Command Suggestion

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Farm Boy
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Command Suggestion

Post by Farm Boy »

Hay Yall,

Here is my command suggestion. I dont know if this can even be done or is possible without major reconstruction or If it already has been added or not...

But what about Two new commands.. It would be micro management commands and I dont think they would work with AI usage... So it would definitly be a Take command yourself commands which I think would make it more like you were in the actual battle and callin more of the action..

Tacticly this would work mostly in ambush situations and mass firing even !! Ever get annoyed cause you got a trap set and your soldiers start to fire when your enemy is within range of your guns and ruins your surprise attack !!!

What about this for a Solution !! A Ready Aim Command Button !! Your Soliders Will Rise Up There Rifles and Take Aim !!! Once you Engage Ready Aim Your Units Will Not Fire Until You Hit The Fire Button !!! So You Can Let A Enemy That Is Unaware Of Your Position Or Presences Get Right Where You Want Them Then You Mass Fire Apon Them !!! Then Keep Firing Or Even Charge Them !!!

This Is Historically Correct For Civil War .. As It Was Used In Skirmishes and Large Engagements In The Midst Of Great Battles. In All Shapes and Forms.

Maybe even cause alittle moral boost for you and cause them to drop in moral cause there is mass confusion and fear from the unexpected attack..

So I would love to see a Ready Aim Command and a Fire Command !!!


Farm Boy
Last edited by Farm Boy on Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The time for compromise has now passed, and the South is determined to maintain her position, and make all who oppose her smell Southern powder and feel Southern steel"
- Jefferson Davis inaugural speech on February 16, 1861
Hancock the Superb
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Re:Command Suggestion

Post by Hancock the Superb »

I believe the Norb has looked into this idea, but I don't believe that it will come with this game. That would be similar to fire by volley, I believe. Maybe it is in this new game, I don't know. My guess is the coding work for that would be very extensive.
Hancock the Superb
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Re:Command Suggestion

Post by Farm Boy »

Hancock the Superb wrote:
I believe the Norb has looked into this idea, but I don't believe that it will come with this game. That would be similar to fire by volley, I believe. Maybe it is in this new game, I don't know. My guess is the coding work for that would be very extensive.
Thats the word I was lookin for..:laugh: It seemed to have escaped my brain at the moment of post... Would of sum'd it up alot faster than all that... Purdy much a Volley.. Should of known the idea would of been brought up many a times before... I dont know either but sounds like ur right the coding might be alot for that.... Thanks

Farm Boy
"The time for compromise has now passed, and the South is determined to maintain her position, and make all who oppose her smell Southern powder and feel Southern steel"
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Re:Command Suggestion

Post by norb »

Thanks Farm Boy, we're looking into every battle very closely and making sure that the game can recreate what took place historically.
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Re:Command Suggestion

Post by Hancock the Superb »

Every battle?

There's more than one Gettysburg!:laugh:

I don't think there was too much volley fire by that time in the war. It was considered a waste of ammunition, and precious loading time was lost.
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Re:Command Suggestion

Post by norb »

What I meant was every battle/skirmish/fire fight that took place at Gettysburg.
Farm Boy
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Re:Command Suggestion

Post by Farm Boy »


The main purpose of it is not to use in the open field and trade volleys with someone.. Its for ambushing.. In the game once a unit is within range they start to fire.. So if you have a trap set and your soldiers fire before your in the right place it blows the ambush... Say there is a road way with trees on both sides... I put a regiment on each side... once your right in the middle I'd start to open fire... but if my soliders start shootin before hand kinda blows the ambush... There were ambushes at Gettysbury (devils den) was a good one.. Hide in the rocks and such waited until got up close and BOOM... If someone is real close its harder to regret under fire very well.. So I was just suggestion a Ready Aim Command.. That locks them from firing until you Give the Fire Command.. then they let it rip... then fire at will or charge.. I dont wanna keep volley'n... Just once to start with then regular stuff from there.. At this point in the war there was alot more ambushing and such goin on...

On the trip up to Gettysburg in June I believe.. Us rebs did this to yanks in the dark just outside of a small town...


Your welcome... Historical is always great...

Farm Boy

"The time for compromise has now passed, and the South is determined to maintain her position, and make all who oppose her smell Southern powder and feel Southern steel"
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Re:Command Suggestion

Post by BOSTON »

In your ambush are the units in the woods spotted or unspotted by the intended target? The enemy AI usually will engage as soon as it gets within range (infantry 160yds). If a live opponent you might have more success, I've always played SP. Makes me wonder if your plan would work if spotted?


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Farm Boy
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Re:Command Suggestion

Post by Farm Boy »

hoistingman4 wrote:
In your ambush are the units in the woods spotted or unspotted by the intended target? The enemy AI usually will engage as soon as it gets within range (infantry 160yds). If a live opponent you might have more success, I've always played SP. Makes me wonder if your plan would work if spotted?


In a ambush of that type the units in the woods,crops,etc would have to be unspotted by the intended target. As they would engage you from that distance and not come down into your ambushing point.. The main purpose of a ambush is to surprise attack at very close ranges. Kinda where there funnel'd or bottle'd up in a area or walkin by in column. Catch em in a cross fire, Charge em, etc. With a live opponent you will have more success cause they move around more, search more but so folks is purdy smart.. If your spotted you have to change tastics up some and usually wont have time to manuever in such a manner so you just have to set up whatever kind you want first... There is various manuevers, ambushes and traps you can set.

Different generals and people play differently.. You got defensive, offensive, and some can do both... Ambushes and traps work really good on very aggressive folks that think there john wayne.. lmao ..

Farm Boy

"The time for compromise has now passed, and the South is determined to maintain her position, and make all who oppose her smell Southern powder and feel Southern steel"
- Jefferson Davis inaugural speech on February 16, 1861
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