the Valley of Death".

Forces Available:
Brigadier General Samuel W. Crawford, commanding the Third Division, V Corps, Army of the Potomac, under Major General George Sykes

First Brigade, Colonel William McCandless
1st Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel William Cooper Talley
2nd Pennsylvania Regiment, Lt Colonel George A. Woodward
6th Pennsylvania Regiment, Lt Colonel Wellington H. Ent
13th Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel Charles Taylor

Attached from Colonel Joseph W. Fisher's Third Brigade:
11th Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel Samuel M. Jackson

Attached from Brigadier General Frank Wheaton's Division:
Third Brigade, Colonel David J. Nevin
62nd New York Regiment, Lt Colonel Theodore B. Hamilton
93rd Pennsylvania Regiment, Major John I. Nevin
98th Pennsylvania Regiment, Major John B. Kohler
139th Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel Frederick H. Collier

Division strength: 3090 troops and officers, 12 Guns

This scenario depicts the final major action of General Lee's en echelon attack along Cemetery Ridge, south of Gettysburg, July 2nd, 1863. Historically, after sporadic attacks across Plum Run, the southern forces only held their forward position along Houck’s Ridge a few minutes before being ordered to withdraw. With this scenario, the player must force this withdrawal by capturing objectives. Then, when the player's score reaches 3000 (notified via courier message), all Rebel units will begin to withdraw and retire to their historical 'end day two' positions, ending the conflicts in that sector.

Your first courier message advises: "Additionally, Lieutenant Walcott's battery is being overrun. Take back those guns immediately before they can be turned on our troops."
Historically, these guns weren't manned after capture, but since the SOW engine doesn't provide for lone cannon retrieval, consider this a historical alternative.

13th Pennsylvania
They're a vital resource in your arsenal, for they carry the Sharps Repeaters*. Position them wisely, and watch their ammo levels, they usually exhaust their ammo within 30 minutes of continuous engagement.
*Model 1859 Sharps Rifle USA, has been scaled down 100 yards in all phases of engagement ranges. This leaves it with a maximum range of 300 yards rather than 400. For me this is a much more realistic maximum range since even modern day US basic army rifle proficiency training doesn't include targets beyond 300 yards. Considering effectiveness related to the amount of ammo wasted, it's just not practical due to human limitations on a field of battle, regardless of rifle capabilities.

One second left...As stated in the Intro, and as pictured, all objectives aren't required for success...
Crawford1.jpg (481.84 KiB) Viewed 421 times

After finalizing all edits, I commenced play testing. First play, DEFEAT, second play, DRAW, third play...TA DAAA!
Crawford2.jpg (460.29 KiB) Viewed 421 times
Originally this scenario was titled 'The Valley of Death'. Then I found online this painting (above pict) titled 'Into the Valley of Death'. Much better fit, not to mention the great picture find, I think most folks will agree.

Biographical Information...

At the July 1863 Battle of Gettysburg Brigadier General Crawford gained fame by skillfully directing the Pennsylvania Reserves on the second day of the engagement, where they repulsed the charging Confederates from the Little Round Top northern slope area and Plum Run area after the Southern Troops had defeated Union forces in the Wheatfield. General Crawford himself led one the charges made by elements of his division. His men occupied the blood soaked Wheatfield after the Confederates retreated at the conclusion of the battle.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB2-10_July2-Little Round Top, End of the Line (U-Brig)

Length of Play: 40 minutes

Command: Colonel Strong Vincent's Brigade

Situation: While en route to the fight at the Wheatfield, your brigade has been re-ordered to this elevated position just south of Cemetery Ridge. From here the battle is laid out before you, making your underlying orders quite clear...Hold This Position. For just below this position and to the south, the Devil's Den Union position is on the brink of being overwhelmed by the Rebels. Their next target is obvious: Your position, the "Little Round Top", the "End of the Line" of the Union left flank.

Mission: Defend and hold the Little Round Top

Forces Available:
Colonel Strong Vincent, commanding the Third Brigade, Brigadier General James Barnes, First Division, V Corps, Army of the Potomac, under Major General George Sykes

83rd Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel Orpheus S. Woodward
16th Michigan Regiment, Lt Colonel Norval Welch
20th Maine Regiment, Colonel Joshua Chamberlain
44th New York Regiment, Colonel James Rice

Attached from Brigadier General Stephen H. Weed's Brigade:
140th Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel Patrick 'Paddy' O'Rorke

Attached from Brigadier General John H. Ward's Brigade:
2nd U.S. Sharpshooters (2 Companies), Major Homer Stoughton

Captain Charles E Hazlett, Battery D - 5th U.S. Artillery

Brigade strength: 1966 troops and officers, 6 Guns

Similar to the B&F version, but totally re-scripted. This scenario begins with Vincent's brigade already positioned on the LRT as the first southern regiments emerge from the woods and immediately attack the center of Vincent's brigade line. Vincent's flank regiments, the 16th Michigan and 20th Maine, weren't engaged in the first Rebel assault, an account of history only a 'True Ground' battlefield can portray.

According to the 'Gettysburg Campaign Atlas by Philip Laino', during the first assault the 20th Maine was positioned in the saddle between the two round tops. Then after the first assault Chamberlain re-positioned the 20th to protect his southern facing. Players should heed Chamberlain's adjustments. Threw this message in not only for gameplay advice, but confessing my previous ignorance of the 20th Maine positioning. I had always assumed they were higher up on the LRT, and never in the saddle.

Back is the infamous Rebel Yell, performed and recorded in 1935 by an old Confederate veteran. I did my own mix back years ago for the B&F LRT versions.
Get ready for a lot of Rebel Yells in this scenario as every Rebel company is scripted to Charge and Yell when they come within 40 yards of the enemy (fortunately for Yankee nerves, it's just a onetime event for each company).
A heads up, when they charge, they will sometimes draw your troops off the line to melee, it's automatic. So, to break off the melees, you have to manually retreat each unit...Be ready to hunt down charges and force retreats or your defensive line will fragment and weaken.

One second left...Both objectives still ticking, and the weary Rebels are on the run
Vincent1.jpg (544.71 KiB) Viewed 420 times
Stats to be proud of, not a unit grade in the red. Note that the 16th Michigan had the honor of collecting all the final objective points, over 1000. Of course, they had help...
Vincent2.jpg (230.83 KiB) Viewed 420 times
Had some initial defeats, made some adjustments that made things a little more manageable, then came two victories, and finally...
Vincent3.jpg (493.58 KiB) Viewed 420 times

***Biographical Information***

On July 2nd Colonel Strong Vincent and his men were given the task of holding Little Round Top. As the Confederates attacked, he rallied his men, holding a rider’s crop and shouting "don't give an inch." He was wounded and taken to a field hospital not far from the battlefield where he died on July 7, 1863. He was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General, US Volunteers on July 3rd upon the recommendation of Army of the Potomac commander Major General George Gordon Meade, but it is not known if he heard of the promotion before he died.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB2-09_July2-Little Round Top, And Beyond (C-Div)

Length of Play: 60 minutes

Command: Brigadier General Evander M. Law, commanding Hood's Division

Situation: The Devil's Den Federal position has been taken but the Wheatfield fight goes on. Your units involved in the Wheatfield will continue that fight, but you just received orders to also attack the Union position atop the ridge to your south, the smaller of the two round tops. Immediately you send out orders to your brigade commanders as to the new mission of your division. Within minutes the orders are responded to, as your ten regiments involved in the new attack merge to their target, the Little Round Top.

Mission: Secure and hold the Little Round Top.

Forces Available:
Brigadier General Evander M. Law, commanding Hood's Division, I Corps, Army of Northern Virginia under Lieutenant General James Longstreet

Law's Brigade, Colonel James L. Sheffield
4th Alabama Regiment, Lt Colonel Laurence Scruggs
15th Alabama Regiment, Colonel William Oates
44th Alabama Regiment, Colonel William Perry
47th Alabama Regiment, Lt Colonel Michael J. Bulger
48th Alabama Regiment, Colonel James Sheffield

Benning's Brigade, Brigadier General Henry L Benning
2nd Georgia Regiment, Lt Colonel William Harris
17th Georgia Regiment, Colonel Wesley Hodges
20th Georgia Regiment, Colonel John Jones

Attached units from Robertson's Brigade:
4th Texas Regiment, Colonel John Key
5th Texas Regiment, Colonel Robert Powell

Division strength: 3387 troops and officers

This scenario is designed on the alternate history premise that General Law directs a large portion of his division to attack the Little Round Top. This attack, occurring once Devil's Den is secure, consists of the 10 regiments of the division that were not engaged in the Wheatfield fight. To strive for historic credibility, all of these regiments have had their troop numbers reduced reflecting attrition according to their engagements up to this point in this day's battle. The largest reduction is with Benning's three regiments, 30 per cent casualties suffered while taking the Devil's Den position.

With this large force, taking the LRT is relatively easy, holding it is another matter. After exiting Vincent's brigade, you'll face Weed's brigade, followed by Burbank and Day, the 'US Regulars' brigades, then three batteries of Martin's artillery division, and finally, McCandless's brigade (a total of 7391 troops). At this point, with about 10 minutes left in the scenario, your division will be overwhelmed. By my testing, maintaining the LRT objective to the end is impossible! So, this scenario includes a 'Retreat Alternative' ending. Once you score 5100 points a *'scout message' will warn you of impending doom, and your option to retreat before it's too late.
*Save your game upon receiving this message. Retreating and salvaging your score can be hazardous, you may need several tries.

This scenario explores possible strategic advantages a CSA secured LRT would have provided during this phase of the battle. While it does give a good idea of how long the LRT could have been held, it doesn't include the CSA progress in securing the Wheatfield, so those forces, and Wofford's brigade moving in from the west, could move to Cemetery Ridge and support the LRT fight. A big 'what if' then, of whether the ridge could have been secured, only to face Sedgwick's corps, just arriving from the east. Anyway, exploring possibilities creates scenarios, and this is the most recent manifestation.


With this MV, I went about another minute beyond the "impending doom" message before my objective points shut down. Then, I immediately got the 'Hell outta Dodge', and salvaged the score as posted. And, just as previously acknowledged, it was about 10 minutes before End Scenario.
Day LRT.jpg
Day LRT.jpg (371.88 KiB) Viewed 419 times

***Biographical Information***

Evander McIver Law

At Gettysburg...
...Law's brigade fought in the unsuccessful assault on the Union left on July 2, 1863, on Little Round Top and the Devil's Den. He assumed temporary division command after John Bell Hood was wounded. Some historians have criticized Law for the lack of coordination that existed in Hood's division while he served as a temporary commander. Gettysburg historian Harry W. Pfanz suggested that Law's "control of the division as a whole that afternoon was not very active and strong." He did not appoint his own successor at brigade command until after the fighting was over for the day, leaving his regiments without direction. None of Hood's other brigade commanders reported receiving any commands from Law during the battle.

On July 3, Law's men were at the extreme right of the Confederate line and defended against a suicidal cavalry attack made by Union troops of Brig. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick's division, led by their brigade commander Brig. Gen. Elon J. Farnsworth.

Law did not write an official report on the battle. Years later, he published his own account of the fighting on July 2, "The Struggle For 'Round Top'", in Battles and Leaders of the Civil War.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

Update version 1.35 April 28, 2020
- Addition of scenario GB2-07
- Adjusted artillery line formations for wider spacing between guns. This addresses issues of guns merging together.
- Eliminated the ‘End Screens’ graphics of scenarios 11-23 to reduce this mod’s bulk for attachment purposes.
- Make sure to download and install the latest update of 'True Ground Maps' - Gettysburg - "The Big Picture", Version 1.9 Update - April 2, 2020. It includes the ‘End Screens’ graphics of scenarios 11-23. Without this update, any scenarios listed above that are played will crash the game upon End Game.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB2-07_July2-Devil's Den, Hell's Ground (U-Brig)

Length of Play: 40 minutes

Command: Brigadier General John H. Ward's Second Brigade

Situation: As Captain Smith's three guns hammer away at the approaching Rebel forces, you watch as your '2nd US sharpshooters' picket lines are forced back to the base of the Big Round Top, and then disappear into its dense wood line. The enemy is now to your south, and by the approaching sounds of battle, also due west. Despite the growing threats, you have confidence in your defensive position. A strong position by any account, you have elevation, boulders for cover, and woods to the west to slow and hamper enemy movements. But ultimately only one question prevails - Will this be our victory ground, or become our Devil's Den from Hell?

Mission: Defend and hold Devil's Den

Forces Available:
Brigadier General John H. Ward, commanding the Second Brigade, Major General David B Birney, First Division, III Corps, Army of the Potomac, under Major General Daniel E Sickles

20th Indiana Regiment, Colonel John Wheeler
4th Maine Regiment, Colonel Elijah Walker
86th New York Regiment, Lt. Colonel Benjamin Higgins
124th New York Regiment, Colonel Augustus Ellis
99th Pennsylvania Regiment, Major John Moore
2nd U.S. Sharpshooters, Major Homer Stoughton
Attached from:
Third Brigade, Colonel Phillippe de Trobriand
40th New York Regiment, Colonel Thomas Egan
Attached from:
Third Brigade/Second Division, Colonel George C Burling
6th New Jersey Regiment, Colonel Gershom Mott

4th Battery - New York Artillery, Captain James E Smith

Brigade strength: 2398 troops and officers, 6 Guns

Historically based, this scenario also throws in some alternate history options by expanding the roles of the 6th New Jersey and 40th New York regiments. If the player prefers to emulate the historical version, they can leave the 6th NJ idle and only commit the 40th NY to 10 minutes or so of engagement time, then withdraw the 40th from the field of battle. Otherwise, go for a Major Victory and use the heck outta'em. Because, they were available historically to defend that ground, just not called up to provide any significant support.

One second left...
Note the new attack coming from the upper left. So, major victory or not, Devil's Den would still have had to be evacuated once the Rebel attack of the Little Round Top was called off, as those southern troops converged upon Devil's Den from the east.
WardDevilsDen1.jpg (506.86 KiB) Viewed 418 times
Guaranteed replay value, had to get acquainted with this scenario a lot before finally nailing it with this rewarding outcome...
WardDevilsDen2.jpg (468.78 KiB) Viewed 418 times
***Biographical Information***

John Henry Hobart Ward

At Gettysburg
During the Gettysburg Campaign, Brigadier General Ward's brigade was assigned on July 2 by Maj. Gen. Daniel Sickles to hold a large area from the Wheatfield Road to Devil's Den. Stretched thin with little reserves, Ward's brigade nevertheless held their ground stubbornly. Regiments were moved to threatened points of the line, especially the left flank. Finally it was driven back by determined Confederate attacks. Ward became temporary commander of the division when Birney assumed corps command following the wounding of General Sickles. Col. Hiram Berdan took command of Ward's brigade. Ward lost 781 officers and men out of 2,188 present, a loss of 35.7%. Ward suffered a wound on July 2 but did not relinquish command.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

GB_08 - Devil's Den.

Blimey, this was a close run thing! I needed to shift a lot of regiments in a hurry.
GB-08.jpg (376.92 KiB) Viewed 439 times
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB_08 - Devil's Den.

Blimey, this was a close run thing! I needed to shift a lot of regiments in a hurry.
Those close ones are the best, guaranteed to get your adrenaline flowing. Congrats on your Major Victory!

Certainly appreciate this post, this thread has been lonely lately, along with the forum in general. I enjoy recreating history and its 'what ifs' with these scenarios, but without feedback what's the point in sharing. Self indulgence only goes so far, gotta share and hopefully provide entertainment, along with a history lesson.:)
Last edited by RebBugler on Fri May 01, 2020 6:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

It is a pity not more people are posting, myself included. For me I find it really difficult to negotiate since the site rebuild - I'm not critising in any way, it's no easy thing to rebuild a site, you have done so well to get it up and running again. The game might fade away completely if not for this. It still has so much potential even now, as the recent 'True Ground' work has proven!

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB2-06_July2-The Expugnation of Devil's Den (C-Brig)

Length of Play: 40 minutes

Command: Brigadier General Henry L. Benning, commanding Benning's Brigade

Situation: Before you lies the ominous Federal position at Devil's Den, a rocky ridge strewn with and characterized by a wall of massive boulders. Up to this point your brigade has boldly advanced amid cannon and long range musket fire. But now, the real fight must begin...The attack and expugnation of the enemy from Devil's Den.

Mission: Secure Devil's Den then screen and support your friendly troops withdrawing from the Little Round Top fight.

Gameplay: Secure the Devil's Den objective as soon as possible, for enemy reinforcements are constantly en route. After you reach a score of 2000 you will be advised via a Scout message of a new objective. Secure this objective with ME and as many troops as you can spare while still maintaining control of the Devil's Den objective. Friendly troops will help hold the new objective as the Federal troops along the Little Round Top attack this position. The events happening around this second objective depict the end of the LRT fight when Chamberlain's 20th Maine leads the famous charge from the LRT against the retreating southern troops.

Forces Available:
Brigadier General Henry L. Benning, commanding Benning's Brigade, Hood's Division, I Corps, Army of Northern Virginia under Lieutenant General James Longstreet

Benning's Brigade, Brigadier General Henry L. Benning
2nd Georgia Regiment, Lt Colonel William Harris
17th Georgia Regiment, Colonel Wesley Hodges
20th Georgia Regiment, Colonel John Jones
15th Georgia Regiment, Colonel Dudley Du Bose

Attached units from Robertson's Brigade:
3rd Arkansas Regiment, Colonel Van Manning
1st Texas Regiment, Colonel Philip Work

Brigade strength: 2327 troops and officers

In my quest for an appropriate title for this scenario, I looked up expunged, and found an even better word for this episode in history:

expugnation in British English
- noun
- obsolete
...the act of storming or taking by force

Although labeled as obsolete and expunged from modern dictionaries for lack of usage, 'expugnation' was in usage during the ACW era, and appropriately is granted a reboot with this SOW production.

One second left...After securing Devil's Den, the fight continues at the 'Confederate Rally Area'
Benning1.jpg (487.24 KiB) Viewed 417 times

Initially a MV was set at 3000 but that score tested out as too easy and better suited 'difficulty wise' for a 30 minute scenario with only one objective. After more testing and tweaking stuff this final version evolved...And sated criteria for an entertaining, and competitive, historic battle.
Benning2.jpg (413.78 KiB) Viewed 417 times
***Historical Information***

Gettysburg Day 2
Benning’s brigade was part of John B. Hood’s division, which occupied the far right of the rebel line on the second day of the battle, 2 July. Although in the second echelon of the attack against Cemetery Ridge, Benning’s brigade decisively engaged Union forces around Houck’s Ridge and Devil’s Den. In the heavy fighting in and around Houck’s Ridge, two regiments of Benning’s troops reinforced Brigadier General Jerome Robertson’s Texas Brigade, which was under heavy artillery and sharpshooter fire from Little Round Top, while his other two regiments fought a ferocious battle in the boulder-strewn vicinity of Devil’s Den, assisting the left-most regiment of Alabamians from Brigadier General Evander Law’s brigade. The attack on Houck’s Ridge resulted in the capture of three Union artillery pieces and at least 100 prisoners — the combined efforts of both Robertson’s and Benning’s brigades, although the Texan’s received the credit. Benning’s losses were heavy on 2 July — reportedly around 400.
Last edited by RebBugler on Sat May 16, 2020 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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