Command Range

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Amish John
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Re:Command Range

Post by Amish John »


I would suggest the new commanding officer be created close to the unit to be commanded rather than being created at the location of the next higher up chain of command. If a brigade commander was unable to command during a fight, usually the next ranking regimental commander in that brigade would take over.

If a brigade commander was killed in the game and for some reason the division commander was a mile away then the new brigade commander would have to travel all that distance to command the bridage and would create a command vacuum just when he's needed the most. Seems to me it wouldn't be good game play and also doesn't seem to be historically accurate.

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Farm Boy
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Re:Command Range

Post by Farm Boy »


I would suggest the new commanding officer be created close to the unit to be commanded rather than being created at the location of the next higher up chain of command. If a brigade commander was unable to command during a fight, usually the next ranking regimental commander in that brigade would take over.

If a brigade commander was killed in the game and for some reason the division commander was a mile away then the new brigade commander would have to travel all that distance to command the bridage and would create a command vacuum just when he's needed the most. Seems to me it wouldn't be good game play and also doesn't seem to be historically accurate.


I Second That...

Farm Boy

"The time for compromise has now passed, and the South is determined to maintain her position, and make all who oppose her smell Southern powder and feel Southern steel"
- Jefferson Davis inaugural speech on February 16, 1861
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Re:Command Range

Post by BOSTON »

Makes sense to me too!

Drafted in Boston
Hancock the Superb
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Re:Command Range

Post by Hancock the Superb »

If TC2M was historically accurate, IT WOULDN'T BE TC - TAKE COMMAND!!! Nothing like that during the war:(
Hancock the Superb
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Re:Command Range

Post by BOSTON »

Hancock the Superb wrote:
If TC2M was historically accurate, IT WOULDN'T BE TC - TAKE COMMAND!!! Nothing like that during the war:(
Good Point!!

Drafted in Boston
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Re:Command Range

Post by BOSTON »

Jim wrote:
I am not in favor of neon glowing rings of color on the battlefield. In a sword and sorcery game that might be OK, but we are trying to sim real history. I would add that officer behavior will be changed and officers in GB will not be acting the same as they did in TC2M.

That is a good point about the spawning location of new commanders. Would you think it better that they appear at the regiment closest to the death point or should the new officer appear at the next superior officers location and then move to the unit? This would mean that a new brigade CO would appear at the Division CO's location for example.

As for the LOS question, I know exactly what you mean as some earlier games had that feature. I think you will find that the GB maps are good enough that the LOS grid is not needed.

For the most part I exclusively play historical games for enjoyment. You are a designer so you get to pick and choose what features you want to go into a game with some help from the community. We both like features of this game. Just keep an open mind about suggestions.;)

Now, back to business; In what way has the officers' behavior changed? or could it be the smoothing out of the officers' bugs from the last game?

Goodbye LOS, it would of been nice to have you as a on/off option. :dry:


Drafted in Boston
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Re:Command Range

Post by 13thnct »

I'm kind of torn on this issue. I agree that it would be more accurate to have the replacement commander pop up by the regiment closest to where he fell, the advantage of having him spawn at his senior commander is that it would possibly mitigate the issue of having the new brigade commander continuously getting killed because of his spawn location (thus skewing those scores which will be oh so important for MP bragging rights).

Amish John wrote:
If a brigade commander was killed in the game and for some reason the division commander was a mile away then the new brigade commander would have to travel all that distance to command the brigade and would create a command vacuum just when he's needed the most.
I hadn't really thought about this before, but the one advantage of this is that it would help capture the command confusion that would occur from losing a brigade commander. It may not be the most accurate (in terms of spawn location) but it may help simulate that brief period of time where the brigade effectively has no commander (until the arrival of the replacement).
Amish John
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Re:Command Range

Post by Amish John »

I agree that if the killed commander was for some reason all by himself among the enemy it wouldn't be logical to spawn the new commander at that spot. Hopefully, he would be created where he had a chance to survive for a while, at least.

Good point, 13thnct, about the command confusion that results when a commander is incapcitated. That happened frequently at GB. To simulate this temporary command vacuum, what if there was a time delay before a new commander was assigned rather than recreating him at possibly another part of the battlefield. Don't know if it's possible, but maybe the delay time could be related to how seperated the various units are. If a brigade commander is killed and all the regiments of the brigade are grouped close together use a short delay. If the regiments are pretty separated, maybe a longer delay if the coding can somehow calulate the aggregate distance between units.
You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.
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