Artillery Control

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Artillery Control

Post by born2see »

I was going to post this in another topic on moving artillery but the discussion was way over my pay grade.

My question is:

I'm playing "On to the Round Tops" and someone who shall remain nameless suggested moving the arty if I was having problems. Well I'm always having problems so I decided to move them. What I discovered was that Latham's battery unlimbered immediately and began firing at at a target 472 yards away. Reilly stayed limbered with the same target at ~770 yards. When I looked at the battlescript.csv file the only orders were to detach for both of them.

All I want to do is have them limber up, move where I tell them, and await further orders. I tried to TC both Latham and Reilly but it didn't stick. It's frustrating to futz around with this stuff while the clock is ticking.

I know I asked this question in another topic re: infantry but I think this is different because I can't see who is pulling the strings behind the scenes. I could really use Toto right about now. That's a Wizard of Oz reference not the band. ;)

Thanks as usual
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Re: Artillery Control

Post by born2see »

I think I answered my own question. As an IT guy I learned long ago if you wait long enough to respond, the user will sometimes figure out the problem themselves.

I TC'd the commander, ordered him to limber, and selected "Hold Fire". Now if I can just get them to their destination...
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Re: Artillery Control

Post by RebBugler »

Say what? Just TC the battery CO and go. They auto limber and obey move commands as long as the CO is TC'd. It's unTC'd Cos that resist commands once they sight a target. Another thing, the only time to TC a gun is to move it in or out of musket range, once TC'd, they're defenseless, so get the TC off as soon as possible.

To get the most out of arty I always TC the officers. The guns always obey movement commands and sit still better, but you gotta watch them and micromanage for their well being.
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Re: Artillery Control

Post by born2see »

Just TC the battery CO and go. They auto limber and obey move commands as long as the CO is TC'd. It's unTC'd Cos that resist commands once they sight a target.
Sorry RB. I could have sworn I did that but the game doesn't lie. Didn't mean to ask a stupid question. I try not to...
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Re: Artillery Control

Post by Marching Thru Georgia »

As Reb says, TC'd battery commanders will always bring their arty with them. You could also try the 'Attach' button to bring them back under your command. But for the RoundTop scenario you don't really need the arty. You have overwhelming numbers. So use mob tactics against the enemy.
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