Bugles & Flags XIX

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by RebBugler »

Oops, a patch for the patch. An error with one brigade, Burbank, prevents his carryover. Please download and copy into the scenario '150th-GB03-July3-GB Day 3, East Cavalry Field (C-Div)', overwrite previous.

The attachment scenario.csv is no longer available
Or, patch2 is fixed, re-download and replace.

...patch3, Pickett's Charge coming soon, just not yet. :)

[The extension csv has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

Last edited by RebBugler on Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Linked to Patch2
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by RebBugler »

Well, I erred, Pickett's Charge had to wait, because building Lee's Vision of Victory requires this scenario to make this part of this historic 'what if' scenario series make sense. Because, a key factor in Lee's plan for victory was a simultaneous assault of Culp's Hill and the Union center.
The attachment CulpsHill.jpg is no longer available

150th-GB04-July3-Morning Standoff, Spangler's Springs (C-Div)

Carryover From: 150th-GB03-July3-GB Day 3, East Cavalry Field (C-Div)
Carryover To: 150th-GB05-July3-Pickett's Charge, Lee's Vision (C-Army)

Length of Play: 30 minutes

Command: Maj Gen Edward Johnson's Division

Situation: After a bitter struggle long into the night, Johnson's division holds a section of Culp's Hill and a large expanse of captured Union breastworks near Spangler's Springs. General Ewell has attached three brigades to the division during the night, reinforcing Johnson with Smith's, Daniel's, and O'Neal's brigades, and expects Culp's Hill to be taken in coordination with the main attack, due early this afternoon. Johnson is ordered to hold his position and initiate no demonstrations until then.
Meanwhile, after an opening salvo of Union batteries, General Williams is readying his attack to regain lost ground.

Victory Conditions:
3500 = Major Victory
3250 = Minor Victory
3000 = Draw (Minimum Score for Carryover)
2750 = Minor Defeat
2500 = Major Defeat

Author's Notes: Historically only four Union regiments attacked, and they were all driven back. However, Johnson panicked, disregarded Lee's orders to attack later with the main assault, and ordered his division to attack all along Culp's Hill. As with previous attempts, this ended in utter failure, depleting the troops Lee had counted on for the main assault, and Johnson's broken division had no recourse but to abandon that ground they had so gallantly earned the night before.

With this scenario the same four regiments attack historically, but as each becomes engaged, they invite the rest of their brigades to join the attack.

The 66th Ohio with 299 troops also attacked historically, firing into the Rebel right flank, but this was only after Johnson had ordered a full scale assault. So, this engagement will not represent this maneuver, unless the player foolishly takes on this mission, to storm the hill.

Prioritize this patch below and enable along with Bugles and Flags XII. This supercedes the previous patch, please delete or overwrite to avoid issues.

Unzip and copy to the Mods folder:

The attachment BuglesandFlagsXIIFeaturesPatch3.zip is no longer available
CulpsHill.jpg (309.88 KiB) Viewed 373 times
(972.71 KiB) Downloaded 4 times
Last edited by RebBugler on Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by RebBugler »

This should complete this 150th Gettysburg Anniversary Edition, but I've got some bonuses planned...stay tuned if you're enjoying this series! :)
GB05 Pickett's Charge MV.jpg
GB05 Pickett's Charge MV.jpg (298.17 KiB) Viewed 373 times

150th-GB05-July3-The Pickett Pettigrew Trimble Charge (C-Army)

Carryover From: 150th-GB04-July3-Morning Standoff, Spangler's Springs (C-Div)
Carryover To: TBA

Length of Play: 2 1/2 Hours

Situation: The stage is set. The Rebel 170 gun artillery barrage is underway and will end in ten minutes. Johnson's division at the foot of Culp's Hill is holding back in anticipation of the main frontal assault which will be coming soon, they must hold their ground til then. Stuart's cavalry has been successful in breaching the rear Union defenses and is now positioning for a strategic demonstration behind the Federal center. And twelve thousand men of the Confederacy's finest are about to meet their date with destiny...The Pickett, Pettigrew, Trimble Charge.

Victory Conditions:
30000 = Major Victory
27500 = Minor Victory (Minimum Score for Carryover)
25000 = Draw
22500 = Minor Defeat
20000 = Major Defeat

Author's Notes: Considering Meade's reluctance for offensive actions, the lack of offensive might by the Union toward the end of this scenario seems appropriate for this 'what if the Rebels took the high ground' design.

I hope this series of scenarios represents by design this great conflict historically. Although contrived to make up for the CS generals' mistakes and failures to carry out orders, all possible measures were taken for historical accuracy. Because the player has the opportunity to make up for these blunders, the orders by General Lee should or can be seen as "correct calls" for each day. Lee's vision for victory "could have" become a reality if his plan had been followed, his doubters had cooperated better, and, to reiterate, "Had Just Followed Orders".

Having Stuart's cavalry as Lee's eyes and ears was key to this battle's success from beginning to end. Lee's vision of victory most certainly would have been clearer if he had known the disposition of the Union troops. Also, this scenario's inclusion of Stuart assisting the third day's assault attempts to demonstrate the importance his presence WOULD have made that critical third day, if he had gained the Federal rear. Instead, at Cavalry Field, Stuart chose to only commit half his forces, and then got beat by a force half that size. Whether it was Stuart's attitude, disciplined by Lee the night before because of his absence, or worn out troopers that couldn't get the job done, only historians think they know the reasons for this failure, and only Stuart will really ever know.

Prioritize this patch below and enable along with Bugles and Flags XII. This supercedes the previous patch, please delete or overwrite to avoid issues.

Unzip and copy to the Mods folder:

The attachment BuglesandFlagsXIIFeaturesPatch4.zip is no longer available

This scenario series now includes:
150th-GB01-July1-Gettysburg Day One (C-Army)
150th-GB02-July2-GB Day Two, Attack en echelon (C-Army)
150th-GB03-July3-GB Day 3, East Cavalry Field (C-Div)
150th-GB04-July3-Morning Standoff, Spangler's Springs (C-Div)
150th-GB05-July3-The Pickett Pettigrew Trimble Charge (C-Army)

AKA - Gettysburg 150th 3 Days in 9 Hours via 5 Scenarios
(2.26 MiB) Downloaded 3 times
Last edited by RebBugler on Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by RebBugler »

GB02 is definitely a bugger, and might discourage some folks from continuing with this series. So, maybe a peek at what I did to win this one will give some insight into at least one way to Defeat the Enemy.

Major Victory Replay...unzip and copy to the Work/Saved Games/Replay folder:

150th-GB02-July2-GB Day Two, Attack en echelon (C-Army) REPLAY

Replay with Bugles and Flags enabled to check out the new features added with the latest patches.
Last edited by RebBugler on Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by rclark14 »

Hi, why are map icons smaller with bugles and flag mod- is that on purpose? thanks for reply
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by Davinci »

Hi, why are map icons smaller with bugles and flag mod- is that on purpose? thanks for reply
Here is a simple fix if you don't mind a little bit of modding.

From Windows Explorer: Open

NorbSoftDev \ Base \ Graphics \ Screens - and copy the Map_Icons to the desktop.

Then Expand the :

Bugles and Flags \ Graphics \ Screens - and locate the Map_Icons and rename it to something like xMap_Icons .

Now just copy the Map_Icons from the desktop into the Bugles and Flags\Graphics\Screens folder.

This will give you the default icons.

The only true logic is that, there is no true logic!
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by RebBugler »

Thanks D, your help is always appreciated. Really all one has to do is rename or delete Map_Icons in B&F, that will then call up the larger stock icons.
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by rclark14 »

got it thanks
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Re: Bugles and Flags XIII

Post by RebBugler »

Update to XIII.

Two new scenarios not released in the patch, changed PA flag assignments, lots of minor adjustments for better play, and some compatibility adjustments of the toolbar text to accommodate the Western Themed RRC toolbar, coming REAL soon. :)
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Re: Bugles and Flags XIII

Post by Anthropoid »

Hey Reb, Love your mod and XIII is looking good! Me and 2ndAcr and the rest of us in our little group used it last night and it seemed to work fine.

We did have two OOBs where couriers didn't seem to work _at all_ but that seemed to be specific to the OOBs and not Bugles mod.

I love the addition of the "Line with Arty in Front" formation command on the tool bar. To me, this is generally how I want to deploy my Div attached artillery, though not always. Couple questions:

1. How hard would it be to include the "Line with Arty in Front" formation option for Corp level commanders toolbar? If it would be a real headache I won't even bother, but if you say it would be doable I may have a look about seeing if I can get it to work.

2. I would think it wouldn't be too difficult to include that formation in the courier's formation command options?

3. More of a 'bonus' question: how extensive are the options here with various formations? Would it be possible to create completely novel formations, say for example a Brigade formation in which (for example) the middle of five regiments is recessed 50 yards relative to the rest and an arty battery forms up immediately in front of that regiment?
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