Couriers Introductory Battle

A multiplayer online persistence game for Scourge of War.
Lead your division from battle to battle where your casualties really
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Couriers Introductory Battle

Post by exp101 »

We are planning a special game using couriers to communicate with fellow players and (potentially) a 10-yard restricted view from the saddle. Here's how it will differ from one of our standard GCM games:

I. Generally
Chain of Command and Special Settings
Because of the limited nature of the comms, such a game would probably best operate using a military-style chain of command.
-Captains would act as CinC's for their sides
-Captains will have up to 5 minutes after launch to give orders and set expectations in separate TS channels;
-To keep the Captains/CinCs' burdens manageable, Captain/CinC's should consider adjusting their personal campaign division settings downward
-For this game, be sure to change your GCM preferences to "Prefer Army or Corps Command"
-As OOB's are set captains will name their corps commanders. This is important because the game will be set to "spawn by corps" but with a potentially wide spread between corps. This means that while divisions within a corps will start near each other, the corps themselves might begin significant distances apart -- and far away from the CinC.
-Camera views will vary by game format. If we're playing a modified HITS style, restrictions will be tight (10 yards from the saddle)

Other Special Rules:
-Following the initial TeamSpeak orders sessions, players of both sides will be returned to a common TS channel;
-Voice and text chat concerning the immediate battle are not allowed (exceptions: rules queries; blind rule violations);
-Only captains may use in-game text chat (i.e., "i" chat) and then only to silently survey their teams about calling the game.

II. How to Use Couriers for Communications
A few tips for those unfamiliar with using couriers...
-To send a courier, hit "c" (brings up the courier screen);
-click the recipient's name;
-click the "Free Text" tab above;
-type your message;
-Hit the "Enter" button so that your message appears in the right-hand screen (many forget this step which results in a blank message being sent);
-click on "End Message and Signature" to send your courier.

Note also that a courier will follow a straight path between you and the recipient. If an enemy combat unit lies between you and the recipient, the bad guys will soon be reading your mail. :sick:

III. Special Considerations/Advice for CinC's
A few points and considerations given the differences from normal games:

Command Size Options
• As Lee or Meade you may, of course, bring your regular, full-size divisions or...
• Adjust your personal divisions downward to give yourselves added bandwidth for the burdens of courier command, corps command, and (if in play) HITS and foliage-on restricted view
• Consider using your command as a central reserve

More Advice
• Divisions will spawn together by corps - but the corps may be quite widely spread
• In addition to Army command, you will likely have responsibility to direct the divisions in your corps. When the OOB comes up in staging, you have the option of designating corps commanders (important in courier battles). Choose corps commander(s) for their ability to operate their divisions reliably and independently
• Establish your command and communications expectations among your team at the Command Briefing e.g., you may request division commanders to go through their corps C.O. rather than barraging you with couriers

Command Briefing (up to 5 minutes or by mutual agreement)
• At game launch, all movement will be frozen while teams break out in TS for a brief Council of War
• Assign your corps commanders to tasks, objectives, etc. (all vp's will appear at launch)
• Give corps commanders an opportunity to set their own expectations for their own divisions
• Remind players that TS may be used between players within 50 yards. Figure out who is playing Windowed and has TS Admin ability to change channels

• Remember that couriers run on straight lines
• Consider maintaining a central position for your avatar far enough removed from the front to provide clear line of sight to your corps commanders
• Intercepted enemy courier messages are immediately read by all team members
• Potential exists for purposely sending deceptive messages you intend to be intercepted
• Blind rules apply, though commanders will have some reasonable latitude to ride between their corps

Instruction for installing Manassas (and other) maps to GCM:
Installing Manassas/Special Maps into GCM

Think that's about it!
Last edited by exp101 on Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Couriers Introductory Battle

Post by States »

I've been wanting to do this for a long time now, thank you for the comprehensive guide because I wasn't sure how couriers worked.

Several questions-

1.- CinC stands for Commander in Chief right?

2.- Is there any way to disable private messaging in TeamSpeak?

I look forward to this. Without pros directing noobs every move I think people's individual talents will more clearly stand out. People's command skills, judgement, and literacy will come in to play just like real life.

I've never played HITS but this seems like a good middle ground, thanks for mixing it up with a new format.
Last edited by States on Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Couriers Introductory Battle

Post by exp101 »

Not sure if there's a way to disable PM's in TeamSpeak, but we shouldn't have worry about that. It would be cheating, after all, and nobody here ever cheats! ;-)

What it does do is open up a whole new realm of misunderstanding, ambiguity and incompleteness to our communication. In other words, realism!
Last edited by exp101 on Wed Jul 20, 2016 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
NY Cavalry
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Re: Couriers Introductory Battle

Post by NY Cavalry »

I think States just told us all where we can all go in a very polite way.
Last edited by NY Cavalry on Wed Jul 20, 2016 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Couriers Introductory Battle

Post by exp101 »

To State's point about vets & noobs, I think it's true that everyone's real abilities will show more clearly -- for better and worse. Communication by courier tends to be terse, ambiguous, and delayed (often significantly). Meaning everyone, though receiving some general direction, will largely be left to their own initiative. It might also force all players into expanding their view of the big picture rather than just the narrow front before them. Not only do many old timers (me included) now tend to over-manage the less experienced, but I suspect many newer players take advantage of veteran over-exuberance to let others analyze the situation and what needs to be done for them. CinC's and corps C.O.'s, to be successful, will need to take this into account as they tailor assignments to subordinate units.

Regardless, I predict couriers will lead to even more confusion than usual (which is saying something) and even more colorful after-action discussions. (I can hear MJP already, "X, what WERE you thinking....?" :ohmy:)

Another point: long flank marches become more risky because of the likelihood that communications will be interrupted during the march -- or worse, couriers will be intercepted to or from the flank marcher.

BTW, CinC = Commander in Chief
Last edited by exp101 on Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Couriers Introductory Battle

Post by KCarter »

This is great Palmer! This is a big step towards realism and simulating both lines of communication and supply in a tactical sense. This is why it is applicable in a campaign setting too. Thanks for putting this together! Excited to see how it works!
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Re: Couriers Introductory Battle

Post by mike1984 »

How did everyone like (or dislike) couriers?

To Palmer's point above about flank marches, I didn't even think of that, and would actually love to see that happen more often. How many times does a player go on a flank march, only to take themselves out of the battle until it's too late to contribute in any positive way?
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Re: Couriers Introductory Battle

Post by exp101 »

The game itself was fantastic -- a real nail-biter with the sides ultimately within 150 points. I asked afterwards for reaction to the format, but nobody said much. Not sure we'll do it again if players don't like it.
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Re: Couriers Introductory Battle

Post by Razorback429 »

Speaking for myself, I liked the added realism effect, even though it added to my plate more "stuff" I had to deal with before and during battle action....would definitely participate again. Heck, at least I got yelled at by courier! :huh:
Last edited by Razorback429 on Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Couriers Introductory Battle

Post by exp101 »

Haven't mentioned this in the forum, but think it came up briefly in TS in the lead-up to the first couriers fight: players whose avatars are within 50 yards of teammate(s)' personal officer(s) may switch to a separate, private TS channel to conduct voice chat for as long as they remain that close. Not only does it make communications easier, but more realistic and makes the physical location of your person more important.
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