If I buy this thing......

Let's talk about Gettysburg! Put your questions and comments here.
Group Captain Mandrake
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Re: If I buy this thing......

Post by Group Captain Mandrake »

Well if you General as well as other red heads in history like William the Conqueror, Oliver Cromwell, George Washington, Napoleon, Marshal Ney, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh Sherman, George Armstrong Custer, and Dwight D. Eisenhower you should have nothing to worry about. Just don't let yourself get vastly outnumbered and surrounded on a hill.



Wait a minute. Custer had red hair?
Group Captain Mandrake
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Re: If I buy this thing......

Post by Group Captain Mandrake »

.......and then I try to do a mutliplayer game, will everyone run all over me and then mock my red hair and freckles? My question really is what level of proficiency is required to NOT be the red-headed stepchild in multipalyer?
I think most MP gamers are accepting of new players as long as everyone is honest about what they expect. I did a lot of MP gaming when I was younger, and because it was sort of a 'new' thing at the time, there was some bad behavior, but it was still tolerable.

I think it would be great if some of the forum mods or more experienced players would host a kind of "Forum Party" for newcomers, in which each side might be led by a senior commander and the newbies could learn about cooperative multiplayer communications and coordination. Sort of like a boot-camp, or a command and staff school, with hands-on, real-time experience. AARs from these sessions would probably make for some very interesting info, and with the game recording feature now featured, the commanding officer could offer voice-over commentary of the battle. That would be cool, and it's all doable! :) B)
Great idea. I did buy the game, BTW.
Group Captain Mandrake
Posts: 19
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Re: If I buy this thing......

Post by Group Captain Mandrake »

Welcome Group Captain Mandrake a pleasure to see the jolly boys in Royal Blue here ;)

I would definitely follow the advice given here.

First and foremost learn how to use the TC (take Command) control as in multiplayer there is alot more micro management of your units also learn to play from alot closer to your troops in the GCM we have the camera view set at a max of 200m from the saddle somewhat restricting your view while the guys that play HITS use a 2m setting giving a very much first person kind of view and this takes alot of getting used to..

As Baldwin says have a look here for nightly MP games www.sowmp.com
or if you fancy it and want to try more HITs then try http://forum.kriegsspiel.org.uk/
Good advice, sir. What size battle should I practice with?
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Re: If I buy this thing......

Post by FLGibsonJr »

Custer had what we would call today a strawberry blonde version of red hair and lots of freckles as well.
Last edited by FLGibsonJr on Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: If I buy this thing......

Post by Jonah »

Welcome Group Captain Mandrake a pleasure to see the jolly boys in Royal Blue here ;)

I would definitely follow the advice given here.

First and foremost learn how to use the TC (take Command) control as in multiplayer there is alot more micro management of your units also learn to play from alot closer to your troops in the GCM we have the camera view set at a max of 200m from the saddle somewhat restricting your view while the guys that play HITS use a 2m setting giving a very much first person kind of view and this takes alot of getting used to..

As Baldwin says have a look here for nightly MP games www.sowmp.com
or if you fancy it and want to try more HITs then try http://forum.kriegsspiel.org.uk/
Good advice, sir. What size battle should I practice with?
Just start small with say brigade size battles get used.to the controls especially the take command learn what it does when you turn it on or off.
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