Looking for some feedback

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Looking for some feedback

Post by Scott »

So I am wrapping up some MODs for TC2m and am starting to dabble a bit with flags in SOW, to offer an alternative flag MOD. I wanted to get some feedback from the community to determine which direction to go. Now is the time to speak up and tell me what you would like to see in terms of flags, tones, and variety. Below is a picture of some various tones I have tried so far. Which do you like the best ? Tell me what you like, don't like, and what you want to see, and I will do what I can to fulfill your wishes in the MOD.

I think I nailed the guidon on the money, and the national flag is pretty good. What I am needing feedback on is the regt flags, which one do you favor ?

Last edited by Scott on Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for some feedback

Post by Saddletank »

My preference is for the third from the right due to the subued/dull colours. Colours that are too bright just don't seem to work, for me at least, in comparison to the rest of the colour palette the game uses.

Nice crisp graphics BTW.
Last edited by Saddletank on Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for some feedback

Post by Scott »

That is the one I favor as well Saddketank. I would like to have used the brighter blues, but I agree with you, they just don't look right given the "washed out" feel of the units and other graphics. As to the crispness...I am thinking perhaps it is too crisp, again given the washed out feel of the other graphics. I prefer the crispness, but am wondering if I shouldn't soften it to allow a better blend with the overall scheme.

I am also thinking it might be good to use a couple of different base blues. perhaps some lighter some darker. maybe a mix of flags in the two center tones, to give some variety. I don't think they should look all identical in color tone. Else I think it will look too contrived and not natural.
Last edited by Scott on Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for some feedback

Post by Saddletank »

Looking at a still image isn't the best either, I need to watch the animation as well, that makes a big difference. I'm happy to put up with a 'weak' flag graphic if it has a 'strong' animation, whereas a weak, jerky animation will kill the best painted flag.
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Re: Looking for some feedback

Post by RebBugler »

Looking at a still image isn't the best either, I need to watch the animation as well, that makes a big difference. I'm happy to put up with a 'weak' flag graphic if it has a 'strong' animation, whereas a weak, jerky animation will kill the best painted flag.
Tank, fret not, as Scott's flags are very similar to Gunship's, they just wave, they don't swing like mine, or jerk, as you put it. Pretty sure Scott's flags will live up to your expectations, he does great work.
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Re: Looking for some feedback

Post by Jack ONeill »


I take exception to this "waving" aspect. In my both my 1813 OOBs, I have integrated all of your Nap flags into the game. I find there to be zero issues with the animation, vis-a-vis the "stock" flag animation. They integrate very well and if I had the brains God gave a nat, I'd take some screenshots and post them. Good job!

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Re: Looking for some feedback

Post by Scott »

This is basically what the motion will look like for the flags (for those wondering). It is a gif, so it is probably a little slower then what will be seen in game, but the motion itself can be seen.

I will do my best to make them accurate in terms of looks and size. This is a 6x6 foot flag which to my understanding was the standard issue size for the union. The rebel flags (southern crosses) were only about 52 inches square..so they will be a bit smaller, although some of the earlier flags, and the state flags will be more rectangle on the rebel side and with more variety.
Last edited by Scott on Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for some feedback

Post by RDBoles »

Well in my observation and reading about the the various regimental histories, is that each regiment in each brigade in each corps were not brought into the armies at the same time. So you would have state flags from the same state but from different times. So the weathered look would be for those that are older and the brighter newer look for the newer flags. Not to mention you could have shredded flags both old and new predicated on their battle experience. You don't want all new, bright colors as well as you don't all old and faded colors.
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Re: Looking for some feedback

Post by Scott »

What I will probably do, RDBoles, is offer up an initial release, and then based upon feedback from it, if it is warranted, I will make some additions and changes, perhaps one or two complete revisions. I am preparing some weathering and battle damage layers today, so my intent is to give a variety in terms of tones, weathering, and damage. Likely it will take a couple of months to complete the first release, but I have a good start on the basics.

I am going to have to spend tomorrow finishing up the mod for TC2m I had promised them, but I think I can complete it tomorrow. Then I will work pretty steady on this SOW flag mod, along with a couple of maps I need to finish for TC2m (which I may port over to SOW as well (seven pines and beaver dam creek maps)
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Re: Looking for some feedback

Post by Scott »

Looking at a still image isn't the best either, I need to watch the animation as well, that makes a big difference. I'm happy to put up with a 'weak' flag graphic if it has a 'strong' animation, whereas a weak, jerky animation will kill the best painted flag.
Tank, fret not, as Scott's flags are very similar to Gunship's, they just wave, they don't swing like mine, or jerk, as you put it. Pretty sure Scott's flags will live up to your expectations, he does great work.

Thanks for the kind words Randy :) I do my best :) One of these days I am going ot figure out how to get a nice swing and a wave going at the same time :) I have a template half built for it, but it is such a tedious slow process making it , that I had to lay it aside for a while :)
Last edited by Scott on Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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