3 Days in 7 Hours Reb Scores:

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the reb
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3 Days in 7 Hours Reb Scores:

Post by the reb »

Well I ended up with 3599, a draww...I had nothing left. I went somewhat with the historical assualt, less Pickett's charge. Took Cementry Hill end of second day, but then all hell broke out. Was this fun, best Gettyburg Civil War scenario against an AI I ever played.....Thanks RebBugler, this took alot of work.
I can't wait to play it again as I might take Longstreets approach? I don't know, but I aon't taking the front door?

the reb,
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Re: 3 Days in 7 Hours Reb Scores:

Post by RebBugler »

Yeah Reb, not an easy mission, as the Yanks keep on a coming. I scripted this as historically as I could make it. Once I played it several times I concluded that if the Rebs had taken Culps Hill and Cemetery Hill, the Yanks would build up their forces, still filtering in, then assault in full. So, to win this one, take those Hills, there will be a lull, resupply and get your batteries up there, then give em Hell when they come at you. If you go after them and leave your high ground, you're toast, you're too outnumbered. Once you break the main assaults, use Stuart's cavalry to go after their artillery reserve. It's risky, but if you're clever enough, there's lots of points to be had there. USE THE WOODS!

Also, in the south, take and fortify the Round Tops. Be patient, stay there, you'll have your hands full sooner or later.

Bottom Line...Grab the High Ground and hold it, then, if successful, those Major Victory points will come your way. No need for objectives with this one, the high ground provides for those points via successful engagements.

Thanks for the plug, and good luck in winning it next time...FOR THE SOUTH AND THE REWRITING OF HISTORY. ;) :)
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Bloody 8th
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Re: 3 Days in 7 Hours Reb Scores:

Post by Bloody 8th »

Aw man I gotta try this one.
the reb
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Re: 3 Days in 7 Hours Reb Scores:

Post by the reb »

Hey Bloody 8th....

You will love this one.....

One thing you can do (or at leasrt I'm doing it next try) is to ignore the 7 Hour Time Limit, plan, and take your time implementing the plan. The battle can continue beyond the 7 hours.

Good Luck, watch out for the third day......

the reb,
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Re: 3 Days in 7 Hours Reb Scores:

Post by Bloody 8th »

Do they change the days by it becomes night on the screen?
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Re: 3 Days in 7 Hours Reb Scores:

Post by RebBugler »

Do they change the days by it becomes night on the screen?
Sorry, but when this was designed the Day to Night scripting wasn't available.

However, since there is renewed interest here, I could probably get this done today and throw it in the DRF version of this scenario. Changing all the scenarios would not happen until at least one is done and tested, then I can follow up with the others.

So, I'll get one version done today, you'll have to copy it into Bugles and Flags, and agree to consider it as a test prototype.
Last edited by RebBugler on Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 3 Days in 7 Hours Reb Scores:

Post by RebBugler »

OK, attached is the edited version with night transitions added between days. This must be played from the Bugles and Flags mod. Unzip into the Bugles and Flags Scenario folder and overwrite previous scenario, or rename the original first to preserve it if you wish, recommended just in case the new version errors out.

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the reb
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Re: 3 Days in 7 Hours Reb Scores:

Post by the reb »

Hey Rebugler,

I was going to ask if you could increase the hours to like 12 hours, but that's alot of work. But while I'm at it, how about some cows, chickens, and citizens......No, I am thankful for what you have done.

the reb.....
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Re: 3 Days in 7 Hours Reb Scores:

Post by RebBugler »

Hey Rebugler,

I was going to ask if you could increase the hours to like 12 hours, but that's alot of work. But while I'm at it, how about some cows, chickens, and citizens......No, I am thankful for what you have done.

the reb.....
I might consider increasing the hours down the line, you're right, that's a lot of work. For my next effort here, I have in requests to do a strictly historical version, with historical objectives. So, for example, Pickett's Charge would be mandatory as it follows the historic flow. Also, this will be a three scenario carryover, but unlike the one already designed because the end positions for each day would not carry over, end positions would be historic.

Animals and stuff, that's mapmaker duties, gotta yank their chains for those requests.
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the reb
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Re: 3 Days in 7 Hours Reb Scores:

Post by the reb »

Hey RebBugler,

I have so much respect for Scenario Designers, map makers, you name it. As I mentioned before, I did many for TS and HPS which probably does not even hold a candle to SOW? Similiar though....

it's debate night....later
the reb....
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