Campaign using Gettysburg and Pipe Creek maps.

Here is where we discuss the official add-on packs for Scourge Of War: Gettysburg.
Group Captain Mandrake
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Campaign using Gettysburg and Pipe Creek maps.

Post by Group Captain Mandrake »

Not sure if anyone mentioned this before but you could have a pretty cool muyltiplayer campaign using the Gettysburg and Pipe Creek maps becaue of their physical proximity.

You would need an umpire and some march rules. It is my understanding it is not too much work to design a custom scenario if one already has the oob and map.. If this is not true then forget I mentioned it. :)

The idea is the intial dispositions are unknown to the opposing teams. They issue march orders and the umpire determines where the fight will be and makes the scenario. They fight, new orders issued, casualties carry over..lather, rinse, repeat.

Seems like you would need to make it a what-if scenario for balance....and limit the force sizes somewhat.

Maybe 1 or 2 Corps each side. Orders issued in a roll-play fashion..beards not required. Anyway..just an idea.
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Re: Campaign using Gettysburg and Pipe Creek maps.

Post by RebBugler »

This is doable, just no one's done it. Probably use the 5 mile Gburg map. Good idea, I was planning an SP version, but that's backburnered for now. Setting up MP scenarios is fast and easy, no reason why this project couldn't come to be,

DO IT. ;)
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Little Powell
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Re: Campaign using Gettysburg and Pipe Creek maps.

Post by Little Powell »

I have an MP Scenario creation tutorial I wrote up a while back for the team. I'll share it if anyone is interested in doing something like this. It's a lot easier than you might think if you have a little time and patience.
Group Captain Mandrake
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Re: Campaign using Gettysburg and Pipe Creek maps.

Post by Group Captain Mandrake »

Yes, please.

I just realized I started this thread in the worng section. Sorry about that.

I imagine the OOB tweak to change regmient/battery strength from casualties is not too complicated?

Rough draft of Gettysburg/Pipe Creek map positions and road network.
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Group Captain Mandrake
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Re: Campaign using Gettysburg and Pipe Creek maps.

Post by Group Captain Mandrake »

It's no wonder night marches were not often used. Every town in the region seems to have had a "Baltimore Pike" :)

I am beginning to rethink my Libertarian position on public roads. :)

The strategic purpose for the Union seems obvious. Keep the ANV out of Baltimore/Washington (no exit from the south edge of any of the Pipe Creek maps) and inflict superior casualties.

Seems also like the Reb force would need to have some rear-area concern to prevent them from showing up with their whole force on one of the Pipe Creek maps and smashing through to Baltimore.

Maybe they would have to control the Cashtown Pike exit from the Getysburg map to prevent the Union from getting behind the Blue Ridge and interdicting their LOC with Virginia.
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Re: Campaign using Gettysburg and Pipe Creek maps.

Post by Saddletank »

Not using these specific maps but the HITS group has run two campaigns recently, based on a nodal map system and with a casualty recovery tool used post-battle to adjusst losses to realistic levels, written by a forum member.

In effect its a simple 'paper and dice' system used by many wargamers but using SoW to fight the battles.
HITS & Couriers - a different and realistic way to play SoW MP.
Group Captain Mandrake
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Re: Campaign using Gettysburg and Pipe Creek maps.

Post by Group Captain Mandrake »

I'll check it out Saddle, thx
Group Captain Mandrake
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Re: Campaign using Gettysburg and Pipe Creek maps.

Post by Group Captain Mandrake »

I found the HITS invitation but not a campaign reference. Can you point me Saddle?
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Re: Campaign using Gettysburg and Pipe Creek maps.

Post by Blaugrana »

There is a sub-forum on the Kriegspiel forum for the 'Western Campaign' which is now winding down:

Some of these threads will give you a taste of the fun we've been having.
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