Maps and game terrain

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Re:Maps and game terrain

Post by pcelt »

I still think it is a murky area--not in battle movement and close tactics but in long marches
I was referring specifically to long distance march planning (sandbox). I ,as the brigade or Div commander have on occasions set off to follow the map and have come to areas where the marked road is not there or there is another road somewhere else which is not on the map.I have to backtrack or take a risk that an unmarked route is leading to my desired destination .
I contrast this with other experiences where I have had the company of a senior officer not in or under my command . He usually sets off alone before the fighting unit and I have noticed over a long period that he unerringly heads for and reaches the objective with no route-finding problem.My point is that if he, as an AI leader, has this consistent route "knowldge" so must the other AI leaders on the opposing side.
Incidentally I have never understood why in SB battles eg Brig v Brig there needs to be a Div Commander present who does this independent ride to the objective--arrives before the fighting units and is either promptly killed (along with a score of spawned replacements) or gets to the enemy rear and just swans about with the enemy superior officers. I have in fact sent in reports on this unrealistic and bizarre bit of behaviour --along with several savegames and was hoping that the behaviour of these superior officers might be elminated or modified.
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Re:Maps and game terrain

Post by norb »

The reason for the div comm and corp comm in those battles is because they are the ones that know how to do strategic planning. I have specific roles for each level of AI and that is their role.

As far as them getting there first and getting killed, that is a bug and hopefully if you have submitted saves showing this, will get fixed. Thank you.
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Re:Maps and game terrain

Post by pcelt »

Thanks Norb---I have actually felt uneasy and guilty throughout writing this thread because it sounds
as though I am very unappreciative of the game.But the reverse is true--I think this is a brilliantly conceived and presented game and on the whole I really love the way the AI works.It is just that in 1 or 2 situations like the one alluded to above the behaviour seeme unconvincing and bizarre and so out of keeping with the rest of the game behaviour that it is important to assess it and modify if necessary.
Many thanks
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Re:Maps and game terrain

Post by norb »

We have some of your saves in our database, saw them last night, so thank you. I should be able to look at this issue starting tonight.
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Re:Maps and game terrain

Post by Los »

I do enjoy reading in various threads the differing levels of discomfort some players have without being able to be in total control of their situation. I see guys that try and TC every unit under their control, :dry: guys that are uncomfortable w the vagaries of the courier system, :blink: guys that dismayed that there aren't googlemaps available to them as commanders :S

Hopefully this brings some very small measure of appreciation of the difficulties our real life ancestors faced. Thanks Norb! were faced with...

Last edited by Los on Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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