Take Command vs. Scourge Of War

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Yankee Rebel
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Take Command vs. Scourge Of War

Post by Yankee Rebel »

I was wondering about some graphic properties for these games. Compaired to Take Command-Bull Run and Second Manassas by Mad Minute Games, were MORE men per regiment used for looks (realism) in the Take Command games or these newer Scourge of War games? I realize that if you had a 600 man regiment, it would be almost impossible to have the "true" amount of men on the screen for each regiment (that would be awesome by the way). Not only, with an army of 50,000+ for either side, it would be confusing but so realistic. Anyways, to me it seems like the graphics are better and the regiments and brigades seem a bit larger. Any comments or facts on this topic? Thanks
Last edited by Yankee Rebel on Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Take Command vs. Scourge Of War

Post by Davinci »

As far as I remember the Take Command used 100 sprites per regiment, while this game uses 125 sprites per regiment.

One of the Team Members did devise a way of breaking down the regiments into companies so that there were a lot more sprites represented in a Brigade.

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Re: Take Command vs. Scourge Of War

Post by kaschykb »

The ratio of sprites per regiment is relative to the size of the regiment right? SOW is 125 sprites per (what size) regiment?
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Little Powell
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Re: Take Command vs. Scourge Of War

Post by Little Powell »

Yes, the sprite ratio in SOW is 1 sprite per 4 historical soldiers. The maximum amount of sprites that can be shown in a regiment is 125, whereas the max sprites in TC2M is 100.
Bloody Bill
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Re: Take Command vs. Scourge Of War

Post by Bloody Bill »

Why is the sprite limit at 125? When clearly even at a 4 to 1 scale some Regiments were a lot bigger. Lt. col. Burgwyn had 800 men when it fought the Iron Brigade at Gettysburg. He was killed and lost 588 men of his 800. Would it not be more accurate to have those big hard to manage regiments as one? I would like to see the regiments all scaled to an accurate 4 to 1 scale. Also what about a 1 to 1 scale option as well. Is there a way to do this or to mod this. I would love to see that. As long as your PC can handle it it would be cool to have this option.
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Little Powell
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Re: Take Command vs. Scourge Of War

Post by Little Powell »

There are ways to do it. You can split a regiment into companies so you get a true 1 to 1 scale. See the first two East Cavalry Field scenarios.
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Re: Take Command vs. Scourge Of War

Post by RebBugler »

Also, check out Bugles and Flags. All scenarios labeled SR1 are one to one sprite ratio. I opted for battalions or squadrons as they are easier to manage than 10 companies per regiment. Yeah, I prefer SR1 play, it's really as realistic as war gaming gets, and what makes SOW superior to other games of this genre.
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Re: Take Command vs. Scourge Of War

Post by Saddletank »

To be honest I think its the HITS play perspective and giving orders by couriers that makes SoW unique and miles ahead of any other PC wargame.
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Yankee Rebel
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Re: Take Command vs. Scourge Of War

Post by Yankee Rebel »

I can tell that the units seem bigger on SOW than TCSM. I have played Bull Run and Second Mannassas many times, however...so far the SOW games seem even better via unit size. Also, I have used a mouse to scroll around the maps on the previous Take Command games. I have only had these SOW games a few weeks and not used a mouse. Is it easier with or without it in some of your veterans opinions? To me these games seem a litter harder to look around the battlefield maps.
Yankee Rebel
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Re: Take Command vs. Scourge Of War

Post by Yankee Rebel »

Here is a BatRep that I wasen't to thrilled about because the lack of re-enforcements. I played a battle using a rebel brigade going up against a massive Union force at the battle of Chancellorsville. I was ordered to attack the center and left flank of there line, but only when other units were ordered to attack the Union right flank as a coordinated effort. My (only units I were in contol of) was a brigade of 1700 men ordered to attack the Union center and left flank. I noticed before the battle developed, there was a very large brigade to my rear used for reserves, or so I thought. The attack:

I sent in 3 of my regiments to attack with one in reserve. The rebel units to my left also attacked in order as ordered. They enveloped the Union right as planned and my attack on the center and left went off superbly. By then, my score was 500+. The Union line was on the verge of being crushed. However, to my suprise. The Rebel brigade to my rear never entered the battle and our attack soon sputtered out completely. With more Union Brigades entering the battlefield in the far distance, it was just a matter of time. With the Union right and center smashed, it should have been an easy victory. Minor maybe or even a major. When the battle was over, we had a major defeat. But why? I asked. My own brigade performed at a top notch level and I had a great score. But the other units involved in the attack lacked any good score at all. So, with that huge Rebel Brigade to my back was never moved out of its position (computer controlled). That would have been the decisive move if it was ordered into the battle. A major blunder that would have (NO DOUBT) changed the outcome. A sad battle to say the least. I wanted to share that BatRep with all you guys. Im sure you all have similar engagements.
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