
A.S. Johnston
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Re: Ancestors

Post by A.S. Johnston »

I have the easiest of all: my ancestors who were from the North hadn't yet arrived. My ancestors from the South all were hung as horse theives and cattle rustlers, except one who rode with Hood and was killed - after siring my paternal grandfather - in late 1866 in a dispute over whose horse he was riding. :laugh:
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Re: Ancestors

Post by Jim »

I have found a total of 5 ancestors who were in various Vermont Infantry regiments. One was at Gettysburg in the 14th VT of Stannard's brigade. He was a 43 year old butcher born in Ireland who joined a 9 month regiment to avoid the draft. Picked up a minor wound from shrapnel on the afternoon of the 3rd but otherwise came out of the battle OK. Returned to Vermont a few weeks later and resumed life with a new scar and some stories I wish had made it into the family archives. One of his daughters ended up marrying another ancestor who was in the 6th Vermont from its inception and was seriously wounded at Chancellorsville. He was invalided out and returned to Vermont as well.

"My God, if we've not got a cool brain and a big one too, to manage this affair, the nation is ruined forever." Unknown private, 14th Vermont, 2 July 1863
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Re: Ancestors

Post by SouthernSteel »

I have to look to get specifics (my memory isn't so great), but I had at least two ancestors serve the Confederacy, one in the Confederate Navy. I'm more familiar with a paternal ancestor's involvement in the Texan War of Independence - we still own the original land and the original house he built in the 1830s.

Me an' JC gotta represent the Confederacy some way or another. Buncha damn Yankees in here, shoulda known :evil:
"The time for compromises is past, and we are now determined to maintain our position and make all who oppose us smell Southern powder, feel Southern steel."
Jefferson Davis, 1861
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Re: Ancestors

Post by bedbug »

Yup, even more Yankees. B)

My most well known relative in the Civil War was probably Capt. Richard Waterman who commanded battery C 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery for much of the war and saw service through many a fight.

Quite a list:
35th Georgia
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Re: Ancestors

Post by 35th Georgia »

My Great Great Grandaddys on both sides of the family were in the CSA. Two made it home and the other was wounded and died, buried in VA. He was in the 50th GA. I spent alot of time with my Grandaddy on my dads side and as he was born in 1885 he knew folks who fought in the war. I also felt it odd that I shook hands with someone who shook hands with someone who fought in the Civil War.
"To walk into to almost certain death is insane,to do it with honor is heroic."
Armchair General
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Re: Ancestors

Post by Armchair General »

I had one ancestor killed at Gettysburg and is buried there (Monroe Quint, 17th ME Infantry)

Another ancestor of mine, Alonzo Hall Quint, was the Chaplain of the 2nd MA Infantry and wrote their regimental history.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.
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Re: Ancestors

Post by NCDefendersD »

I have a very long list of ancestors- mostly from Union and Stanly counties in North Carolina all who fought for the Confederacy.

Pvt. William Hinson- Co. K 28th NC
Pvt. Jacob Gurley- Co. E 37th NC
Lieutenant James Green- Co. I 53rd NC
Pvt. Harrel Hinson- Co. H 42nd NC

Pvt. Kenneth M. Dees Co. D 37th NC
Pvt. William Dees Co. D 37th NC
Pvt. Bryant W. Dees Co. A 48th NC
Pvt. Hartwell Dees Co. A 48th NC
Pvt. Clement A. Dees Co. B 43rd NC
Pvt. James B. Dees Co. B 43rd NC
Pvt. John T. Dees Co. A 27th NC

Pvt. Robert W. Hinson Co. A 48th NC
Sgt. Wade Hinson Co. C 42nd NC
Pvt. John W. Hinson Co. C 42nd NC
Pvt. Goodin Hinson Co. C 42nd NC
Pvt. Jeremiah Hinson Co. I 53rd NC
Pvt. Aaron Hinson Co. I 53rd NC
Pvt. Isaac Hinson Co. I 52nd NC
Pvt. James Hinson Co. H 18th NC
Pvt. Joshua Hinson Co. H 18th NC
Sgt. Rowan M. Hinson Co. C 42nd NC
Pvt. George W. Hinson Co H 42nd NC
Pvt. Joseph M. Hinson Co K 28th NC
Pvt. Linsey Hinson Co. B 5th NC
Pvt. Doctor F. Hinson Co I 52nd NC
Pvt. Archibald M. Hinson Co. C 42nd NC
Pvt. Hadley Hinson Co. F 2nd FL
Pvt. George Hinson Co. K 8th VA
Lieutenant Joseph L. Hinson Co M 6th AL
Sgt. Abner Hinson Co. D 5th TX

Pvt. Tilman Gurley Co. D 37th NC
Pvt. William D. Gurley Co.I 37th NC

Pvt. Tilmon Hathcock Co. H 14th NC
Pvt. Jesse Hathcock Co. H 14th NC

Pvt. Hastings M. Hatley Co D 28th NC
Pvt. John Hatley Co. D 28th NC
Pvt. Isaac W. Hatley Co F 29th NC
Pvt. Guilford W. Hatley Co H 8th NC
Pvt. Alfred Hatley Co. I 52nd NC
Pvt. Elmon L. Hatley Co K 28th NC
Pvt. John Hatley Co. K 28th NC

I also have a few union soldiers as well- just 2 that I know of at this point.

Pvt. Asahel G. Larkin Co. F 12th Rhode Island
Lieutenant George F. Larking Co. C 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery
NC Defenders- Company D 37th NC- Lane's Brigade- The Light Division
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