Question for all...Is it possible to "Bluff" the AI?

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Jack ONeill
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Re: Question for all...Is it possible to "Bluff" the AI?

Post by Jack ONeill »

I am aware the Austrians used a different type of square than other Armies of the period. Designed and implemented by the Archduke Charles, Commanding General of the Austrian Army in 1809, they were called Company and/or Battalion Masses. They were very much as you describe - Instead of the Unit forming a hollow square, the outboard files, (generally two deep), would simply face outboard with Bayonets fixed. Sounds a little odd, but it did actually work after a fashion. Played hell on firing drills though. The Russians actually did have pike-armed units during the 1812 war/campaign. They were the Opulchenie(?) or militia, raised during the battles before and then during the battle of Borodino. All real muskets went to the Regular troops so they got pikes. Russian Regular Troops form the "Normal" type of hollow square against Cavalry, as far as I know.

In all my research, I've never come across the use of the term "Pike Square" as it would relate to any Napoleonic activity. I'd love to know where you came across this reference. Always cool to learn new and different information.

Jack B)
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
Martin James
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Re: Question for all...Is it possible to "Bluff" the AI?

Post by Martin James »

In his biography of Marlborough, Churchill says that at Ramillies (in 1706) Marlborough was un-horsed during the great cavalry battle, and sought refuge in the square of a Swiss battalion in Dutch pay.

I have no particular reason to doubt the story, although Churchill is not always reliable. If it is true, I do not know how common it was at this period. It may be that it was a new development, as until recently pikemen would have been included in infantry battalions. The pikes were being phased out in the later years of the 9 Years War and the first years of the War of the Spanish Succession.

Jack ONeill
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Re: Question for all...Is it possible to "Bluff" the AI?

Post by Jack ONeill »


You know, I remember that passage. VERY interesting. It is the only time I can remember reading about a square specifically during the Lace Wars. Chandler, in his "Art of Warfare in the Age of Marlborough", states, (as I have said more than once), due to the introduction of the plug-style Bayonet and then the later Socket-Bayonet, pikes had been removed from all the European Armies by 1703. The French were the last to have them in any numbers. Churchill may have been referring to a Battalion Column of Infantry, calling it a square based on his knowledge of the Napoleonic Wars combat evolutions and his own experience in the Sudan, where British Infantry routinely formed square against the charging Fuzzy-Wuzzies. Seemed to work there, Abu Klea being the exception. Pike Squares, (called Stands, if I remember correctly), did exist right up until there were no more pikes, as the primary defense against Cavalry. Musketeers formed "sleeves" or ranks next to the Stands, outside them, to provide fire support until the Cavalry got to close. They then retired behind the Stands, took shelter underneath the pikes or if they could, sheltered inside the Stands if they could get in there without disrupting the tighly ranked pikemen.

With the new technology of the Flintlock musket increasing the firepower of the basic Infantryman, and bayonets removing the pikeman from the scene, Battalion Commanders became fascinated, (my words), with maximizing the firepower of the Line Formation. Notice there were no skirmishers deployed at all during the Spanish Succession War and very few, if at all, during the previous Nine Years War that Martin mentioned. (this is also the War of the League of Augsburg). Each Commander wanted all available muskets in the Line. With most European Cavalry still clinging to the "ride up slowly, discharge your pistols and then ride forward with sword in hand OR retire behind the line following to reload" tactics during this time, even badly-drilled Infantry could hold off a Cavalry charge with musket fire alone. This was the reason, (as MTG stated), for Cavalry to be deployed on the flanks of the armies, to keep the infantry lines from being rolled up. Given these were the "general" tactics of the time, the square formation was fairly irrelevant.

Marlborough changed this somewhat by limiting his Cavalry to 3 rounds of ammunition on campaign, to protect the horses at grass, as it were. He felt that charging home, even at the trot, with sword in hand, was far superior than the previous way. (Turned out he was right). This affected the English, Dutch and Hanoverian Horse under his command. (Possibly the Prussians, too. Not sure). The Austrian and French held onto the older Cavalry methods until the later War of Austrian Succession (1741-1748).

Okay, tired now. Somebody else write something...and pester Alessillo about that Mod. :)

Jack B)
Last edited by Jack ONeill on Tue Oct 15, 2013 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
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Re: Question for all...Is it possible to "Bluff" the AI?

Post by SamSmith »

Hey MTG,

Great thought about the officer speed increase. I know this is basic, but where is the file that I need to edit?

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Re: Question for all...Is it possible to "Bluff" the AI?

Post by Davinci »

Hey MTG,
Great thought about the officer speed increase. I know this is basic, but where is the file that I need to edit?
It is the unitglobal.csv file that controls this!

You can find a copy of it in the SDK.

You will also need to create a sort of Mod to place the unitglobal file into after changing it.

In the unitglobal file - Column A will define what the unit is , and Columns E and F are the columns used to change their values .

The only true logic is that, there is no true logic!
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