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Jack ONeill
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Post by Jack ONeill »

The attachment screen0083.jpg is no longer available

Good news and bad news - We have Prussians, thanks to RB's awesome flags. I have ground out an OOB based on the Armies at Dresden. I chose this Battle because it has ALL the allies in it, (except the Swedes - sorry Tank), Austrians, Russians and Prussians. The French had/have a high number of Imperial Guard troops on the field, mostly the Middle and Young Guard regiments, so I did those. I got carried away and did Kliests entire Prussian 2nd Corps, minus the Cavalry and some of the Arty, all 4 Brigades. (For those who don't know, a Prussian Brigade is roughly a Division-sized unit for other armies).

The bad news is - only I can use the OOB, due to the high concentration of changes to the troops. These consist mostly of Flags of various types, (RBs Prussian and Russian flags and my "Ghost_Unit" changes, plus Mods I've done to the gfx.csv files to make some of the flags smaller).

So, I will be going back and creating a Game-type OOB, using basic items everyone will have. You will have to have RBs flagmod running, however. Give me a week on this. Gunship will have his Russians up and running soon so that will help some.

Some informational content here - I used Portuguese Fusiliers for Prussian Musketeer and Reserve Infantry Battalions. I used Wurttemburg Light Infantry for Prussian Fusiliers. I used Austrian Landwehr for the Prussian Landwehr Battalions AND the inevitable French Artillery filling in for the Prussian Batteries. French Generals are subbing in for the Prussians.

So, once more into the breach for OOB construction.

"Molon Labe"

Jack B)
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American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
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Re: 1813

Post by Zeke »


Good news and bad news - We have Prussians, thanks to RB's awesome flags. I have ground out an OOB based on the Armies at Dresden. I chose this Battle because it has ALL the allies in it, (except the Swedes - sorry Tank), Austrians, Russians and Prussians. The French had/have a high number of Imperial Guard troops on the field, mostly the Middle and Young Guard regiments, so I did those. I got carried away and did Kliests entire Prussian 2nd Corps, minus the Cavalry and some of the Arty, all 4 Brigades. (For those who don't know, a Prussian Brigade is roughly a Division-sized unit for other armies).

The bad news is - only I can use the OOB, due to the high concentration of changes to the troops. These consist mostly of Flags of various types, (RBs Prussian and Russian flags and my "Ghost_Unit" changes, plus Mods I've done to the gfx.csv files to make some of the flags smaller).

So, I will be going back and creating a Game-type OOB, using basic items everyone will have. You will have to have RBs flagmod running, however. Give me a week on this. Gunship will have his Russians up and running soon so that will help some.

Some informational content here - I used Portuguese Fusiliers for Prussian Musketeer and Reserve Infantry Battalions. I used Wurttemburg Light Infantry for Prussian Fusiliers. I used Austrian Landwehr for the Prussian Landwehr Battalions AND the inevitable French Artillery filling in for the Prussian Batteries. French Generals are subbing in for the Prussians.

So, once more into the breach for OOB construction.

"Molon Labe"

Jack B)
Hmm Nice guys looking forward to this ....1806 Jena and Auerstadt here we come!! B)
I only know two tunes...One's "Yankee Doodle" and the other one isn't!

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Jack ONeill
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Re: 1813

Post by Jack ONeill »

The attachment OOB_SB_NAP_1813_SR8.csv is no longer available
The attachment unitmodel_2013-06-04.csv is no longer available
The attachment unitglobal.csv is no longer available
The attachment gfx.csv is no longer available

Okay, now that I've pulled my head out, I think I've figured out how to post my existing OOB for y'all to use - as a Mod Folder. Duh.... As best I can tell, I've incorporated all the .csv files I've changed and RBs Flags files into their appropriate Folders.

So, will someone please download this mess and tell me if it runs? Thanks.

Now, what you get - Kliests 2nd Prussian Corps of 4 Infantry "Brigades" and a Cavalry Brigade of Cuirassiers for support. (Austrians of course with Prussian Flags.)Also, 2 Divisions of Russians in 2 seperate Corps of 1 Division each, (Don't blame me - that's how they were organized at Dresden in 1813). Then, there's the Austrians - 1 and a half Divisions of Infantry and a full Division of Cuirassiers in support, attached directly for a change. Rounds out to around 60,000 plus men and guns, lots of guns.

You also get Frenchmen - St. Cyrs XIV Corps, 3 Divisions on the filed with a Light Cavalry Division attached. These were the guys on the ground when the Allies showed up. You also get 4 Divisions of the Young Guard, in two Corps. Also, Grouchy's 3rd. Cavalry Corps, which should be Latour-Maubourgs 4th Cavalry Corps, but I didnt realize it until I was ready to post it just now. They still fit in. Lots of French Artillery, mostly Young Guard Batteries. Again, around 60,000 men, more or less.

You will notice the Allies have no flags on their guns. That would be the "Ghost_Unit" set up I came up with. (Hat-tip to DaV for the idea). I have become so used to them not being there, it weird to play the French, who still have them. Try it and see what you think.

Also, Hat-tip to Brother Tank for the idea to change the static flags the Commanders use to the smaller, wavy ones. I like them. Good call. Again, I have now been playing with them for long enough, the other way seems odd.

As always, I'm sure there are other things in there I've forgotten, but will remember them in time.

Enjoy, (I hope), and let me know what you think either way, especially if it doesn't work. As always, this folder has to be the last one on the bottom of the Mods list for everything to work.

"Molon Labe"

Jack B)

Okay, now that I've blathered on about this, the bloody thing won't post correctly.

So, we will try it a different way - first, make a folder and call it whatever so you recognize it. You will need a Logistics folder inside it and an OOBs Folder in it also. There are only 4 files to be placed in it, 3 in the Logistics folder and one in the OOBs Folder. You will need to run RBs Napoleonic Flags mod to get this to run right, to get the flags but I'm not sure whether it needs to be before the new one or after. Mine are all integrated. So, here are the files. I don't know why the folder won't post. I just did one the other day. Oh well...

[The extension csv has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

[The extension csv has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

[The extension csv has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

[The extension csv has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

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"Molon Labe"
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Re: 1813

Post by Ingles of the 57th »

Hi Jack.

I'm just a little bit puzzled regarding exactly what is "RB Napoleonic Flag Mod".

I have seen a vast outpouring of individual detailed flags from RB but was there a basic flag mod from which all these were to hang ?

I was assuming these new flags would eventually be incorporated into logistics and OOB files as appropriate but I clearly have got a bit confused.

Perhaps Reb Bugler could give us a quick master class on the choreography involved..

Geoff Laver Late of Her Britannic Majesty's 57th Regiment of Foot.
"Die hard, my men. Die hard the 57th."
Last words of Col Ingles commanding His Majesty's 57th Regiment of Foot at Albuhera 1811

Marshal Beresford wrote in his despatch "Our dead, particularly the 57th Regiment,were lying as they fought in the ranks, every wound in front"
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Re: 1813

Post by Ingles of the 57th »

Should I have read that as an abbreviation for "Bugles and Flags" Nap Version ?

Geoff Laver Late of Her Britannic Majesty's 57th Regiment of Foot
"Die hard, my men. Die hard the 57th."
Last words of Col Ingles commanding His Majesty's 57th Regiment of Foot at Albuhera 1811

Marshal Beresford wrote in his despatch "Our dead, particularly the 57th Regiment,were lying as they fought in the ranks, every wound in front"
Jack ONeill
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Re: 1813

Post by Jack ONeill »


Thanks for bringing that up. My fault entirely. The Mod you need for the flags is RB's Nap_Flags_Sets_1-5.7z. I always assume people know what I'm talking about. Doh...... (Half the time I don't know what I'm talking about).

I HAVE incorporated RBs flags into my Graphics folders to keep everything in one place AND so as not to have so many Mods activated. But, not everyone wants to do that.

"Molon Labe"

Jack B)
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

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Re: 1813

Post by RebBugler »


You must zip or rar the folder so it's one entity. Also, Firefox won't allow attachments, I use Chrome for this function.

Not sure what purpose that unitmodel_2013-06-04.csv serves, once renamed, unitmodel.csv won't compute.

If you use 'same named' IDs that are modded, then those must be prioritized lowest in Modifications for it reads from top to bottom, the said 'same named' IDs being read last, and thus utilized.

I suggest you build one mod containing all your Nap stuff, then just add OOBs or whatever as you go. As always, thanks for your contributions... :)
Bugles & Flags Gettysburg - Toolbar, Flags, Scenarios, and More...
Jack ONeill
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Re: 1813

Post by Jack ONeill »

RB, (and All),

The Unit_Model_06_04.csv is what you get when you change something in any .csv file. It changes the name to the last date anything in it was changed, so the name has to be changed back to a normally-named .csv file. I don't use Firefox. BUT I am using IxQuick now. THATS why it didn't post as a folder. I'll change back to Yahoo for that. Thanks RB.

Prioritized lowest is what I was trying to say. I'm going to shift back to yahoo right now and see if I can post it as a folder.

Jack B)

Okay, that pisses me off. just spent 15 minutes, (no lie), trying to upload the folder as a .rar. Pain in the ass. Going to try it again seperately from this post.

DAMN!!!! I HATE Dish network internet. Just got kicked out because it's 12:32 PM here (Sarcasm). Bloody marvelous. Must press on with this.
Last edited by Jack ONeill on Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
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