New Maps

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Beef Stu
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New Maps

Post by Beef Stu »

My appreciation goes out to all who have been making new maps for us to play. I still get enjoyment from the old maps but not much beats new ground to shed blood on. With the release of Secessionville single player me is very happy. Multi player me is still wondering when he we will get some usable maps?

As i said i am very pleased with the new content but out of the last 3 maps released 2 of them are alllllllll swamp. Sure we can play them, but honestly 6-20 players don't want to tread water for 10-15 minutes . Even the Potomac river an the Antietam map had to be taken out so we could properly enjoy that map. If anyone could , i ask please could we get a decent sized map where the whole map can be used not just 1/4 of the ground present.

edit: i must have clicked the wrong category, could this topic be moved to a more appropriate category.
Last edited by Beef Stu on Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Little Powell
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Re: New Maps

Post by Little Powell »

Secessionville was a map that I have always wanted to do, and I released it as a freebie to commemorate the 150th anniversary, as well as a way to say thanks for the continued support for NSD. But as far as an MP map, yes much of it is water but it can actually make a really fun MP scenario if the troops are in their historic starting positions (like they are in the included SP scenarios)... Sandbox, it's not so good because 9 times out of 10, someone is going start in the water.

But to answer your question, more maps are in the works.. Just stay tuned. :)
Last edited by Little Powell on Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ingles of the 57th
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Re: New Maps

Post by Ingles of the 57th »

I tried the new map yesterday and started the Sandbox with my entire Division enmired in the swamp. More like a Swampbox. No General, with the notable exception of those buffoons at Paschendaele in 1917, would knowingly set-up their positions in such a place.

If SOW GB can avoid buildings on opening, can it not also avoid selecting impracticable places to set down troops. This is a major weakness of an otherwise splendid game. Opening positions take no notice whatsoever of the terrain type or configuration. I usually take the first ten minutes of any sandbox game trying to get my Brigades into plausible positions out of lakes and rivers and off of precipitous mountain slopes.

I would happily wait a few extra minutes for the game to start while a pre-game AI did its stuff a bit better. Alternatively give the player a few free minutes to sort things out before the enemy starts to march.

Geoff Laver Late of Her Majesty's 57th Regiment of Foot
"Die hard, my men. Die hard the 57th."
Last words of Col Ingles commanding His Majesty's 57th Regiment of Foot at Albuhera 1811

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Ingles of the 57th
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Re: New Maps

Post by Ingles of the 57th »

I just noticed that most of my observations were covered in the other thread on the new maps. Perhaps I should read everything before replying rather than 'leaping in' too soon.

The map itself is superb .... great job. Swamps and water are fine, they exist so let's have them. .... fight your battle round them to your advantage. But I would like control of where my troops are at the start. Would it not be possible as an option in Sandbox to allocate an 'area' for deployment and then allow the player the ability to place progressively all units within that area and to start only when this is done.
"Die hard, my men. Die hard the 57th."
Last words of Col Ingles commanding His Majesty's 57th Regiment of Foot at Albuhera 1811

Marshal Beresford wrote in his despatch "Our dead, particularly the 57th Regiment,were lying as they fought in the ranks, every wound in front"
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Little Powell
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Re: New Maps

Post by Little Powell »

I just noticed that most of my observations were covered in the other thread on the new maps. Perhaps I should read everything before replying rather than 'leaping in' too soon.

The map itself is superb .... great job. Swamps and water are fine, they exist so let's have them. .... fight your battle round them to your advantage. But I would like control of where my troops are at the start. Would it not be possible as an option in Sandbox to allocate an 'area' for deployment and then allow the player the ability to place progressively all units within that area and to start only when this is done.
Yes, as I have mentioned in the Secessionville thread, it is on our to-do list to either have an option to choose where you start, or have areas that are off limits (water, etc.).
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Re: New Maps

Post by Willard »

My vote would be to release the CWBR and TC2M maps for the community.
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Re: New Maps

Post by cliometrician »

I have visited the site of the Battle of Secessionville, and I am very pleased with the map, swamps and all. Great work!
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Re: New Maps

Post by Saddletank »

In giving another answer to Beef Stu (though forgive me if I'm wromg) my understanding is that the GCM group do not play on the 3 Pipe Creek maps. You guys really should, they are all fantastic maps, big and with numerous interesting tactical positions.
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Re: New Maps

Post by Garnier »

We've said this before, only half the players bought them. So to play on them means excluding the rest.
Play Scourge of War Multiplayer!
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Marching Thru Georgia
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Re: New Maps

Post by Marching Thru Georgia »

Garnier wrote:
We've said this before, only half the players bought them. So to play on them means excluding the rest.
Then the other half need to be encouraged to buy them. It's only $9.99. As Saddletank wrote, they are great maps to fight on.
I can make this march and I will make Georgia howl.
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