How many reenactors are here?

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Re: How many reenactors are here?

Post by JTolliver »

Hi there Jack. I see that you do must of your reenacting out west. I realize there are many different Civil War reenacting organizations, not only nationwide but also worldwide. I didn't really realize, but am very pleased to see that your unit(s) seem to be very organized. I also see that you, like myself, usually need to pack several different uniforms because you don't know what rank you are going to be until you actually get to the event and see how many as well as what "kind" of other reenactors show up.

I know you posted that you are retired but did you ever get a chance to come to any of the national events we have out here in the east? You know this is going to be a HUGE reenacting year in that it's the 150th anniversary of the 1863 battles.

Yr. Cmrad in Arms,
J.Tolliver (Taliaferro)
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Re: How many reenactors are here?

Post by JmCraz8 »

36th Va Co A member of Wises Legion.
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Re: How many reenactors are here?

Post by 13thnct »

And it looks like you guys even have your own artillery and cavalry units which makes you guys even more impressive.
Our cavalry is usually dismounted and Latham's battery was a relatively recent addition. Its actually been a retirement plan of sorts for several battalion members who no longer want to dog it in the ranks. Bill Potts and Donnie Taylor before him have been good at putting us where we have the most fun, though I can't say as I can name a single person higher up the coc in the ANV. Other than a stint as corporal and 2nd sergeant I've been a high private of the rear ranks for the past 1.5 decades and aim to keep it that way :lol: .
Jack ONeill
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Re: How many reenactors are here?

Post by Jack ONeill »


Only needed to pack one or two uniforms at most. All our rank/command positions are elected. You hold that rank for a year, at least. We go to events with the rank we have. No-one wings it out here. You MAY get a brevet promotion for the day, but generally not. I was in the 17th. Mississippi for just a couple of events in order to boost the Confederate ranks for a time. Our whole Company went over for that. (We still have the occasional idiot/FNG who will say..."Hey, do you need a General? I can do that.") No, you can't. No-one, I mean no-one, gets elected in the NCWA (anymore) who cannot do the job they are running for AND the next one up. You WILL be replaced, soon. What a lot of people don't realize is Reenacting is not a safe hobby. I have the damage to prove it. Also, the club organization is akin to the Lions club or the Elks or whatever. When you are elceted to something out here, you are actually running something. Most of the groups are 503C non-profits. If shit goes wrong, it up to you to unscrew it. It is that way back east, too, from what I understand.

Our Cavalry is both mounted and dismounted. 7th. Michigan, (mounted), and 2nd. Massachusetts, (Dismounted). The Rebs used to be both, but I think most of the mounted guys have retired, also.

The Federal Artillery Battery is horse-drawn. The Rebs are not. The Federal Guns are full scale. The Rebs are mostly not.

I fought thru the entire 125th Anniversary series back in the 80s in the 47th. VA. I flew back there for Saylors Creek and Appomattox at the end.

Still have my kit.

Jack B)
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
Armchair General
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Re: How many reenactors are here?

Post by Armchair General »

Company K with the 3rd U.S. Regulars.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.
Jack ONeill
Posts: 1892
Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:49 pm

Re: How many reenactors are here?

Post by Jack ONeill »

American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
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