Bugles & Flags XIX

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by Davinci »

That's correct D, eight Logistics files. Make sure any previous versions are disabled.
Thanks, Reb :

I got your mod running as of now, somehow I was missing all of the flags from the mod which caused the errors to appear.

But, I'm always moving things around, so it was probably something that I did a while ago, and I forgot about it!

That is a nice feature that you came up with having the split buttons, I never would have thought to do that.

I think that your flags move too much, which seems to cause a slight blinking effect for the flags in a distance.

But, that might be due to me slowing down the flags a long time ago, and I have grown use to seeing them move slower.

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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by RebBugler »

The blinking, or shimmering effect, is inherent with .dds conversions. You can see it also with the building objects as you move the camera...the further the distance the more the shimmering. If you want to eliminate this in the flags open them up and save them back in .tga. Then do a replace thing in the gfx file - .dds to .tga. Tga built flags lose the shimmer but look splotchy up close.
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by Davinci »

If you want to eliminate this in the flags open them up and save them back in .tga. Then do a replace thing in the gfx file - .dds to .tga. Tga built flags lose the shimmer but look splotchy up close.
Reb , after I posted and played around with the sounds, I think that it is probably due to me playing with lower flags for so long.

That is probably why I haven't noticed it before, the men in the regiments would hide \ block the way that the flags looked at a distance.

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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by Michigander »

This mod gets better with each release!!!!

One quick note I had was that with the Pennsylvania flags, all of the PA Regiments now carry 2 national flags instead of a state flag and a national flag. I'd love to keep the PA white horses but is there any way to make that just their national and still have the regular blue regimental?
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by Davinci »

This mod gets better with each release!!!!

One quick note I had was that with the Pennsylvania flags, all of the PA Regiments now carry 2 national flags instead of a state flag and a national flag. I'd love to keep the PA white horses but is there any way to make that just their national and still have the regular blue regimental?
The display of the flags are controlled by the OOB file in the Q Column .

So, yes you can edit any existing OOB and place it in a mod of choice by renaming it.

You can edit the Q Column so that the union can only carry one flag if you like.

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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by Michigander »

This mod gets better with each release!!!!

One quick note I had was that with the Pennsylvania flags, all of the PA Regiments now carry 2 national flags instead of a state flag and a national flag. I'd love to keep the PA white horses but is there any way to make that just their national and still have the regular blue regimental?
The display of the flags are controlled by the OOB file in the Q Column .

So, yes you can edit any existing OOB and place it in a mod of choice by renaming it.

You can edit the Q Column so that the union can only carry one flag if you like.


What I a looking for is only the PA regiments carrying Reb's version of the PA Starts and Stripes, with the PA state flag as well.
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by RebBugler »

This mod gets better with each release!!!!

One quick note I had was that with the Pennsylvania flags, all of the PA Regiments now carry 2 national flags instead of a state flag and a national flag. I'd love to keep the PA white horses but is there any way to make that just their national and still have the regular blue regimental?
Much appreciated, and to show my gratitude here's the fix as you wish. Pretty easy mod, but faster to just provide the fix rather than to explain.

Download and copy this gfx file into the B&F Logistics folder...overwrite previous.

For some reason some files are renamed when attached. Make sure the file reads as gfx.csv...rename as necessary.

The attachment gfx_2013-07-13.csv is no longer available
FYI, I was convinced by a PA guy to display the PA flags this way (old thread somewhere), and also research into this backs it up. So, I'll be keeping the PA setup as is, just offering this fix as an alternative.

[The extension csv has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by RebBugler »

Well, it's been completed for about a week, but it wasn't finished until early this morning with this Major Victory. Really surprised myself since this trail was littered with defeats. And even though this score was achieved, I'll keep the Major Victory hurtle at 20,000, which should prove a challenge for most folks...even Grogs, I'm hoping.

Download will be available later today, meanwhile, gotta brag about my accomplishment and provide some up front info as this scenario went way over budget, IOW, time to build and test. Probably my most involved scenario build to date, and not a variant to be found...just play the hand you deal yourself.

MV 150th GB02 25362.jpg
MV 150th GB02 25362.jpg (564.43 KiB) Viewed 358 times

150th-GB02-July2-GB Day Two, Attack en echelon (C-Army)

Carryover From: 150th-GB01-July1-Gettysburg Day One (C-Army)
Carryover To: TBA

Length of Play: 2 1/2 Hours

Command: Army of Northern Virginia
Date: 2 July 1863
Time Span: 4:00 to 10:30 PM (game-clock: 4:00 - 6:30)
Note: Beginning at 5:30 sunset will occur. For the last hour of play visibility will gradually diminish, eventually to 30 yards for the last seven minutes of play.
Location: Gettysburg south
Weather: Overcast and warm

Situation: Throughout the day troops have been arriving for both sides. Numerous skirmishes have resulted as the battle lines are maneuvered into place. Now, the battle lines are set. Although Union forces are still pouring in the bulk of the Union strength is it's right flank, defending Cemetery and Culp's Hills. The Union plan is to draw from these northern defenses and fortify areas of vulnerability should the Rebels attack this day.
And they will! Just before four PM General Lee orders his planned en echelon attack from his right, rolling up the Union left, and if successful engulfing and overwhelming the Union line, eventually surrounding and crushing the enemy at Cemetery Hill.

Mission: Secure and hold as many objectives as possible.

Victory Conditions:
20000 = Major Victory
17500 = Minor Victory
15000 = Draw (Minimum Score for Carryover)
12500 = Minor Defeat
10000 = Major Defeat

- All infantry CSA officers are 'TC On' for initial control purposes. For division or above control first select Atcommoff - "Take Charge Subordinates Off".
- Primarily historical scripting, with no random variances except those provided by the enemy AI.
- All objectives are worth at least 1000 points when secured for 10 minutes. Uniquely displayed 'Hold' objectives, historically relevant, will provide more points, as well as fatigue, morale and ammo bonuses.
- When Longstreet reaches a certain grade, score, a courier message will state that the southern position is secure. This is only accurate if the northern positions are already threatened or secured, primarily, Culp's Hill. Otherwise units from the north brought over by activated southern objectives will continue to threaten southern positions. Activated objectives in the north will recall these units.
- Detached units were not part of Lee's attack plan, they were held in reserve or on guard...player option.

Author's Notes:
Something I learned from building this scenario was the cause of the attack en echelon to break down. Calling it a confusion of orders, Brig Gen William Mahone refused to bring his brigade up, declaring that he had been ordered to support Pegram's artillery Battalion. Pender's division was to move after Mahone but were held up. An anxious General Pender personally rode towards Mahone to see what was up, he was mortally wounded before reaching the confused Mahone. His division's momentum was broken by the change in command and no effective assault was completed, the en echelon attack was broken.

Longstreet's corps fought like supermen. They had marched all day evading enemy signalmen as they positioned themselves for battle. Then almost immediately they were thrown into an offensive battle, eventually conquered much ground, and inflicted almost 2000 more casualties than received. Overwhelming enemy numbers finally stopped and pushed back this utterly exhausted, and definitely battered, courageous corps.

In all my playing and play testing I've never experienced that corps being that dominant, as they were historically. So, with this scenario's OOB I've adjusted the skill numbers. Mostly only one up in experience from the stock numbers but at least it will give them an added edge that the stock game doesn't offer. Also a few other units that showed extraordinary displays of courage and ferocity got a skill boost or two. For example, Wright's brigade, reaching The Angle.

In addition, to help equalize things with those pesky Union SS units with the 400 yard repeaters, I've outfitted two Rebel units with the US Springfield 250 yard repeaters. Yeah, I know, not equal, but I don't want to steer too far from the stock setup, or history. This is a way to make up the scatterings of long range muskets the ANV possessed, just not by completely equipped units. Also, I don't think I'm going too far with this equalization due to the fact that I just don't think those 400 yard repeaters were as deadly as they are in the game. Otherwise the Union army could have just gone on the defensive for six months while their factories manufactured these repeaters. Once 100,000 were issued, the war would have been over in six months.

An unmodified skills version OOB can be made available upon request.

A historical summary of Lee's Echelon Attack can be found here: http://library.thinkquest.org/17525/day2.htm
Last edited by RebBugler on Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by RebBugler »

Amazing update, the new Gettysburg scenario was one of the best experiences i've had so far in SoW :cheer:
Really looking forward to the rest
Here ya go Keat, looking forward to some AAR's. Maybe some other folks will tackle this scenario series, but right now you're the man. :laugh:

Bugles and Flags XII Features Patch


-Scenario, 150th-GB02-July2-GB Day Two, Attack en echelon (C-Army)
-New objective graphics
-Two new artillery battalion commands
TC Off_Form Artillery Bn Line
Run_TC Officers
After selecting the 'move to' and 'facing' positions, select these commands (in order) to move artillery battalions more efficiently.

Prioritize this patch below and enable along with Bugles and Flags XII

Unzip and copy to the Mods folder:

Update, see post #228

For the mod savvy folks this patch can easily be integrated into Bugles and Flags XII, copy over and overwrite the files with the 'same named' patch files, but be careful, don't overwrite folders. Exception, copy the scenario, which is a folder, into the Scenarios folder.
Last edited by RebBugler on Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Update, see post #228
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Re: Bugles and Flags XII

Post by Jolly »

Thanks Randy - I love these carryovers.
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